Maybe you've heard of the Gunny Sack before. It's a Richard/Linda Eyre idea (
So the other day, he was being very contrary and after spending at least an hour in his room without putting anything away, the Gunny Sack came. I just used garbage bags, which I think are what produced his terrified response, since I have thrown his toys away as punishment before (it makes a very strong impression).
While the Gunny Sack was cleaning up, Luke had to hold Spencer down. He acted like people do on movies when a catastrophe happens. Fear, rage, frenzy. He calmed down a little when I explained to him the Gunny Sack would come back on Saturday, and if he put his toys away, they wouldn't be thrown away. He has been talking about the Gunny Sack ever since. I even heard him ask a friend if the Gunny Sack came to her house.
That was on Monday. Today the arrival of the garbage truck elicited another panic attack. He thought his stuff was being taken away by the garbage man. More tremulous raging.
There is really no point to this story, except that I’m astonished at how important kids’ toys are to them. I hope it helps him keep his room clean. It has so far. Is it mean to play on a child’s weakness? Maybe I need to read another parenting book.