Friday, April 28, 2006

jenny and kristen and jo, oh my!

I also thought I'd post some pictures from the LD Singers concert I dragged Josh to last weekend. Good times!

she's a he, see?

So we discovered that our sweet little female bird, who Josh dubbed "Crazy Cora the Budgerigar" is actually a male bird. I had read that the skin above parakeets' beaks is brown or pinkish when they are female, and blue when they are male. I swear when we first got it, the skin was brown, but it's a definite blue now. So Josh has become extremely proud of him and renamed him the very masculine "THOR." My husband says he feels he can identify with the bird more now. I can't wait to see how he feels when we have seven daughters. :)

Friday, April 21, 2006

aspyre editing

Well, hello, everyone! I am here to announce a truly joyous occasion! My business has a website!

What business you ask? Well, I decided last week sometime that a good way to gain some experience in the editing world (and maybe earn some extra cash at the same time) would be to freelance as an editor for a while.

If anyone should happen to be interested in such a bizarre little website, visit it here If anyone wants me to edit anything for them, I might just do it free of charge. Isn't that great?!

Thursday, April 06, 2006


So, I noticed the whole "dictionary" thing on the Reedy's site and decided to find out how I would be described in the dictionary later in years. The first one was fairly dirty; the second definition wasn't cool enough. But the last one . . .. Oh, that last one! Well, why don't you just see for yourself.

Joshua -- [noun]:A human transformer (Robot in disguise)

Isn't that great?