
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Vegas for the fourth December in a row...

Brady and I at Sam Boyd Stadium

Steph and I in Paris

Walking the strip (Poor Brady is always the photographer)

Pictures from Bellagio Christmas Display

Who am I to complain about the Vegas Bowl anymore when BYU can only go 500 over the past four years.  Brady and I decided to make the trek for the fourth time together, this time without any other Wolthuis' (weird).  Luckily our great friends  (Brady and Steph Hess) decided to endure the long drive in our small subaru and then leave the game early even though the game was the reason for the trip.  Our time wasn't wasted and it was a blast with Brady and Steph.  We went down Friday and walked the strip that night to see the Christmas decorations at the Bellagio.(This has now become a yearly tradition)  Then we went to Cheesecake Factory (YUM YUM)  We woke up Saturday morning and went to the James Bond movie which was good and then tried to reintroduce the Hess' to a better In-n-Out experience than their first.  I love that place and it is always busy no matter what location or time.  We then sat sadly through the BYU/ U of A game and rushed back to the hotel to take our anger out through bowling.  We then took our time Sunday coming home and felt overall the trip was a lot of fun.  I then decided to take a break from sports for some time, but of course that didn't last long as I have frustratingly watched the Jazz lose (Isn't Millsap a monster) and am watching a great TCU BSU game (Go TCU, represent the MWC).  Well anyways that was our fun filled weekend and my short lived vow to leave sports behind.  (Honestly that will never be possible and my emotions will always be run by sports.)  Anyways...update on baby.  Due date is 3 weeks from tomorrow and she weighed 5 lbs. 15 oz. yesterday.  Will post pictures when she is here!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Birthdays!

Today is my oldest sister, Megan's, birthday. Unfortunately she lives in L.A. so I can't celebrate with her, but I wanted her to know how much I love her not only as a sister, but as a friend. She is always so kind and concerned about Brady, Paisley, and me. She has done so much for Brady in helping him apply to med school. We would be lost without her hours of help, advice, and ever needed encouragement. She is always selfless and willing to help others. She constantly is giving her waking hours to others through her job as well, which speaks a lot about who she is. Many people would be worse off without what she has given to her patients. Love ya Megan and hope you have a great birthday even though I know it will all be spent at the hospital.

Today is also my dear friend, Jana's birthday. She is often in my thoughts and prayers and is missed by so many friends and family. I pray that her loved ones can be comforted today and we can all rembmer that she is need elsewhere and doing important work. I love and miss you Jana.

Morgan I hope you don't mind I got this off your blog because I have loved it since I saw it. You both look so beautiful and you were always her best friend and an amazing friend to her.

Another Birthday (wow today is a busy day with birthdays)...Happy Birthday Emily. Hope you have a great day! Thanks for everything again. Last Thursday was so fun and I appreciate all your time and effor put into making it great. I love the "hooter hider". Thanks for everything and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Pictures are kind of random, but they were the only two on my comp that fit with the post...

My cute nephew Colton, is a huge Jazz fan... GO JAZZ!

My mother and I are huge Reno Mahe fans and got out picture with him at the airport this football season... GO BYU!

Why do sports make people so darn crazy?  Brady and I went to the Jazz game last night (which is nice since most Utahns are Jazz fans, I never feel contention with others)  Well it was a good game with great seats (Thanks mom and dad, new season ticket holders) and they won!  On the way to the car there were two guys screaming at the tops of their lungs crazy stuff about the win.  They were really excited.  Brady turns to me and whispers (now that kids is why you don't do crack) judgmental of both of us I know, but it was funny and obvious they weren't all the way there.  Well then they start yelling about the Utes (surprise surprise they were Ute fans...)  Dozens of people were stuck at a light waiting to cross when they kept yelling GO UTAH and making the u with their hands...well me being the level headed BYU fan (YEAH RIGHT!) yelled GO TCU!!!  Okay I know it was not appropriate especially while wearing BYU gear because it poorly represents the school and team.  Brady stepped away and acted like he didn't know me, mainly because he was embarrassed and partly scared of a fight.   When Brady got the nerve up to stand by me again he said "This is how you feel when we go to a game together or I play sports huh?" (My husband is also a crazy sports fan and participant) I was so proud of my husband for being smart enough to realize how I feel when I watch him bicker with refs, opponents, or opposing fans...So then I come back to the question...Why do sports make people so darn crazy??? (including myself)  I guess fans aren't supposed to be objective right?  
SO GO BYU AND TCU FOR ONE NIGHT!  (Sorry I can't help myself)

