H&R Block. I tried doing my own taxes using good ol' reliable Turbo Tax, but a random combination of things (firm giving me a summer stipend and me selling some old stocks from an employee purchase plan from YEARS back) conspired to make it damn near impossible to get them done myself. I never took tax law, and not
just because I hate taxes. Well, okay, I guess that's pretty much why.
So I made an appointment and took my stuff in to H&R Block. They got me like twice as much of a refund as I would have gotten using Turbo Tax (for a relatively low charge) and they filed all my stuff online for me. I had emails in my Inbox by last night telling me my state and federal returns had been accepted and I could expect my refund shortly.
Good God, I had no idea it could be so easy. It's like this whole new world has just been opened up for me.