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Monday, May 2, 2011

Sign of the Times

Taken by reader Scott in North Raleigh, NC, while stopped at a red light (thanks for humoring me).

Scott says it's one of the first time's he's agreed with a Tar Heels fan.  Hey, maybe this has brought us all together:

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Bumper Stickers - The Series

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Back to Reality

Back to reality.  Osama bin Laden is still dead, and the economy still stinks, Teen joblessness may hit record this summer:
A record-low one in four U.S. teenagers will land a summer job in the coming months as a result of a still-poor job market and lost federal funding, according to a report issued on Monday.

As a consequence, urban studies experts said cities like Chicago -- where summer unemployment among African-Americans aged 16 to 19 years approaches 90 percent -- could experience a rise in street violence.
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If you subsidize them, they will come.


"[The] University of Nebraska-Lincoln is proposing a new tuition structure to allow it to charge engineering students significantly more for a bachelor's degree than it charges English majors. ... According to research by Glen Nelson, senior vice president of finance and administration for the Arizona Board of Regents, only five institutions used the practice for undergraduate students before 1988. As of this year, 57 percent of 162 public research institutions did so, including the University of Iowa and Iowa State University."

This strikes me as pretty silly. Subsidizing groups of study (since I assume they will not adjust the teacher salaries to fit this model) will only yield a distortion in the number of people studying certain topics. The sciences and engineering majors may technically use more dollars for materials and space, but they also receive research and development grants also help run these departments. Though they will raise some money for now, these schools will attract less talent and will see their grant money start to deplete.

The way I see it now, the system actually works pretty well.... I mean, with the whole "everyone pays the same thing." (After all, private four year colleges increase tuition prices by more than two dollars for every dollar increase in Pell Grants, and public colleges increase theirs by .97 for every dollar increase. From 1979 to the present day, college tuition has increased in price by roughly 160%, while the average median family income has increased by 10%.)

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Please Update Your List

Recent change noted (h/t Sister Toldjah)

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The Irony Grows Deeper - Key Intel Came From Enhanced Interrogations In Secret Prisons

It will be interesting to see how this plays out, via AP:
Officials say CIA interrogators in secret overseas prisons developed the first strands of information that ultimately led to the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Current and former U.S. officials say that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, provided the nom de guerre of one of bin Laden’s most trusted aides. The CIA got similar information from Mohammed’s successor, Abu Faraj al-Libi. Both were subjected to harsh interrogation tactics inside CIA prisons in Poland and Romania.
The ironies of this story are growing deeper and deeper by the hour. 

Obama and his supporters, who opposed the secret intelligence operations and interrogations as illegal, now are reaping the political benefits of those operations and interrogations.

Alternative characterization:
 “Obama may be re-elected because George Bush had the good sense not to listen to Obama.”

And Cheney’s assassination squad just killed bin Laden.  More on Cheney's assassination squad here.

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It's Still The Economy And Big Government, Stupid

Nate Silver at the NY Times, addressing the inevitable question as to how the success of the bin Laden operation helps Obama's electoral chances, does not see a long term electoral advantage arising from the killing of Osama bin Laden:
Yes, this is going to help Mr. Obama — to some degree or another — in November 2012. And yes, it’s also going to make Mr. Obama look much more formidable in the near-term.
But I’m not sure that the magnitude of the bump that Mr. Obama might get in the Gallup tracking poll is going to be especially predictive of how much the residue of this news might produce for him 19 months from now....

But, the 2012 election was probably not going to revolve around national security. Instead, the Republican nominee was probably going to attempt to make the campaign about the size of government and the future of the welfare state: how to deal with entitlement programs in the face of an increasing national debt.

This news may not change the focal point of the campaign. And it may not cause Americans to forget about the direction of the economy, which they remain largely unhappy about.

The biggest mistake that Republican candidates could make would be to be intimated by the approval ratings of a president who, while not easy to defeat, may still be quite vulnerable in November 2012.
I tend to agree with Silver, because he confirms my own views.  (Funny how that works.)

I'll go a little further than Silver, and predict that there will not be a large short term increase in Obama's approval rating, mostly because killing bin Laden -- while very important -- was not the center of criticism of Obama. 

The aggressive posture taken by Obama towards the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Pakistan, until now mostly from drones, was the rare issue in which Obama received strong support from Republicans, and weak support from Democrats.

Obama's electoral fortune and Osama's existence on this earth largely were unconnected. 

So don't take the in-your-face antics we're seeing on the part of Democrats too seriously; it's still the economy and big government, stupid.  And they know it.

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The World Awaits Word From ... Glenn Greenwald

It's 9:45 a.m. Eastern.

Is there anyone who has not opined on the killing of Osama bin Laden yet?

