Saturday, April 12, 2008


Here is our little muchkin. I must admit that seeing the baby wiggle around on the screan softened my hard heart, and I can't wait to hold her/im.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I'm not sure that's the best title for a blog in which I'll discuss my pregnancy. However, I feel dreadful, look dreadful, and I'm full of dread at the thought of having three children, ages 4, 2, 0. I'm also dreading the rest of pregnancy, the hot summer, labor, deliver, nursing, baby-induced insomnia, and the chaos that will inevitably ensue bringing home baby #3.

The facts:
People keep assuming we didn't plan this one. We did, though we can't remember why we thought it was a good idea.
The baby is due around mid-October.
I already have the pain in my hip that I can't remember arriving until late in my 2nd trimester with Camille.
The baby likes coke. I know this because he gives me a headache everyday just so I'll drink one.
My craves have been cheese, potatoes prepared in every way possible, ketchup, all three of the previously listed together, rice, cocoa puffs (I actually always like cocoa puffs, but pregnancy is the only time I'll indulge), sushi (I've heard sushi isn't to be eaten by pregnant women. Can it be true? I also take short dips in the hot tub at the gym and I've been painting...), fresh summer/spring rolls, pasta, and anything I don't have to make for myself.
Spencer wants another little sister.
Camille loves babies, but will be heartbroken when she discovers she isn't one anymore. Poor baby!
My first Md appt is this Thursday.
I plan to travel to Mexico 34 weeks pregnant. Hmmm...

The truth is, we are so excited to have another child. It would be nice if Luke could take a turn with pregnancy and lactation. It would help if we could fast forward a few months (like 24) and just be left with sweet memories. In short, kids are hard, but so rewarding. One of my favorite things about having more than one is watching their relationships with each other develop. Spencer and Camille LOVE each other. They play and copy and laugh and even sometimes share. They're great. Why should I be afraid of one more? oh so many reasons...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gunny Sack

Maybe you've heard of the Gunny Sack before. It's a Richard/Linda Eyre idea (Joy School, etc). My mom used it when I was a kid. Anyhow, for the last several months I've had great results threatening Spencer with the Gunny Sack eating his toys if he didn't clean his room.

So the other day, he was being very contrary and after spending at least an hour in his room without putting anything away, the Gunny Sack came. I just used garbage bags, which I think are what produced his terrified response, since I have thrown his toys away as punishment before (it makes a very strong impression).

While the Gunny Sack was cleaning up, Luke had to hold Spencer down. He acted like people do on movies when a catastrophe happens. Fear, rage, frenzy. He calmed down a little when I explained to him the Gunny Sack would come back on Saturday, and if he put his toys away, they wouldn't be thrown away. He has been talking about the Gunny Sack ever since. I even heard him ask a friend if the Gunny Sack came to her house.

That was on Monday. Today the arrival of the garbage truck elicited another panic attack. He thought his stuff was being taken away by the garbage man. More tremulous raging.

There is really no point to this story, except that I’m astonished at how important kids’ toys are to them. I hope it helps him keep his room clean. It has so far. Is it mean to play on a child’s weakness? Maybe I need to read another parenting book.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Handy Dandy Dad

My dad isn't a dandy, but he is quite handy and spent a lot of time with me on home-improvement projects over spring break. He fixed things I didn't even know were broken or that I just thought had to be replaced. Best of all, he helped me hang beadboard around the bar in my kitchen where there was formerly carpet. Needless to say, it looks SO much better. Hooray for dad!! (He thought we look like a couple of assassins in that picture.)

As you can see, my kitchen still has a LOOONG way to go, but my cupboards arrived yesterday, and they'll be installed in a couple of months (judging from the speed in which I get things done). I still have to paint them. I wish my dad were here to help me with that. I think I need a visit a few times a week.

Other than house projects, we had a great time with mom, dad and Shannon. I can't remember what we did because my memory depends on photos. Unfortunately, my camera was out of battery most of their trip, but I know whatever we did, it was fun. The pic below is what I think Shannon and mom were doing while dad and I were jimmy rigging the house.