Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Post Apac Fallout /Gamma World Stuff and Samurai?

Hey gang.

I love that the Workshop and Basement of Doom is done. Now, all of the unfinished projects and unpainted lead stare at my back, as I paint, begging to be done.

I thought I would restart my Nappies, but am pausing on that so it can be a winter project. Along with either my Vikings or Fantasy. And if the mercenary box set gets released by xmas, then a new War of the Roses project will start, Perry minis of course. Especially since they announced the heavy cav plastics as well.

So til then, I am being very productive. I have cranked out a couple dozen survivors for my post apoc/fallout/union archology stuff. And started cranking out monsters, mutants and insane robots. 

Tons more done too. Getting close on this one. I have 3 new warbands to paint that are nice and Gamm Worldy, so I will finish those, add a couple more beasties, and finish a couple of terrain peices and we should be ready to go for a while.

I started repainting my 6mm sci fi armor and infantry to play with Future War Commander. Haven't played yet, but on the third read through of the rules, it finally clicked, so I am looking forward to the first games. Ultimately I want to play FWC with 15mm. So I need to get painting on all my GZG, Critical Mass, and Khurasan goodies. That will be a fall project as well. I have the GArns and Alien Mercs painted, but both need armor support. My Critical Mass Light Recon are on sticks and primed. They are on deck.

As is my Super Hero stuff. Got a bunch of it mounted., primed and ready to go. In the past one of my problems was wanting to do a project, but it wasn't ready to paint. So by the time I was done, basing, doing ground basing, and priming, I needed a break. So I have working on getting a lot of things ready to just pick up and paint when ready. So its great. I can be as flakey as I want.

And as if all that wasn't enough, and its not, I got bored last weekend waiting for the paint to dry on my rad scorpions(above) that I pulled out my Old Glory 28mm Samurai that are mounted individually and rebased them all for Commands and Colors, my new Ancients/Medieval rules of choice. After consulting with the Baron, I settled on 50mm Square bases. I now have 12 units for C&C of Samurai. And have about 36 more unpainted. But that may change, as Samurai were really my intro to historical gaming in DBA. So here they are, unflocked, but ready to be finished. Pics aren't great.

Oh, and that Lizardman book on the floor in the first Samurai pic is to help my son pic the colors for his Lizardman Blood Bowl Team that I am going to help him paint.

Recruits is this weekend. should be a whirlwind. Not hosting a game, may do a table to sell stuff.

Monday, August 16, 2010

WiP for my Post Apoc stuff

Here's some WiP pics for my post apocalyptic guys. I've got about 40 guys done already.

You can see a couple of the buildings I finished as well.

Friday, August 13, 2010

WIPAL (What I Painted at Lunch)8-13-10 Logan Edition

So I had my 10 year old with me today at work.  He did a little painting with my WIPAL stuff. I think he did a great job.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Its finished!

The Basement, Workshop, and Closet of Doom are complete! 8 months and its done. I have a really great basement for entertaining and gaming, a great workshop for painting and scratchbuilding, and more storage and access than I have ever had. My wife has been key to me getting this done. So I love you and thank you. She knows how to push me to finish. I'm a great starter. She helps me be a finisher.

I got finished getting my painting bench set up last night, so hopefully so long awaited pics will be taken.

I have decided to start again on my 28mm Nappies so I can be ready for Commands and Colors: Napoleonics when they come out. I am currently doing 6 units of British line and lights, and a unit of hussars. For the Penninsula of course. Next is my small but fun Spanish Army. Then probably some French.

Along the way I am going to do a few units for Cromson skies, and some WWI planes. And start work on my next 15mm sci fi army.

Oh and just cause I am insane, I had the Baron pick me up some 10mm Old Glory ECW to see what our units may look like on 60mm stands. Nothing beats a pike block that looks like a Pike Block.

also got a few packs of the new Blue Moon 15mm Sci fi. Curiousity got the better of me.

And a s a special treat. I got the 15mm Superheroes that they have too. Now I can do 15mm WWWII with supers and my 15mm WWII stuff I already have. Just need to add Gear Kreig gears.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Odds and ends and Gamer ADD

As we all know I have Gamer ADD. I couldn't stick with a project if my life depended on it. Thats why I make the list for the projects that are eligible for working on every year. Although I will say last year was not bad with the Phase 1 nappy's getting done, a couple of 15mm Sci Fi armies, a couple dozen RPG figs, WIPAL, the remount and painting of the 15mm C&C armies, and the like.

But since the Basement of Doom has been basically finished, but my Workshop of Doom is a shambles, I have had to sorta dip my toes back in. I set up on the new bar to paint, but haven't yet. I have done this though:

I mounted and flocked a 5 man unit of WWWII US walkers. 1/35 Mesuline MaK walkers. Beautifl and prepainted. I will eventually put some stars on them.

I based up the first 6 units of Leonardo by Gaslight that the Baron and I are working on. The Baron is in good shape. I need to do a bunch of painting.

I built and base coated 4 German WWI 1/144 scale planes for Blue MAx since we played at the Barons last thurs. Revisco/Skytrex. Not fun at all to build, but look good on a flying stand. Simpler to just buy the wings f war planes and repaint.

I dug out my 1/285 sci fi stuff last night afetr a couple of hours on Halo Wars. Then started making summary of rules for NetEpic 5.0 for EpicLite. Fast play with a bunch of stripped down options. It would be so fast to paint. May be my nest WIPAL project.

I really am jonesing for a project I just don't know what. The abyss that is Napoleonics awaits (pphase  two of the Brits, plus phase I of the spanish, plus individuals for Song of Drums and Shakos). My Post Apoc stuff calls as well. As does 28mm WWWII and 15mm Sci Fi. And the Vikings and Late Romans/Arthurians weep to be unleashed. I am project rich, but indecision rules the day.

I did buy the new AE Bounty rules last week. Look forward to getting them. Seems like a fun simple system. Ganesha should have done one for this genre (Sci Fi Bounty hunter warbands) but stopped Sci Fi at Mutants and Death Ray Guns.(I guess you oculd adapt Flying Lead).

HEAD. Please stop spinning, or I'll just play video games. Although, fixing the Workshop of Doom up would be a big help.

OH I almost forgot. The Baron is hosting his own MicroCon on August 27-28. Its a Basement Generals Event. Should be fun.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

WIPAL - 6-24-10

What I Painted at Lunch. - Well really it was what I based and rebased for lunch.

I got the Centaurs mounted for tonight's game, as well as a few surprise units for tonight as well. Hidden in the box is some rebasing for my old Undead Army. The Orcs and Gobbo's will get some creepy support.

WIPAL 6-23-2010 and Basement of Doom

Work has been hectic, and now that the Basement of Doom has been completed (see below) I got a chance to actually paint at Lunch. This time it was finishing up a 15 man unit of Armored Centaurs for my BattleLore Project. The Baron and I are playing BL again tonite with the rest of the BAsement Generals, so should be some more pics of that tomorrow. enjoy. 

Basement of Doom