Yes, there is.  The world awaits word from ... the prolific Glenn Greenwald.  Nothing on Twitter, or at Salon.com. 

Extra-judicial killing, with no attempt to capture and bring bin Laden to NYC for trial in federal court.  Breach of international law by invading a sovereign nation.  Key intelligence obtained from Gitmo detainees, before they were read their Miranda rights.  The only thing which could make the situation worse would be if there was an illegal wiretap involved because a key conversation or e-mail was routed through a U.S. based server.

I cannot predict which way his column will go.  Principle, or joining in the collective blood lust.

These things take time to develop.

Update:  He has spoken -
The killing of Osama bin Laden is one of those events which, especially in the immediate aftermath, is not susceptible to reasoned discussion. It's already a Litmus Test event: all Decent People -- by definition -- express unadulterated ecstacy at his death, and all Good Americans chant "USA! USA!" in a celebration of this proof of our national greatness and Goodness (and that of our President). Nothing that deviates from that emotional script will be heard, other than by those on the lookout for heretics to hold up and punish.
You can guess the rest.

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Hmmm ... Obama Passed Up Earlier Opportunity To Get Bin Laden

So reports Jake Tapper of ABC.

Apparently bin Laden's compound was identified positively in March, and the military wanted to drop a dozen or so guided bombs and reduce the compound to ashes. 

According to Tapper, Obama passed on the request because there would have been no body to recover and hence no DNA to positively identify bin Laden.  And there would have been collateral damage and civilian deaths.

In hindsight, it was a good move.  But hindsight is hindsight. 

Among the many lies which have permitted the public consciousness is that George Bush "let bin Laden get away" at Tora Bora.

If yesterday's strike were unsuccessful, or if bin Laden had moved on to a new location in the prior weeks, would Obama have been excoriated by the press for letting bin Laden get away?

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Obama's Correspondents' Dinner Speech - Even More Remarkable Knowing What Obama Knew At The Time

I was harshly critical of Obama's Correspondents' Dinner speech Saturday night, and I still am. 

The speech was petty and unnecessarily divisive, and the video played just before the speech -- which at best bordered on mocking traditional patriotism -- was no better.

But in hindsight, the speech was even more remarkable because as Obama took the podium to lash out not only at Donald Trump, but at numerous Republicans figures, the operation to kill Osama bin Laden either was in progress or was imminent.

The speech could have set the stage to bring people together, because regardless of the outcome of the military operation, national unity would be important.  If the operation failed, we needed to come together and value the attempt.  If it succeeded, as it did, it could be a moment to lessen the harsh linguistic attacks on each other, to change the tone.

Instead, the Correspondents' Dinner speech set a tone we saw played out all last night into today on Twitter and elsewhere, with mocking derision directed towards George W. Bush and Republicans in general, as if the hunt for bin Laden really only started on January 20, 2009.  (We now know that in fact a key piece of intelligence was gleaned approximately four years ago, likely from a detainee at Gitmo.)

I congratulate Obama on giving the green light to the assault on bin Laden's compound, it showed a maturity of thought.  I wish I could say the same about the Correspondents' Dinner speech.

Update:  Jake Tapper reports that the operation was given the final go ahead on Friday, and was planned for Saturday night but was delayed a day due to weather.

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bin Laden Dead

Multiple news reports state that Obama will announced that Osama bin Laden is dead and the U.S. has the body.

To be updated when the details are announced.

This is a time of joy.

Comments are open.

Updates:  Obama gave his statement (my paraphrase):   U.S. killed bin Laden.  Week ago confirmed actionable intelligence.  Operation was today by U.S. forces on the ground.  After firefight killed bin Laden, and took custody of his body.  Pakistan cooperation "helped lead us to bin Laden."

Further thoughts:  Not really a lot of detail revealed.  If we had "cooperation" of Pakistan it either was because the intelligence was so precise that Pakistan could not say no or warn him off, or the Pakistanis fed us the intelligence because they no longer needed to protect bin Laden or wanted something in exchange.

There will be plenty of people who will want to play politics with this and, as is happening widely on Twitter, are bragging that George Bush could not get bin Laden.  Tonight is not the time to respond to those who do such things.

This has been a long time coming, and enormous efforts and thousands of lives were lost.  That's what we should remember.

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Congratulations Kathleen McCaffrey - 2011 Wall Street Journal Bartley Fellow

Congratulations to our very own Kathleen McCaffrey, who has been named one of only five Bartley Fellows by the Wall Street Journal.

