Saturday, April 26, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
i can breathe.
The subtle jealousy that stirred in me when I realized that I had not written the following words are profoundly overshadowed by the joy I feel in having discovered them...
"I think the brightest parts of my life, the tallest and strongest and most deeply true, (are) shaped by music. Sometimes, the shape is a map, outlines and gradients and a little marker for where I am now, a trail of colour for where I was before. The shape of past songs cuts a dotted line through my life. Sometimes, it's a pounding out, an interruption to argue and open things up, to open me up. Songs can shock me into wakefulness like nothing else can. Songs can get through. They shape me by force. They shape me by interjection.
And sometimes, just sometimes, a song will shape me by carving out the space for a moment like that…I sit in the shape of the song, the shape the song has opened out, and I can breathe." - Elaine of Fabulist!
Yes, oh yes, Elaine.
Thank you.
(her full post can and should be read here.)
Friday, April 18, 2008
the dreams that you dare to dream.

And a really-do-come-true weekend to you all.
My interpretation of A Faerie Tale Told for The Photo Trade.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
me and my bindi.
I had the loveliest and most beautiful friend when I lived in Australia long ago. She was American but had Mexican and Spanish blood in her veins. She dressed very simply but with the utmost style. She would sometimes wear a bindi. It looked most natural and beautiful resting there on her luminescent olive skin. Up above those perfectly shaped ruby red lips. I wished then - and all these fourteen years since then - that I could pull off the wearing of such an adornment but always felt I would look absurd.
And then, two weekends ago, I did it - I bought one of my own. I do not know if I will ever leave the house with it on. But I own it. And I will rock it right here in my house if I have to. And think of lovely Brenda. If only I knew how to find her again...
Monday, April 14, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Woo - I've been out of pocket, huh? I was away to journey with my dear friend Mary over a long weekend and then Pickleboy has been Spring breaking it this week. We decided to head in to the Annie Leibovitz exhibit at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco on Tuesday.
They wouldn't allow photos of her stuff so instead you get these...
Pretty awesome as well. The glass sculptures are by Dale Chihuly. I wouldn't necessarily want these pieces in my personal collection - not like I have a personal collection - but they are magnificent. How in the heck does he do these on such a huge scale? Can you imagine what it must be like to ship them? And what a photo op they are!
There was also this fantastic section in the museum of 17th and 18th century art, glass, and furnishings. This final blurry shot of us was taken into an incredibly old mirror. Now, I can imagine having that chandelier in my collection :)
I hope you are enjoying Spring as much as we are. It is supposed to be 80 degrees in our town this weekend. Unseasonably warm for San Francisco and I'll take it.
Happy weekending to you, too, yes?