I want to send a special thank you to Sally of http://stitchingplace.blogspot.com/ for the lovely L*K chart and embellishments she sent me for my birthday. I am taking this to mean that I can join her and Chris on 1st December SAL. Thank you Sally I was so thrilled when I opened this up.
Sally also received the chart below as part of a giveaway and she has passed it onto me to stitch and then I will then pass it onto Hazel when I have stitched it. Thank you again Sally I am looking forward to stitching this, my first ever Blackbird design.
I was also lucky enough to win a giveaway from Vicky at http://nswvml.blogspot.com/. This week I received the package below. Thank you Vicky. The picture does not do the fabric justice, it is gorgeous. I am looking forward to stitching this.
I think my postman may have earned his wages just coming to my house this week lol.
And finally, the only thing I have stitched on this week is LHN Belle Pepper. I don't know what happened this week but I haven't touched Temptation and my only excuse is that life got in the way as I have had the week off work and have been visiting family, shopping with my mum and sister and clearing out my wardrobe! Who knew I had sooooo many clothes lol.
I had planned to stitch "Christmas" instead of Belle Pepper right up until the minute I started when I realised I would only be able to have it on the wall at Christmas time so left it as Belle Pepper now it can be on the wall all year round.
Thank you again to everyone who visits and leaves comments it really does make my day.
Until next time, happy stitching
Lesleyanne xxx