
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy

(She is the best grandma in the world)
My very best friend.
Optimistic in every aspect of life.
Memorable to all she meets.
Manifests righteousness in all she does and says.
Youthful in her spunk and looks.

Mother I hope you have a good day despite the regularness of it. Brady and I love you so much and are so blessed to have you in our lives. I know I always have you on my side and hope you know I would do anything for you as well. I LOVE YOU!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Us Five Best Friends Jana and me on my fifth birthday
Us girls at my wedding after the bouquet was thrown
Brady and Jana got to know each other through the rec soccer team and became friends fast
Us girls on spring break in high school

Memorial Day brings many emotions and memories. With this Memorial Day, my dear friend Jana is strong on my mind. Jana and I go back to our toddler years. She is a one of a kind person who was so spunky and fun to be around. I remember laughing with her all the time. From stopping to bury dead animals off the side of the road to playing soccer on an adult rec team, from kissing Taylor behind the chimney to making Spice Girl Videos, from spending the day hiking in the mountains to dressing up and fighting over fake make up, from listening to Eminem in my bedroom to walking to kirts and kings. She was good at letting people know how much she loved them especially those last few months. Jana is missed and loved so much. I wanted to post this so people can know what a good person she was and that she is still thought of and loved so much. Jana I love you and miss you. I wish I would have had more time with you and know I will see you again.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Anniversary

What makes an anniversary?  I woke up and went to work...dragged through the day and found myself on the couch as soon as I got home.  My sweet husband went and moved pipe, he never complains about living on a farm (THANKS!).  His friends had invited him to go golfing not knowing it was our anniversary and Brady said no right away to be with me.  After he got done moving pipe I knew he would love to go golfing so I told him to go because I was just lying on the couch like a tired bum.  So as our anniversary is coming to an end and Brady and I have had no time or fun activity together, I think...what makes an anniversary?  Well I found out real quick as I started surfing the internet.  As everyone knows Brady took the MCAT a month ago and scores weren't supposed to come out till tomorrow night.  Well while I was surfing I decided to see if scores were by chance posted early (nothing ever comes early!) and to my surprise they were posted.  I can tell you that what makes an anniversary is knowing you married the most amazing man who will stay at the school 12 hours a day every day for four months because he loves his wife and wants to support a family in the future.  I appreciate his love and hard work and am so grateful for him because he has made my life  complete.  He did better than we had even hoped and all I can do is cry and thank heavenly father for the strength He has given our family through the past stressful semester.  Honey I love you and am so proud of you!  You are so smart and funny.  You have worked so hard because of you love and determination and I cannot thank you enough for all you sacrifice.  You are amazing and I am the luckiest girl in the world!  This might be another day, but I will never forget this day!  Love ya!~wedding.jpg

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mix Up

I posted the complete picture of our first date below...and look below that post for my tribute to Brady for his birthday.  I had written them both last night, but I can't move today's post above last nights.  I didn't want my husband ignored though! :) Sorry and Thanks!

1st Date

I am so mad at myself for posting this a day late, but yesterday was 6 years since Brady and my first date. Now make sure you are comfortable because this will be a long walk down history lane and it will be a longer post, but it is so fun to remember things that went on in the past between Brady and me. It all started in the spring of 1998. Green Acres Elementary always let the 6th graders go see North Ogden Junior Highs play. That year was Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. The cutest guy ever according to me and all my friends was the guy who played potifer (not sure how to spell that) and jacob. We all talked about him for months. A couple years later this boy started coming over to my house and come to find out I was friends with his little brother. Brady became best friends with my brother John and I always made excuses to be with them when he was over. I would beg John to let me watch them play nintendo or let me watch them play sports or whatever it was they were doing. John of course let Brady know of my crush and poor Brady and I were teased with no mercy. Especially Brady because this little girl was "in love" with him. Anyways I learned a lot about Brady on my 15th birthday when I called him crying. I had surprised kissed his brother at school on my birhtday and his brother didn't like me back. I called Brady crying and telling him what happened and how bad I felt. His immediate response was "one year from now I will take you on your first day and don't worry because you will be better in a little while." he showed his tender heart and he was always kind to me growing up. Well that year went and as Brady promised he took me on my first date. He was so official and called and asked what day I could go. It was so sweet. Anyways...told you this would be a long post...the day after I turned sixteen was our first date. I had my best friends come over and one did my hair, one did my makeup , one chose my outfit, etc...they were so supportive and we were all little giddy girls because I WAS GOING ON A DATE WITH BRADY MOCK!!! Thanks gals for all the love and help. I owe it to you because our first date left a good impression with him ; ). Anyways he picked me up and we went to el matador. I was so nervous I didn't eat because I didn't want anything on my face or in my teeth. Then he took me roller skating at the old classic rink and even held my hand when the dj said that is was a couples skate. We played air hockey and then we were ready to go. It was only 11:00 so he drove around and we talked. He dropped me home at 11:30 and felt so bad because it was so early. He walked me to the doorstep and was just so polite the whole night. To this date he always insists on getting my doors. Well I know that was a long rambling post, but it is fun for me to remember it and enjoy those giddy feelings all over again. Babe I love you and am glad you were always so sweet to that little girl back then. Here is a picture of my glamour hair the night of our first date:

