This sleeve accomodates my iPad 2, with the smart cover, with room to spare--which is perfect, because there is a big pocket on the front where I stow a stylus, pen and pencil, and a notebook. Everything fits just right!
Button-Down iPad Sleeve using the BERNINA 380

You might be shocked to hear this, but in all my years of sewing, I've never made a buttonhole on a sewing machine...until today! I expected it to be hard to master, but I discovered that making a buttonhole on the BERNINA 380 isn't just easy, it is RIDICULOUSLY EASY!!

I decided to make a sleeve for my iPad that closes with a button-down flap. I started the flap by cutting a piece of striped fabric approximately 5" x 6". I added two layers of iron-on interfacing to it so the flap would be nice and firm. To make a template for the curve at the end of the flap, I folded a piece of paper, measuring 4" x 2", in half lengthwise, and rounded the end. Then I trace it once onto the interfacing, near the edge, leaving a 1/4" seam allowance. I folded the fabric in half, right sides together, and then sewed on my drawn line.

I used presser foot #20, the embroidery foot, because the front of the foot is completely open, making it easy to sew exactly on the line I had drawn. After sewing the entire line, I trimmed away excess fabric, turned the flap right-side-out, pressed it, and topstitched 1/4" from the edge all the way around.

Now for the exciting part: the buttonhole!! The BERNINA 380 has numbered buttons with pictures of the stitches above them. I pressed "0", which the machine calls "10", as you can see in the picture below. It also tells me to use foot #3 (which has a big buttonhole attachment, it's a few pictures down...we'll get to it!)

There's one more thing to do to prepare for a buttonhole: when loading the bobbin, you have to run the thread through this little eye in the bobbin case. It adds a little more tension and makes for a prettier buttonhole!

Next, position your button on your fabric, and make a small mark at the top and bottom of the button.

Position the fabric so that the top mark is directly under the needle. (Here's the buttonhole foot I mentioned earlier!) Now all you do is step on the pedal and sew down to the second mark you made on the fabric. Stop, and press the "quick reverse" button one time. That tells the machine the length of your buttonhole. Now just step on the pedal and watch as the machine sews the other side and the top and bottom tacks of the buttonhole. Cool!!

It was easy to use an X-Acto knife to cut the buttonhole open.

Perfect fit! I love it!! I'm going to use buttonholes on everything from now on! But first, let's finish this iPad sleeve!

All seams are 1/4", unless otherwise specified.
For the outside front and back, cut 2 green pieces 8" x 9 1/2", and two striped pieces 4" x 9 1/2". Sew one striped piece to the top (9 1/2") side of each green piece; these finished outer pieces will measure 11 1/2" x 9 1/2". Press, and apply iron-on batting, cut slightly smaller than the finished outside pieces.
If you want to make a pocket on the front like I did, cut two pieces of the green fabric 8" x 9 1/2". Apply fusible interfacing to both pieces, then sew the top seam ONLY, right-sides together. Turn right-side-out, press, and top stitch 1/4" away from the top edge.
For the lining, cut two pieces of the striped fabric 11 1/4" x 9 1/2" (yes, the lining is slightly shorter than the outside, to make a better fit). I love to use interfacing, so I applied light-weight fusible interfacing to both lining pieces.
To assemble the sleeve, start by machine-basting the pocket onto the lower edge of the front piece, and machine-baste the buttonhole flap onto top center of the back piece.

Now, layer one piece of lining on top of each outer piece. Sew the piece together along the top edge ONLY. Flip the lining up, and press the seam flat. Your fabrics should now look like the picture below. The front is on the left, the back is on the right.

Now flip the back section onto the top section, right sides together, and pin them together. Sew all around all four sides, leaving a 4" section unsewn in the bottom of the lining, for turning. After sewing, trim off excess fabric from the corners, and turn the sleeve right-side-out.

Fold in the raw edges of the opening and press. Sew the opening closed, very close to the edge of the fabric.

Now just push the lining into the sleeve and smooth it out. Press the whole thing well, then top-stitch 1/4" from the edge. Sew on your button, and you are DONE!! Great job!