A copy of the announcement by Paul Gigot is here:
Kathleen McCaffrey, from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, is a rising senior at Cornell University with a major in philosophy and history.  She is a staff writer and campus editor of The Cornell Review and is the editor and founder of www.ThePoliticizer.com, an online magazine of opinion articles from students across the country.  Last summer she interned at America’s Future Foundation through the Koch Summer Fellow program.   She will work in London this summer, reporting to Brian Carney, editorial page editor, WSJE.
The Bartley Fellowships are a big deal, and the application process is extraordinarily competitive.  Here is the description from the WSJ website:
Throughout his 30 years as The Wall Street Journal's Editorial Page Editor, Bob Bartley inspired principled and original thinking that changed and shaped the society in which we all live. He also devoted attention to teaching and motivating talented young people, many of whom have gone on to careers in journalism at the Journal and elsewhere. The Bartley fellowships are consistent with that legacy.
Bob Bartley achieved many honors during his long tenure here including a Pulitzer Prize and, shortly before his death in December 2003, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In awarding that medal, President Bush cited Bob as "one of the most influential journalists in American history." The Robert L. Bartley fellowships will help to perpetuate not just Bob's memory but above all the principles and priorities to which he devoted his distinguished career.
With Kathleen having Koch and Wall Street Journal (Murdoch) fellowships, Kathleen now has an impeccable pedigree.  It's only a matter of time until the most expensive proofreader in America starts checking her work.

Let's give Kathleen a big Hooah.

Bonus question.  After writing for the Wall Street Journal from the Capitals of Europe, what's the chance Kathleen will return to this tiny little farm called Legal Insurrection?  (Poll closes Monday at 5 p.m.)

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"May Day" a sign of Mayday


May Day (May 1st) is a celebration of worker "rights" (and springtime, but, really..). Of course, as we've seen in Wisconsin, worker rights are usually translated into jargon that reads as "my comforts are more important than yours, taxpayer!" Unionized labor in places like Greece and Portugal, whose pensions and statism have sucked the country dry, have organized "protests against austerity measures expected to be imposed under a European Union and International Monetary Fund bailout plan."

May Day, a reminder of the thuggery of modern public unions, is appropriately only a keystroke from writing "mayday."
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This presidency is not an odd vehicle for mocking patriotism

I missed the introductory video (below) shown just before Obama's speech at the White House Correspondents' Dinner last night, because the cable networks did not cut in until he began to speak.

The video was called to my attention by Ben Smith's column, in which Smith made the following observations (emphasis mine):
Perhaps the most striking element, culturally speaking, of last night's White House Correspondents Dinner was President Obama's introductory video, crafted in the spirit of South Park and Team America World Police and the Colbert Report in what you could interpret either as a ironic, subversive send-up of American patriotism or as a kind of post-ironic homage.
The humor is intensely generational: If you didn't grow up with those references, the montage of American flags, monster truck rallies, and eagles, all to the beat of Rick Derringer's "Real American," formerly Hulk Hogan's WWF theme song, isn't funny, and actually doesn't make much sense. If you did, it it's effective partly because it edges so close to real political risk: The presidency seems an odd vehicle, even at a roast, for mocking patriotism. But as with South Park, the video -- assembled by young White House speechwriters -- leaves the interpretation up to the viewer: Some viewers can sneer at over-the-top patriotism, and marvel at White House subversion; but maybe it's just joyful, hyperbolic patriotism.
No, this presidency does not seem an odd vehicle, even at a roast, for mocking patriotism.  At least no more so than in a private fundraiser in San Francisco, or at the U.N., or in Cairo, or in Europe.

Mocking patriotism is Team Obama's vehicle of choice, and reflects an attitude which is too smug by half.

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Hollywood Began Its Campaign To Re-Elect Obama Last Night

Barack Obama's speech at the White House correspondents' dinner last night was small and petty.  Watch it below, and compare it to similar appearances by George Bush.

Bush, who was under attack from the media, academia and the entertainment industry on a scale which makes the "birther" issue look like small potatoes, nonetheless conducted himself with grace and was mostly self-deprecating in his humor:

By contrast, Obama used his appearance as a chance, in a setting where he would be unchallenged, to take cheap shots at Donald Trump, Fox News and several Republicans in the audience.  The "jokes" were not funny, and Obama came across as unpresidential:

I'm no fan of Trump, but the conduct of Obama was abysmal. He has proven, once again, that he is temperamentally unfit to be President, he is unable to rise above his ego and his politics.

But the worst was reserved for Seth Meyers, the lead writer at Saturday Night Live who was the entertainment for the night.

This is how the entertainment industry will do it. Everything is about race, and anyone who criticizes Obama is racist.

Considering that Meyers is the lead writer for SNL, one can only imagine the fair and balanced treatment to be seen in SNL's skits.

Last night marked the official beginning of Hollywood's effort to re-elect Obama.

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I Have Been Waiting For This One

Do you realize how long I have been waiting for this?

Spotted yesterday in Ithaca:

My reaction?  No comment.

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Bumper Stickers - The Series

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