P.S. Jami and John while I write this post which poorly reflects ute fans, you two are the only ones I like so I don't lump your family in the out of control ute fan group... should I be lumped with the out of control cougar fans???

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Slow Month and Babbling Post

Well I haven't posted in almost a month and feel there isn't anything special to post about.  I am still loving school and will start working in a school next month.  Work is busy, but productive.  Brady goes to Virginia tomorrow for another interview so today I actually cooked a meal which is about the most rare thing in the Mock house hold as of lately.  I even went as far to bake some delicious brownies for dessert from a pampered chef recipe book.  So now after grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning up since 3:30 I feel I have run a marathon and remember why I don't usually cook.  It cost about $20 just to buy the stuff to make dinner which means Brady and I could have eaten a pretty decent meal at a restaurant somewhere.  It does feel nice to actually do some homemaking activities since Brady works so hard for me.  Well I feel ready for bed and it is only 7:30 and I haven't done much today...the joy of being pregnant right!  Sleep until the baby comes is my philosophy.  Well anyways, I joined facebook this week.  Everyone has been talking about it the past few months so I finally looked up the site and joined.  It seems like another good way to keep in touch with people, but I feel overwhelmed because there is so much going on.  Well now I am just babbling about nothing so hopefully I can find some pictures to post with this because I know that pictures make a post more appealing right. : )  Well I found some random pictures and put them above.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Spoiled little Paisley and a PIANO!

Our neighbors were moving a month or so ago and didn't have enough room for their piano and they gave it to Brady and I for FREE!  It plays great and I am so happy to be able to play on our own piano.  We wouldn't have been able to afford one for years otherwise.  There is a picture below.

As soon as Brady and I found out the baby was not a boy, but a girl I have been shopping like crazy!  Girl stuff is just so darn cute and I can't stop spoiling her and she isn't even here yet!  Below is a picture of her blessing dress.  My mom has kept this since I was blessed and now Brady will be able to bless our little Paisley in the same dress.  I am so excited!

Here is a picture of her crib and bedding.  Brady has been so sweet to let me take control and get the things I want.  I have been able to get what I have wanted thanks to coupons and bargain shopping.

We have put her crib and dresser in our spare bedroom with our other bed set.  It makes it a tight fit, but that extra bed might come in handy down the road if she is up a lot I might not make it back to my own bed, but plop down in her room.  

BYU vs. Washington Game

I know this game was a while ago, but a few weeks ago I blogged about Brady being gone and said I would post pictures of our trip to Seattle, but he had the camera with him.  What kind of journal would this be without such a great trip included.  I have had my camera for 3 weeks now and am just getting to the post.  It was a great family trip and I am so grateful my mom puts so much effort into getting our family together and having everything planned.  Thanks dad for making it possible as well!  I love you guys and love to actually have the family in the same state at the same time.  I also have to thank Bronco and the whole BYU team especially Jan Jorgensen for making such a great game!

My sweet mom went and asked Reno if we could get our picture with him.  
My cute hubby and I on the plane
Brady has come around since we have been married...him showing his true team.  
All of you who read my mom's blog knows this, but Reno Mahe was on our plane and here he is leading the plane on the fight song.
Brady and I at the Mariners/ Yankees game.

Our fellow house members on the plane.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Brooks turns to Paisley...

