Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Gods and Goddesses series

#s 1 and 2 of the Gods and Goddesses series, Pan and Poseidon

Pan #1 Titled "The Calm Before"

Pan was the first in the Gods Goddesses series. Inspired by a metal centaur with a cherub on it's back, Pan was surrounded with glass flowers made of rose quartz, amethyst, aquamarine, hemimorphite, carnelian. The garden includes antique objects :a lock who's key is hidden in Poseidon's piece, an 1800s mouth blown wine glass, door bell holder, door lock, prisms, a lion's head door knocker. 

Poseidon #2 Titled "The Storm"

Poseidon and Pan were the first two started in the Gods and Goddesses series. I had a commission for a diptych in the same vein as the Salt Exchange diptych. The Gods and Goddesses idea had been evolving/forming in the back of my brain for years but for financial reasons, the opportunity hadn't yet been there to make them. The inspiration came from objects in my studio- a worn porcelain head and torso from a dear friend's back yard, unearthed while gardening, (I had worked with worn porcelain doll parts for a commissioned piece and was equally enamored and distressed by them. So reminiscent of small bones, they have a haunting quality, but I love them, they're beautiful), mixed with iridescent stones, pressed glass leaves and beads to make an armless mermaid being carried by the current, a large coin with Poseidon, a bronze horse, a Tibetan trident, coins, shells, prisms, bottles and stones, an overpowering ocean wave, creating chaos, other Gods looking on,  the geometric lines showing the order of the universe-everything is always as it should be even when it seems all is making no sense.