my last day in schOol as tomorrow, 31st December 2010 will be a public holiday for Malaysia as Malaysia fOotbaLL team wins the fOotbaLL match in Piala Suzuki ??am i riGht?!
my last face in scHoOl~sitting alone in the kitchen after breakfast, having my kacep fatty ='(
my lovely cuzzie Nurul Nadia bt Basri, da jadik tunang org!!!!i am happy for her ..but deep in my heart, there's sadness~huhuhu..well..we were bOrn in the same year..she is just a mOnth older than me..grew up together..and now she has been engaged to a person that she trusted..congrates aLoNg!love yOu owez!!!(when will i be ngage??)huhuhu..
sorg engineer, sorg lawyer..jgn men2 taw..backup mables ni!02/01/2011
b4 alek, smpat la memetik mcm2 yg ditanam kat Kluang~hihialek dpd Kluang, singgah tesCo sRi aLam..bOught sumthg to weaR AGAIN!!!am i a shOpahOlic??
pastu g McD lak! heavenly PROSPERITY MEAL!!!!
arrived hOme safely, had my bath+panadoL+poLaramine+cOugh syruP=fLat!!!until 1200hrs on 03/01/2011
ehemmmm~my huBBy MoHd ReDzuan wanna to QUIT SMOKING!!!!mables tOl!!!so GLAD he did it!!!all the best fOr yOu my yayuNk mucHok sepet!if yOu didnt know my dear..let me tell you sumthg, if u smoking, u are just the same like this ''~ahahahaa..and if u didnt really quit, ill make u as my sushi ''!will eat yOu alive!
wiLL give my fuLL suPPort to my dearest huBBy!klu xleh benti rOkok gak, t bby POST kat b PUTING baby MeLon k???hahaha~