Well 6 six weeks ago Brady and I were told we would have a little boy come January.  2 weeks ago the Doctor asked during the ultrasound "what did I tell you your baby was last time?"  Brady and I quickly said BOY! she responded with "I think that might be changing, but I can't get a good shot"  Well the baby wouldn't move so she had us come back 2 weeks later which was today and we had our 4D ultrasound and measurements of the baby.  The good news is that the baby is healthy and growing, the other news is that the baby is a GIRL!  Brady and I were surprised because we had out heart and minds set on a boy, but a girl is great too!  

Monday, September 8, 2008

Running all day and traveling by night...

My family, all 17 of us, met in Seattle this weekend for the BYU Washington game and had a blast...(I will post pictures later because Brady has our camera right now with him.) Sunday while everyone was going home, Brady took off to head to the east coast til tonight. I have been missing him and worried sick (Pregnancy has made me a much more needy wife.) Sunday night he got to Rochester New York at 5:00 and was picked up by my cousin Richie and his wife Julie and little girl Ruby. (Thanks! The trip would have been more expensive and unfamiliar otherwise.) They showed him the campus, fed him, and took care of him then the next morning he was up bright and early to interview. He spent the day interviewing, attending class, and touring the campus of the University of Rochester and loved it! Then he was off that night to head to Pittsburg...
He got into Pittsburg late last night and was up early again today to interview and tour Pitt's campus. He had another great day which is exciting. He has worked hard and we will hopefully have a location in mind come winter of where we will be moving next summer. Utah interview is next week followed by one in Virginia next month so he is racking up the sky miles, but getting awesome opportunities to see new places and schools that may become home. It will be a great adventure. Thanks Brady for all your hard work!!! He gets home in 7 hours (but who is counting) and I have missed him so much (prgenancy!). While he has been gone I have managed to put together a stroller and high chair which is exciting! Stay tuned for pictures from Seattle!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I can see the future...

My sister Emily and her 3 boys are down for the week and we all just drop everything to be with these cute boys.  Well unfortunately all they want is to play with uncle Brady.  They love to do everything from play XBOX to doggy catcher to just wrestling.  I am so grateful I am married to someone who loves children as much as I do.  The Mock's have had 4 generations of only boys until his older brothers have blessed the family with plenty of girls.  I am planning on my future being full of boys and wrestling matches and other sports games which will all be new to me, but I am grateful for the chance to be a mother with a loving husband and father.  Here is the cutest picture of Brady with all the boys climbing on him like he is a jungle gym.  Thanks babe for being the best baby sitter!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Camping in the Unitahs

Brady and I left Wednesday night after work to head up to the Uintahs for a Mock family vacation.  His brother Jared and his family went up with us while his parents and brother Justin and his family came Thursday afternoon and then his brother Ryan and his family came up Friday night with Craig.  It was so great to have the whole family together and I am so in love with all those kids.  Brady and I were supposed to stay til this afternoon, but last night it rained so hard we packed up and left and got home at about midnight.  There was great fishing and enjoyable weather for the most part.  I am a lucky girl because I do have great in laws and get along with them great.  Here are some pictures of our trip.  

A great view of what we got to see the whole time.

Brady and I in front of our little "home"

The two babies with their mommies (all 4 were great sports)

The fam sitting around the fire.
Kasen with his fish that he helped reel in.

Kasen trying his hardest not to pose for the camera, but I did get a smile

Kendell fishing
Braylie posing by the fire.  

Kendell watching her daddy fish.
My cute husband fishing
My first fish I caught this trip
Brady wanted me to hold up the fish for a picture, this is the first fish i have ever touched and when I went to pick it up it jumped out of my hands and I freaked out, thus my face in this picture.
Another fish I caught this weekend (which was the biggest of the weekend)
My cute husband fishing again

Everywhere you look it was just trees and nature.  Everything was gorgeous!

Brady and I on the way I look scary, but who gets ready to not take a shower for 5 days?!!