[The latest images of Tuah, the champion of ABS category in KL serama competition. Still amazing !!!!].
Beloved Followers
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tuah Masih Berbisa
[The latest images of Tuah, the champion of ABS category in KL serama competition. Still amazing !!!!].
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Selam Dang Bayu Mirip Dang Ayu
Dua imej diatas adalah Dang Bayu yang baru saja dilap dengan air sebelum berangkat ke Selat Teberau hujung minggu lepas. Gaya selam Dang Bayu saling tak tumpah saperti Dang Ayu sewaktu usia yang sama. Masih dalam usia remaja dan dijangka akan lebih terbenam pada usia dewasa.
[These are two posts of Dang Bayu before this young pullet moved to Selat Teberau. Its style and body movement are very similar to Dang Ayu, the famous and amazing female serama bird from LEASF farm. Dang Bayu has a very great potential to be..........].
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Cantik Bergaya
[Best posing of the year. Really amazing, fantastic and superb!!! Which bloodline is this young cockerel? Can you guess? We will post more pictures of this type in future. Just keep on following your pioneer and premier blog, this LEASF blog. ]
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Imej Terakhir Seri Bayu dan Dang Bayu
[This is the latest image of Seri Bayu and Dang Bayu that was snapped about 2 weeks ago . The young pair was taken to Selat Terberau by their new owner yesterday afternoon].
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Seri Bayu dan Adiknya Dang Bayu ke Selat Teberau
Tepat pada pukul 12.45 tengahari tadi, Seri Bayu bersama adik kandungnya Dang Bayu berpindah tangan kepada Mr Allen dari Selat Teberau. Mr Allen datang seawal 7.30 pagi dari Selatan tanahair dengan menaiki Proton Waja. Beliau menghabiskan masa beberapa jam melawat reban LEASF dan juga show gallery di Bandar Baru Bangi. Beliau juga sempat bergambar dengan Satria, Dang Ayu, Jebat, Tuah dsb yang sememangnya menjadi ikon LEASF. Diakhir lawatan beliau, satu kotak peluru mengandungi Seri Bayu dan Dang Bayu dibawa pulang bersama sebagai ole-ole dari LEASF.
[At 12.45 PM today, Mr Allen took home Seri Bayu and its sibling Dang Bayu from LEASF farm. Mr Allen came over all the way from Selat Teberau, the southern region of West Malaysia, by Proton Waja as early as 7.30 in the morning. During his short visit to our farm, he has the opportunity to take a few photos with icons of LEASF, namely Satria, Dang Ayu, Jebat, Tuah etc. Please take a good care of Seri Bayu and Dang Bayu, and don't forget to send us good photos from time to time to see their "internal and external" development].
Friday, October 22, 2010
Anak Tuah DiSorok Besi Lusuh
[These are the latest images of Besi Lusuh and its offsprings. The new-born chicks were trying to hide behind Besi Lusuh, when our camera captured a few of them, see the top image. Besi Lusuh is the original breed of LEASF and is one of the prime dames at our farm. Hope this young pullet will produce a lot more high quality seramas in a few months time].
Monday, October 18, 2010
LEASF Memperkenalkan Baka Jebat
[Introducing a new bloodline from LEASF farm...... It is Jebat bloodline, the original Malaysian Serama breeds from our farm. At the moment, we have 4 newly born chicks from this bloodline.]
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Satria:Lagak Terkini
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Lekiu Sedia Bertarung

