Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Identifying body parts

Monday, June 28, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Big News

After a trip to the dentist and an internet session researching images like this:

Camille has decided to say goodbye to her thumb sucking habit. She told me she wants to look at that picture every night before bed to help her remember. So far she has been amazing, and even gave me all four of her "blankies" last night without my asking. I have a new respect for her. She is trying really hard. It's maybe the first really hard thing she's ever had to do. Well, she did have to welcome Elizabeth into the family, but she is still working on that :)

Speaking of Elizabeth, guess who climbs on the kitchen counter? The little stinker.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Luke and I just returned from a trip to Paris and Amsterdam. We had a fabulous time. I won't bore with a travel log. We came home to our three children, and I feel like I see them, if not with new eyes, at least with refreshed eyes.

I think the oldest child is a marvel to all parents. I couldn't believe it when Spencer started crawling, was astounded at his walking, thrilled with his first word. Right now I am dealing with my first literate child. He can read, write, add, subtract, count all day, tell great stories, ask insightful questions. I know all this is typical, but to me it's amazing. Not only that, but he is very sweet and empathetic. I am staggered by the child. And now, to top off all this normal development, he has his first loose tooth. I know! I just can't believe it. What an amazing child I have!!

The second or middle child has to fight a little more than the first child for attention, but Camille is clever in battle. She can be charming or wicked, sweet or manipulative. She understands her victim and knows how to ingratiate herself to people. She knows Luke will give her anything, and that if all else fails, she can make me really mad. She is fun, passionate and entertaining. I just love her. And she loves to play with me more than the other kids do. Nothing thrills her more than a tea party with mom. I hope she always likes spending time with me.

Poor Elizabeth is a third. But she doesn't care. She is self-satisfied and confident. Like all 18-month-olds who are discovering the world, she thinks everything in it is for her. I think she cries from outrage when we tell her "no." She has a new penchant for nudity, making it very difficult to dress her. She becomes furious at the suggestion of re-diapering. She likes to identify parts of the face, the nose in particular, but is unsatisfied at merely pointing at it. She likes her finger comfortably inside.

On a side note, we went to the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam. Anne's father said that although he had a very good relationship with Anne, it wasn't until he read her diary that he knew her thoughts and feelings. He concluded that parents don't really know their children. That makes me sad. I hope I can know Spencer and Camille and Elizabeth.

I just realized this might be even MORE boring than a travel log. :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Camille told me she doesn't like my hair but she does like my body. I guess if I had to choose one...
Ten years ago, I cut my hair similarly short. I hated it. I frantically died it a dark reddish color, made myself up and put on a new dress in attempt to make myself feel better. It was to no avail, and I wept over my shorn locks. My dad found me sad in my room and in an effort to comfort me said, "Emily, you will always be beautiful and it isn't your hair. It's just that you're wearing too much makeup." That put the smile back on my face.

Here's the new do. I'm happy with it. Hello 30 second hair.

Excuse Camille for trying to expose her belly button.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Should I cut my hair off?

What d'y'all think?