Brady Kurt Mock

Happy Birthday to my sweet husband. Brady is one of a kind and anyone who knows him will agree with that statement. I am always entertained and never know what he will do or say next. He is all of my family's favorite because of his great personality. He is the hottest guy on the planet and I can't thank him enough for all his patience when dealing with my quirks. He is so good to me and such a good husband. Brady works so hard for our future and sacrifices so much to get a good education. I am so grateful to be married to him and can't wait to have a family with him some day. He is the favorite uncle because he will do anything from wrestle to play doggy catcher to jumping on the tramp. He will be the best little daddy (some day). Brady I love you and am the luckiest girl to have you. Happy Birthday!


Anyone who knows my mother knows how easy it is to love her.  She loves everyone she meets and gives her days to others.  I have learned so much growing up watching her.  I am blessed to have such an amazing example in my life.  She has always served the Lord and others around her.  She never complains or lets anyone do anything for her.  She is always happy and upbeat and her laugh can make anyone smile.  My father and her are always so generous to their children.  Especially Brady and I as we have been living in the basement!  Thanks mom!  She has so much faith in those around her and is constantly giving support to others.  I could go on and on about her, but in the end it comes down to her desire to live a righteous life.  Mom I love you and pray I can be as good as you to everyone I come in contact with.  I will miss you like crazy when I can't see you everyday and live thousands of miles away!  I know you will always be there for me and want you to know I will always be there for you!  I love you and Happy Mothers Day!
My Photo

To add to a wonderful mother, I have the best mother in law.  She is so amazing and ambitious.  She just graduated with a bachelors in nursing and starts her masters tomorrow.  She is so smart and works so hard which has lead her to so many achievements and successes.  On top of that she has a leadership position at McKay and gives so much love and time to her family.  She is stretched thin and yet always cheerful and loving.  She has raised 5 great sons and is treats the daughter in laws like true daughters.  I love her so much and am grateful to have her in Brady and my life.  Happy Mothers Day!

I am sorry I do not have a scanner or picture on our camera that I can find (she is always the photographer)  There will be one coming!

Of course I can not forget my beautiful Grandmother that is like a second mother to me.  I have so many good memories of spending time with her growing up.  We loved to do puzzles together and I felt so special because she would call me "The Puzzle Queen".  She always shows her love and has such a contagious smile.  Grandma "Chart" is such an entertainer as you can see below.  She has been such a great example to me of how important it is to attend the Temple.  She has served there for years and her love for the temple spreads to others through example.  She is such a strong woman who has raised such amazing children.  I am so proud to be her grandaughter and want her to know how much I love and admire her!  I love you and Happy mothers Day!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Best Present Ever!~

Anyone who knows me knows I love to shop and am really good at it. I didn't let Brady get me anything for my birthday because I do my share of shopping throughout the year. Anyways, Brady did go shopping with me today, but not for my birthday, but for our wonderful mothers. Anyways while we were shopping we decided to get him something for his birthday which is Monday and he found some way cute shoes at famous footwear. This meant a second pair was half off...this is where I stepped in! :) Thus the best birthday present ever! I saw these shoes a few weeks ago and knew I needed them then! Here is a picture my mom took. Thanks babe! I couldn't ask for anything better!~

Monday, May 5, 2008

Thanks to many people reminding me, I am finally posting.  Personally I feel like my life is so boring that I don't have anything to post about and others let me know they still like to read it so bear with me and I will try to be better.  I feel like I have said that a lot lately.  Well a lot has happened since April 19th, but nothing too exciting.  Only a few more weeks till we get Brady's MCAT scores, but school is out and we have been able to spend some time together.  This will be a great summer together.  I don't have the best memory so I will only be able to discuss this past week and weekend.  Brady and I had finals and they went well.  This will be the first summer since we have been married that Brady won't be going to school.  He has gone to school eight semesters straight!~  My sister Emily and her family came down this weekend and the boys went to the Jazz game while the girls (and my wonderful dad) went to a great dinner and then watched 27 dresses.  We had a blast!  Brady took some great pictures at the game and I posted some above.  Sunday after church my family and I were lucky enough to go to a neighbors house to celebrate a birthday.  I posted about my good friend Braden below and it is his birthday today.   Above are some pictures from his birthday party last night.  That family is such a great family.  They are all really good people and a good example to others of family values.