Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's nothing.

It really is nothing. Sorry. Changed my mind on that one... If there is a way to completely erase a blog, I don't know how.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Today I have a few things on my mind. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.

1. How, after only a few days of using it, does Spencer manage to make the toilet look like it's been dipped in urine?

2. What is more annoying, the gross toilet or the one-year-old hanging on my leg and crying while I clean it?

3. It's amazing how difficult the day is when the children wake up two hours early and then don't take naps. Argh!!! Instinctively, a child should know that waking up a parent is dangerous. Waking up earlier than I planned makes it hard for me to control my temper and any violent thoughts that are usually dormant. I haven't hurt anyone, yet.

4. Why don't I go to bed?

5. I am very glad PBS is broadcasting movies of all the Jane Austen books.

6. What is the best way to make cardboard figures flannel-board ready? Using glue to attach flannel strips warps the paper.

7. Who will win the primaries?

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Okay, now that I have the video thing figured out, I have to put one in of Camille. I love watching my kids eat. Don't know why.

Christmas Nostalgia

This is really for my sibs who weren't at home for Christmas. Some of them said that it was "kind of nice" not to come home for Christmas. You know, all the travel and lugging gifts and getting sick. It's posted so long after the season because the video was hidden on one of Luke's memory sticks, but I decided it was time to show what you all missed. I should mention that this is not me. It's Jamie, of course. Listen for the kids laughing.

Camille or Luke?

This is Luke, but it could be Camille (except she's always had a little hair).

Sunday, January 20, 2008


How long have you been together? I'm going to have to think.. I'm so bad with time.. We met in January 2002.
How long did you date? Less than a year, 9 months to be exact
How old is he? 30
Who eats more? I do. Poor Luke.
Who said "I love you" first? He did, but I can't remember the details... I think he proposed unofficially at the same time. It was all a blur.
Who is taller? He is
Who sings better? He does
Who is smarter? Luke
Who does the laundry? Both of us. I do small loads during the week and he does like five loads on the weekend, especially if I make sure he has no clean underwear.
Who does the dishes? I usually do, but he's doing them right now. What a great guy! I just love him.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? It just depends if you're lying on your back or on your stomach. If you're on your back, I do.
Who pays the bills? Luke. Luke doesn't trust me because I have no reliable way of keeping track of what I'm supposed to be doing on any given day. I'm liable to forget.
Who mows the lawn? no one. We can't bring ourselves to buy a lawn mower. It hasn't been mowed since we moved in and our yard looks terrible. Our neighbors probably hate us.
Who cooks dinner? Me
Who is more stubborn? Me
Who kissed who first? Luke kissed me first. It was after watching Spiderman, so he felt like a superhero. He actually asked me. We were standing outside my door when he said, "What I really want to do is kiss you right now." I said, "I wish you'd hurry up so I could go to bed." He hurried, and we've been kissing ever since.
Who asked who out? He asked me out for the first three dates and then I asked him for four and five because he stopped asking me out. Guess I showed him.
Who proposed? Luke
Who is more sensitive? Probably Luke
Who has more friends? I'm the only one with time for friends
Who has more siblings? Me
Who are you tagging? If you read this, you're tagged...

Monday, January 7, 2008

Birthday, New Year, Christmas

This blog wouldn’t be a true reflection of me unless I blogged everything a little late, so here’s how our holidays were, mostly pictures.

January 4th- My Super Man Turns 30!

We had a little party for him at home and played stick the S on Superman

Camille sports her superhero tag while winking at the cameraman.

You can't really tell, but they are flying around the house.

Camille with a few of her favorite things...

Bring in 2008!

We celebrated the New Year with the Blodgetts in Utah. Julie just had baby number three, Bennett. She is amazing and makes it look easy. Bennett is adorable, like his brothers, and I didn't hear him cry once.

Spencer and his cousin, Clayton had a great time together.

More cake?

My Desert Home

We spent Christmas with my parents and a few of my sibs in Nevada. We all decided to walk down to Lake Mead to see how far it's receded. It's nothing more than a puddle. Weird

In sunglasses


Luke and Spencer both got some awesome superhero jammies.

Camille's favorite Christmas present is a kitten she carries around in a purse. Luke disaproves, saying it's something Brittney Spears would have.

Buzz- Spencer's longing finally requited.

Friday, January 4, 2008


You'll know when it's time to stop flying with your children but without your husband when

  1. as soon as you the fasten seatbelt light goes off, you find yourself in the 18”x18” airplane bathroom with one child covered neck to heel in diarrhea and the other hanging on your leg, begging to use the toilet (for #2), threatening not to hold it while you are frantically wiping the other child down and wondering what to do with the poopy clothes and how to dress your now naked child. Someone is knocking on the bathroom door.
  2. after spending too long in the bathroom, you’re welcomed back to your seats by the distinct odor of air sanitizer. Thanks.
  3. one child spills her drink on the seat and screams at irregular intervals.
  4. the other child talks too loudly and demands things in a rude way for everyone to hear.
  5. the person sitting behind you has to retrieve and return fallen toys more than a dozen times.
  6. you spend the last half hour of the plane ride watching your inconsolable 18-month-old writhe on the floor of the plane, screaming on the top of her lungs. She won’t let you hold her.
  7. you feel like crying almost the entire flight.
  8. more people than the number of this list approach you after the flight to console, sympathize and advise.

Yeah. I think I’m done flying with the kids and without Luke. Nightmare.