Monday, June 21, 2021

Miscarriage musings

If there is a point at which miscarriage becomes easy, it must be somewhere beyond the number 5. Yesterday I started bleeding & today it was confirmed.

I used to think that our losses were so hard because of how far along we were with the two that we named.  But this one was our earliest loss and it's still so sad. It's so easy to cry and so hard to find energy to be a fun mom. We were thrilled to have this happy secret. Truly full of joy! I loved the thought of another birth, another sweet baby, and another cute toddler. (Ava is at such an adorable stage!)

It's funny how my attitude about announcing pregnancy has evolved. The traditional wisdom of course is not to announce too early. But after going through a miscarriage I thought that was rather bad advice. It seems to reinforce the idea that a miscarriage is something taboo that you shouldn't talk about. Grief is already isolating, why make that worse by keeping the pregnancy to yourselves? Yet because we have a large family, I haven't told people about our last two pregnancies. It's kind of a counter-cultural choice to have a lot of kids so I know people don't understand why we would even want another. Also, I don't see a purpose in letting my kids know and making them sad when another baby doesn't grow. 

And so, I cry alone & try my best to be normal around my kids. But the great thing about having faith is that I believe God is my Heavenly Father and that He knows my heart. He can share in my hope and joys. And even when I otherwise feel alone, He can share my grief. He has a lot of children! He gets it. He understands my longing. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021


I'm so thankful for my sister in law watching our kids this week so we could have a much needed get away. It has been so nice after the stress of covid to get a breather!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

You are what you eat

What a year 2020 has been. The pandemic has made life busier for me with school being at-home learning. Kids miss their friends & activities. But we've tried to make the best of it & are happy to celebrate Christmas and welcome a new year!

Troy's dad passed away this summer. Luckily, his care facility allowed visitors again shortly before, so Troy and his 2 siblings could be by his side the last few days of his life.
And today I cracked up when I found this little one helping herself to a treat.😁 If you are what you eat, she'll always be sweet! Sending love to our family and friends. Many happy wishes to you all!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Super baby & super siblings

Quick update on everyone... D is playing in the marching band again. He's now 16, loved going to BYU for a youth seminar, & is preparing for his dream of becoming a pilot.
Hanna is officially a teenager now. All year we've been going to different Drs for eye problems. She had surgery in May. She plays flute, piano, & tinkers with ukulele. She's sweet, smart, & responsible.

For Ben's birthday we had a nerf party that was lots of fun. He still loves to read & build with Legos. He's our "baby delivery" guy. He brings Ava into our room in the morning when he hears she's awake.
Abby has a big heart & big plans. Like our family camping adventure in Moab & our family field trip to the swim pool. She makes books, designs her own calico critters houses, and wins hearts left & right.
Grace turned 5, started kindergarten & uses her birthday money to support her local ice cream truck.

We still love living in sunny but windy Colorado. And Ava is a super baby! She's learning to talk. "No" is pretty clear, as is "dogga" and "cookie".

These kids are growing up fast. We're trying not to blink & miss it!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

1st birthday

Our baby is one already! She's really fun! Been a busy year with Troy traveling a lot for work, moving to a new house, keeping up with 6 kids & being a bishop's family. But she brings us joy & makes us smile even during the stressful weeks. Happy birthday, sweet girl!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Family Photo

Expecting Baby #6-- Coming this spring! Found out today it's a girl!