[This is the latest image of Lekiu that we recieved from its owner this morning. Looking at the tail feathers Lekiu needs a few more months to grow fully. The owner cannot wait any longer because the competition in Penang is just at the corner. Lekiu may compete in the ABS category. Good luck and all the best !!!!!]
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
10.10.10 Brings Luck
[The luck of 10.10.10...... Yes! the date 10.10.10 not only brings luck to the Malaysian "Space-Man" Datuk Dr Sheikh Mudzafar who celebrated wedding reception party with his beautiful wife in a very glamorous manner, but also to special serama breed at LEASF. Exactly at 10.10 PM on that very day, 4 out of 6 eggs of Besi Lusuh and its partner Tuah hatched. The above images were taken on 12.10.10, i.e. two days after "the birth". Hope the chicks will bring more luck to us when they grow up.]
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Seri Bayu: Remaja Belunjur
Dua post diatas adalah image terbaru Seri Bayu bersama dengan adik kandungnya. Masih tak segar dan kelihatan belunjur habis.....tak tau lah jadi apa apabaila dewasa nanti. Mungkin kena mata pisau saja kot... entahlah !!!!!! Seri Bayu adalah anak saudara Tuah yang berbisa itu. Nama Seri Bayu diberi kerana remaja ini cukup sentimental dan romantik bersama adiknya.
[These two posts are the latest images of young cockerel Seri Bayu with his sibling. This young cockerel seems to be very "shy and inactive" when acting on top of the table. It is a nephew of Tuah.]
Monday, October 11, 2010
Jebat Bersama Madu Tiga
Jebat sedang bermadu tiga bersama-sama dengan Dang Kenanga, Dang Merduwati dan Dang Maya. Pasangan Jebat dengan tiga induk pilehan ini diharapkan akan dapat menghasilkan zuriat yang unik dan bergaya. Dang maya merupakan pasangan yang paling muda dan pertama kali dimasukkan dengan bapak. Kesemua induk ini mempunyai ciri tarik terbenam. Sama-samalah kita tunggu hasilnya nanti.
[Jebat is coupled with three selected dames, and they are Dang Kenanga, Dang Merduwati and Dang Maya. Among them, the youngest pullet is Dang Maya who is the first time to be with sire. Hope this new combination of prime bloodlines from LEASF will produce a unique and superb quality of offsprings.]
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Besi Lusuh Hampir Tetaskan Zuriat
Hari ini mungkin hari terakhir induk baka Besi Lusuh ini akan mengeram. Dengan telur 6 biji hasil kacukan dengan Tuah, kami jangka menetas esok atau lusa. Kami harap anak-anak yang bakal menetas nanti akan memiliki ciri-ciri yang menakjubkan dengan gaya selam ala Jebat, Tuah, Sri Sarajunatapa, Sri Bauk, Lekir, Lekiu dan produk LEASF yang lain.
[Besi Lusuh with 6 eggs is expected to "give birth" in one or two days. The champion, Tuah was its partner and this will be their fist offsprings. We really hope that the products of this young couple will show a unique character, high quality feature and superb style, like Jebat, Tuah, Sri Sarjunatapa, Sri Bauk, Lekir, Lekiu and others.]
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Pelawat LEASF ke-50,000 Akan Terima Hadiah
ASM dan Salam 1Malaysia 1Dunia
Pertama sekali crew LEASF ingin mengucapkan berbanyak terima kasih kepada semua peminat serama di seluruh dunia yang sudi berkunjung ke LEASF. Sokongan yang berterusan dari semua amatlah dialu-alukan demi untuk memartabatkan serama yang kita kasihi. Alhamdulillah, LEASF menerima pelawat dan peminat serama bukan saja dari seluruh Malaysia, tetapi juga dari seluruh pelusuk dunia.
Diatas sokongan ini, pihak LEASF ingin menawarkan hadiah yang istemewa kepada pelawat yang ke-50,000 berkunjung ke LEASF. Jadi, kami harap pelawat ke-50,000 ini dapat menghubungi mana-mana crew LEASF menggunakan nombor talipon yang tertera di side bar. Bilangan pelawat sehingga pagi ini adalah 42,011. Sila "print screen" muka kunjungan ke-50,000 ini sebagai bukti........
Jangan lepaskan peluang keemasan ini !!!!!!! Hidup serama, Hidup LEASF
Dear all,
Firstly, we, the LEASF crew would like to give a big thank you to all serama fans and serama lovers from all over the world who have visited our blog. Your support is very important and truly appreciated. It is really good to know that LEASF has been receiving visitors not only from Malaysia but also from other parts of the world.
As for this massive support from all of you, we would like to offer a very special gift to the 50,000-th visitor. So, if you are the one that we are searching for, kindly contact us using the phone number given on the side bar. As an evident that you are the 50,000-th visitor, you are kindly requested to print this screen and e-mail to us immediately. As of this morning, the number of visitors is 42,011.
Hurry up !!!!! Don"t miss this golden chance and great opportunity....
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Serama Kita di Switzerland

[Lovely post of a serama lover in Switzerland. The image was sent by a friend of LEASF a few weeks ago. Hope this 'young man' will continue to promote serama, in particular the original breed of Malaysian serama, in his beautiful country of Switzerland.]
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Baka LawiEmas di Eropah

[This is Yokozuna, the original breed of LEASF. It is abaut 6 weeks old and is taken care by one of the serama lover in Europe. Looking at the overall shape of its body, Yokozuna has got great potential to go further. Congratulations and good luck !!!!]
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Jebat: Gaya Luar Biasa
Diatas adalah tiga post istemewa Jebat masakini. Jebat merupakan salah satu pembaka utama di LEASF. Bersama-sama Jebat sekarang adalah 4 induk special blended LawiEmas original. Pemilihan induk-induk pasangan Jebat ini dibuat dengan begitu rapi agar hasil keluaran LEASF akan datang mempunyai ciri-ciri paling istemewa. Khidmatnya sebagai pembaka bermula masa zaman muda lagi. Walaupun hampir 6 bulan Jebat bersama induk, namum gayanya tidak pernah menurun. Malahan makin menjadi-jadi. Memang benar Jebat memiliki gaya selam, lonjak dada dan lempar sayap yang luar biasa !!!!!
[These are the latest posts of Jebat. It is one of the main sire at our LEASF farm. Jebat started its service as a breeder since it was a cockerel. Jebat is coupled with four special blended dames and all of them are from our selected LawiEmas bloodlines. Its amazing style, bold behavior and show-off character have made many serama lovers stunned when visiting our farm.]
Friday, October 1, 2010
Lekir Cukup Ganas
Ini adalah dua aksi ganas Lekir yabg telah berhijrah ke utara tanahair. Tuan dia cukup kagum dengan aksi tarik selam ganas Lekir apabila berada diatas meja. Tentunya lagi hebat bila tenguk pengadil. Hehehe.......
[The best and latest actions of Lekir. Judging from its style when acting on top of the table, it has very great potential to win serama competition in the cockerel category. Just wait and see !!!!]
Dang Maya Sepupu Dang Kenanga
[Dang Maya is the first cousin of Dang Kenanga. The overall features of Dang Maya is much much better as compared to Dang Kenanga. Dang Kenanga is a full-time dame at LEASF, and Dang Maya is in the process of training while waiting its tail feather to complete.]
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