Showing posts with label Ariadne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ariadne. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Ariadne SAL

After finishing L*K Halloween ABCs it was time to get HAED Ariadne out for the SAL weekend.  I do try to stitch on her for a week rather than just the weekend so probably got her out on Wednesday.  Quite pleased with my progress but of course would have liked time to do more and finish the page.

Ariadne by Rachel Anderson charted by Heaven and Earth Designs
Stitched on 18ct Magic Guide Aida 

I'll let you into a little secret - Ariadne has the odd grey hair!  The last 1000 stitches I had left are all confetti stitches hence the reason I didn't get the page finished.

This week I will be working on Elisa's RR which will be my last one but it has been fun.

Until next time, happy stitching

Love Lesleyanne

Monday, 16 July 2012

Page 2 Finished

I have finished page 2 of Ariadne (HAED).  I am really enjoying this project and find it very therapeutic.  Although my husband asked me if I was fed up with purple because he was lol.  He thinks I should be stitching blue for his Chelsea Football Club logo he is after.  Apparently I have stitched for everybody else and not him and this is his design of choice.  My youngest son then said he wanted a WWE logo.  I think I could be busy stitching christmas presents this year in secret.

I will be stitching on my ornament SAL with Angela this week and by some miracle I have also managed to tie it in with the Christmas All Year Round SAL that I joined back in January and haven't managed to complete one yet!

Well the weather here continues to be dismal but I am hoping as it is the school holidays and the Olympics soon that it will improve especially as we will be going on holiday for a week.

Until next time, happy stitching

Love Lesleyanne

Monday, 11 June 2012

Finished Page 1!

I have finally finished my first page on my HAED Ariadne which I am stitching as part of an SAL.  This page has taken about a month with a little bit of other stitching mixed in as well.

I have also finished my monthly ornament for my SAL with Angela.  I haven't taken a picture of it as you can tell from my Ariadne picture they are not coming out very well due to the awful weather we are having here.

I have today received Angela's Round Robin and am really looking forward to stitching on it and I have also picked up Robert's baby sampler today from the framer but can't show that until he has received it so lots of pictures next time.

I will be drawing my giveaway next Sunday so you still have time to enter.

Until next time, happy stitching

Lesleyanne xx

Monday, 28 May 2012

Thank you all for your kind comments regarding my shoulder.  It is much better although I do get the very odd twinge.  I have managed to stitch a little in the last week and have been working on my HAED Ariadne. I am hoping to get the first page finished next time I pick her up.  This week I will be stitching on my Ornament SAL with Angela but won't be able to show it for a couple of weeks as my mum, dad and sister are going to Ireland and taking my camera with them.

You still have time to enter my giveaway on the post below.  I am hoping to sort some more charts out to go with it when I have some time off this week.

Until next time, happy stitching

Love Lesleyanne

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Ariadne SAL

Here is my progress on my Ariadne SAL on Facebook.  I stitched on her Monday to Monday using 18 ct magic guide aida 2 x 1.  I am pleased with my progress and hope to stitch on her later on in May.

This week I am working some more on my Round Robin piece as the mailing date is getting nearer and as it is IHSW, click the link if you want to join, I am hoping to work on my Ornament SAL with Angela.

Come back next week as I am going to have a giveaway for my blogaversary and 200+ followers and have something a little special to offer but more about that next week.

Until next time, happy stitching

Lesleyanne xxx

Monday, 19 March 2012

Lots to Share!

First up today I want to show you the gorgeous giveaway I won from Denise. The box arrived on Saturday and I was stunned to find all these lovely gifts. Thank you very Denise, I will enjoy it all.

I have been stitching away last week on my SAL with Angela and am really pleased with my progress. Still quite a bit to stitch on it but I am enjoying it. Sorry for the hoop marks.

This is my Tusal for March. Lots of orts from my Easter projects, SAL and my new start.

It was International Hermit and Stitch Weekend this past weekend and having signed up for SAL on Facebook to stitch a new Heaven and Earth Design I thought I would get a little practice in by stitching on one I have had for quite a while and had never plucked up the courage before.

It is a mini called Be Good for Goodness Sake by Dona Gelsinger. Below is a picture of what it will look like when its finished, hopefully and also my progress picture.

I have joined Kathy's SAL on Facebook to stitch this gorgeous design called Ariadne by Rachel Anderson starting in May. I am really looking forward to stitching this in rotation with my other stitching.

Until next time, happy stitching

Lesleyanne xxx