To all my hair clients..don't panic at these pictures..I know it looks like a mess still..but alot is going to happen over the next few days.
My wet station comes was supposed to be here the 20th..I have not idea why and apparently neither does the shipping supervisor when I "asked" him that yesterday..
I had to get my feathers up with him alittle..but it is on its way (it better be for his sake)
Once the plumbers install it then I can start putting everything in.
I had issues with my phone number also..but I won't bore anyone with those new number is 323-HAIR..I'm excited about getting that..I can't believe it really..I tried to get HAIR back in 1989 but it wasn't available so I took CUTS..but finally I got it!
I have been touching up paint and cleaning..Chris has been doing the concrete parking and cleaning up the outside.
Tomorrow he still has alot to do for me inside..hanging some cabinets and shelves in the back room for one..stuff like that.
He has been a crazy man doing all that and going back and forth working on the other house he is is in the finish stage also.
Just think next week he gets to "relax" and watch Carter for a few days..thats a piece of cake job..right Mother's?!?!
Anyway I have managed to make some new things..a couple are not listed yet but will be soon!