I’m so excited about today’s challenge! I follow team member Laura on Instagram, and a few months ago, she participated in a 30 day photo challenge that I thought would make a fun challenge here!
I know there are some of you who will just totally stop reading right here because you don’t want to take pictures of yourselves, but first let me tell you why you should do this challenge!
#1: It can showcase a little bit about you and your life right now.
#2: A picture is worth a thousand words!
#3: It’s easier and less-painful than you think! (Even if you’re like me and HATE getting your picture taken.)
#4: There will be 3 $10 Amazon gift cards given out to three lucky people who participate with us on Instagram!
Here’s the official challenge:
Take one self-portrait of yourself everyday for 30 days.
You can take these yourself or have others take them for you. You don’t have to take pictures of just your face either—here’s a list of ideas of things you can do for your 30 pictures:
A mirror shot
Favorite body feature
With a loved one
A hobby
A silhouette
Holding a favorite something
Doing an everyday experience (mundane or fun)
Full body shot
In a favorite place
In a common place
Doing something unpleasant
Side view
With a recently acquired or purchased object
Writing your name
A birth mark
Something that shows a lesson you learned
At work
At play
A quirk or something unique about you
With an addiction
With a food you like
Doing something with someone (friends or family)
Trying something new
A tradition
A habitual stance or pose
Something funny you like to do
And of course the traditional headshot with a myriad of faces
There are so many ways that you can record this as well!
Do a blog post with all your pictures
Do an Instagram post everyday (use the hashtag #timc30days to be entered into the giveaway!) Please keep it clean
Make a paper or digital scrapbook page
Print them and put them in a small album
Use an app on your phone (Try the Collect or Day One apps at the App Store or the Smart Album or My365 apps at the Google Play store.)
Here are a couple of examples for you:
What Laura did:
Laura posted her self-portraits on Instagram for her 30 days, then got her favorites printed out to make a scrapbook page.

Supplies: Cardstock - Bazzill; Real Life button, arrow, smile phrase - Studio Calico Kit; love this photo phrase - Elle's Studio; word stickers - Sn@p by Simple Stories; number stickers - Basic Grey; title - Heidi Swapp
What I did:
I did take my self-portraits for 30 day, but I didn’t post them anywhere (because I want to do some during the challenge time as well and didn’t want to overwhelm my family & friends with pictures of me twice

And just a side note, I recently listened to a podcast where a couple of moms were talking about pictures, and one of the gals said that her mother went through all the pictures and cut herself out of any that she didn’t look good in. And now that daughter (the podcaster) is sad that she doesn’t have many pictures with her mom in them. So, if you’re worried that you don’t look good enough for a picture, remember, especially if you are a parent, that it doesn’t matter to your children if you look like a model or not. They will be happy that you are in a picture. *You may notice there are a few pictures of me with no makeup or hair done because it was a special moment that I decided to get on camera because I wanted to capture the essence of it, not my “beauty”. Don’t be afraid to share your true self!

Supplies: Digital template, me. Designs & fonts on pictures: Rhonna Designs and Letterglow apps. Fonts: Century Gothic, Landeliebe
Today’s Freebie: If you’d like to use this template I made up, you can grab the first page here and the second one here—in a layered PSD file for quick recording!

***Giveaway details (Closed): Upload your pictures to Instagram and use the hashtag #timc30days to be entered into the drawing starting now until 12:00 noon MST November 20th. 3 winners will be randomly drawn out of all entries and emailed a code for a $10 credit to Amazon.*** (I’m sorry to any of you who don’t use Instagram or don’t have a tablet or smart phone. I couldn’t think of any other way to do a giveaway on FB or Twitter or anything else that was this easy to get others involved.

Now I challenge you to do the 30 self-portrait challenge with us! (And don’t be afraid to think outside the box!)