Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

It certainly is beginning to look a lot like Christmas around my house! We went and got our Christmas tree on the 24th, and put it in that night. We haven't put our tree in that early for a while, so it's been really nice to have it up and be able to enjoy it. We got the Christmas decorating done the last week of November.
My friend Shannon had asked if I would take some family pictures for her, so we took those and also did her babies 4 month pictures on the 28th. She has such a cute little family.
Saturday, the 1st of December we headed to Kamas for Amber's baptism. It had started to rain/snow on Friday, but not really to much until the early morning hours and then it really started to snow. We knew that we needed to leave early to give ourselves enough time to get there. When we left our house there was probably about 5-6 inches of snow, with a couple inches of wet rainy slush under that. Needless to say it was really slick. The roads hadn't been plowed, so I was VERY glad that we had Dad and Mom's truck to drive instead of my car. It took us a while to get there, but as we always say..."We'd rather take our time and be late then not get there at all." The baptism was very good. It was a Stake baptism and there were 11 kids getting baptized. Amber was very lucky to have so many people brave the weather to come and share with her on her special day.
David, Stacey, Brooke and Emma Jane had come in for the baptism, so we talked Paul, Laura, Kylie, Amber, Brody and Bridger into coming down to Salt Lake for the night. We all(Dad, Mom, Paul's family, Dave's family and I) went down to Temple Sqaure to enjoy the lights, and then we rode out to Christmas Utah. If you haven't ever been and seen the display at Christmas Utah it is a definate must see, especially if you are in Salt Lake. I can't imagine how much time that guy must put into his display.
Monday night Mom had got tickets for us(Dad, Mom and I) to go see the Bar J Wranglers at the McKay Events center in Orem. It was a really great show. If you haven't ever seen the Bar J Wranglers you should look into, I think they are really good.
Now, we are just trying to get everything ready so that we can leave for Las Vegas this weekend. We are headed down to the N.F.R. for the final 7 performances. We are all VERY excited.
You probably won't hear from me again until I get back from Vegas. So until then...
Bright light city gonna set my soul, gonna set my soul on fire...Viva Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas, Viva, Viva Las Vegas!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Missing Pictures

Here are the missing pictures from my last post. The first one is of Brooke with her birthday presents.

This one was taken at Bonsai, when Mark and Jessie took us out to eat.