
Showing posts from 2023

Dear Doctor's Wives

Dear Doctor's wives, Someone has to stop you girls.  Look, I like you, and everyone I've heard say this is someone I like, and in some cases, are women for whom I have profound respect. Never say the words, "I was basically a single mom," ever again. Angelfish, we get it.  You have/had to parent alone while he was in xyz part of his education or career.   But a single mom is someone who has the financial burden of raising her child/children, on top of everything else.   Parenting is hard.  Mothering is hard.  Doing it without the physical support of your spouse is devastating.  And you are grappling with student loan debt- we hear you. You are/were parenting alone .  This is different than being a single mom.  The title "single mom" elicits concern because these are women who really are actually doing it actually for real alone. The weight that moms carry is too heavy.  We cannot do it alone.  It is crushing.   But sweet sister, if you have a husband, you