i was so happy knowing that kak RosLina will leave her doters at hOme while she is working.. 27/12/2010, MOnday, i am back fRom wOrk at aaaaahhhh~there is my mELoN and darling atiQah at hOme!!! my sweethearts are here so i wOnt feel tOo loNely and tired waiting fOr my darliNg huBBy MoHd reDzuan sYg...share my haPpy quality time with my sweethearts sHots!
befOre mandi
after shower
ready to sleep zzZZZzzZ~
playing tiMe with ur sis!
enOugh with meLon's shOts...now i would like to present, the next TOP MODEL ...... ~MISS ATIQAH FIRDEENA !!!
see la how cute and adorable are they...!cannot stand with their darling behavior..will miss the bOth of them like arOund the clock!!!
wanna share sumthg about me..i do love cat!!!from the generation of oddy+didi+puteh (choc siamese), to a new comer~chichi (persian), and the kittens~anish+puteh+cik+coco, to a new generation bulat+tigger and more new kittens~miumiu+mumu+momo..
playing with miumiu~my cweetypie!
enOugh abOut the cLaWs thiNg!hihihi..
its Thursday oredy...counting the days till the end of my contract..will miss all my darlings in SK Taman Pasir Putih..what a great and meaningful experiences i gain for the whole year of 2010 working as a teacher there..thanks for everything guys!love yOu all
!oNe of my aRt pieCe fOr my daRLiNgs
bile da xde keje aka nak hbeskan masa
tupperware paRty~owh saya terjebak!haha~
weNt bacK fRoM wOrk..have a waLk and buy an phOto aLbum+take all my phOtOs at the phOtO shOp anD .........YES! my cOnvOcatiOn aLbuM!
my cOnvocatiOn aLbuM!!!akhirnye diterbitkan!haha~
album jijah Or miNe ni???=)
my favOurite!!!
at niGht~mama & aBah masak tLor piNdaNg lak~ mucOk loooo~hihihi
my sweetheaRt mOhd ReDZuaN..where are yOu???i am waitiNg fOr yOu tO cOntacT me baCk...aGaiN ...bOriNgnYe~
hello world!!its oredy friday..17th of December 2010..came back from work on 12pm today...working for 4hours only on friday..LUCKY ME!BUT...ill be working only until 31st December 2010..will be celebrating new year ...JOBLESS!againnnnnnnn~eh!out of my title lohh~just wanna share my love with my NYAWA !!
ill be dead if you are not with me la my sayang
call him my MEGAsepet!
eheh sayang...'its BIG for a reason' lohh!
what a perfect saying!hahaha
The love cupid struck yOu and me and we are in complete awe Of it..the wOrld now seems to be a much haPpier, briGhter, warmer and better place to exist!there is a song in every breath and dance in my every step!Love is in the air and your spirit is engorged in it!
Congrats to myself!
wanna live these moments as they are what makes life a treasure of beautiful memories with yOu la syg..cheewah!am i making a pOet for my darling??hahhaa~what happen to me tOday??
On 23rd of September 2010, its my 25th bufday...eventhOugh its oredy TOO late for this POst, eh?its my bLoG!suke hati la!my darling came to me. he arrived earlier (tOo early fOr me) ~i am just abOut to have my bath and he is oredy in Larkin bustand alahaaiii~pity darling of mine!he waits for me until its 3pm i think..its raining at the time i arrived at the bus stand..looking him from a distance, waiting for me...hmmm~make my heart cried happily!we take a cab ride to ciTy sQuaRe jB...watched iPMan tOgether and had Our diNner in KR...not satisfied with the served meal..then we came back to the larkin bus stand aNd wait fOr the bus to PENANG!!bile maw bawak g sana lagi syg???hahaha~
just arrived at pulau pinang! had a morning ferry ride with my sayang!auwww~
its eiz & diela's wedding day in penang..tats why i am there~
my darling with his friends
eating together, watched by aZim dear..hihi
a GREAT day with frieNds and my darLiNg~
sitting~my guy!
the ladies and cute darling aziM
just arrived~
walking by the beach together~
an evening together
going back oredy!
its a perfect gift from him!i lab yOu la sepet !!! waNNa share a perfect picture fOr me !