Friday, September 24, 2010

June birthday boy

First glimpses of our sweet baby....June 9, 2009!

Austin getting ready to leave the hospital...just over 24 hours old.

We had a lot to celebrate when my family visited in June. Uncle Mark had just got a promotion. Fathers Day for the great men in our lives. Austin shares his birthday with Grandpa Aullman and Annie and Mark's birthdays were a couple weeks before. We loved having everyone around to celebrate!

On to the cake!

MMMM....this is good!

Much more fun with both hands


Such a happy baby!

Thought I better throw one in of the other two

Just watching his expression!

One of his favorite places to be

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


In June we enjoyed an awesome two week visit from Mom, Shaina, and Annie. Mark and Adrienne were able to join us for a week. Dad came down for a few days also. We were able to go and spend a few days in California. We got a package deal and stayed at Knotts Berry Farm and enjoyed a day there. The kids loved the rides. The roller coasters were pretty intense. It was really fun and I think everyone had a great time. We also enjoyed some time at the beach. The kids loved playing in the waves and had no fear at all as long as someone was nearby to catch them. We all ended up soaked and sandy for the ride back to Vegas. Can't wait for another family vacation next summer (hopefully Greg and Bre will be able to join in the fun). We are hoping to make this a family tradition and are already making plans for next summer!
Uncle Mark "holding" the sun
Jake was not too fond of these women and would only sit there with Uncle Mark near
Kyla had no fear
Kyla and the Knott's Berry Farm chicken
The only moment of smiles on the ferris wheel. It was a bit shaky and we were all very ready to get off
The train cars that J & K had to power around the track
Can you see the giddiness of Jake's face?
Jake LOVED Snoopy
Kyla riding the horse
Jake and his "mailman" hat
Really scary roller coaster! Dad, Mark, Adrienne in first car and Mike & I in back of 2nd car
Jake loved being in the waves and wore several people out trying to keep up with him
Austin loved playing in the sand and only occassionally took a taste
Jake buried
Kyla buried

MAY 2010

May brought a fun weekend getaway (with the kids) for our anniversary to St. George. We spent 2 days just playing and relaxing. The kids tried their hands at miniature golf and Kyla did great. Jake didn't quite get the concept but enjoyed playing. Kyla was very excited to go see the temple and really enjoyed being there and in the Visitors Center. The kids loved seeing the Christus and both commented that it looked like Jesus was giving hugs. They loved looking at the pictures of Jesus and could have spent hours there. We went to eat at Pirate's Pizza which is such a fun, family friendly place. The kids loved the decor (I loved the decor). If you have never been there, it is worth the visit. It also had a arcade place to earn tokens and the kids were able to get some pirate gear.

May also brought the ending of Freedom Academy. Kyla loved "going to school" and being with her friends twice a week. They had a Field Day as a last activity. We were a bit nervous about going because Kyla had thrown up the night before but she was fine and loved every minute of it. We are sad to be missing out on the fun of Freedom Academy for this year but very excited for Kyla to start new adventures going to school.
Austin climbing
In a tree at the Brigham Young Winter Home
Before he could walk...
K & J on the temple steps
In front of the Christus in the St. George Temple Visitors Center
Pirate's Pizza
Playing games at Freedom Academy's Field Day
Donut eating...YUM!
Finally getting a few bites
The aftermath of donut eating

APRIL 2010

April was a pretty calm month for us. We enjoyed the nice Spring weather with Kyla trying her hand at T-ball. She loved being up to bat and has a pretty good hit. Being in the field was not one of her favorite things to do. Overall it was a good experience for her and we will probably play again. We are extra lucky because our Stake sponsors free Soccer in the Fall and Baseball in the Spring. It is nice to have her involved in activities without having to pay all the fees. Another highlight was the baptism of our friend, Jody. She was our neighbor when we lived in the East part of town and surprised us with a call saying she was getting baptized. Michael was able to perform the baptism. We were excited to be able to participate in such a special day for her.

Getting some tips before batting
Ready for church
After the baptism with Jody and family

Monday, May 3, 2010

Kid's version

This is what I heard Kyla singing today:

"Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
To see if it would snow"

I love hearing how my kids interpret things that we say...

Goes right along with Jake informing us that he is going to "Candy Garden" (kindergarten) with Kyla next year.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

In their words....

Mom: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Kyla: A ghost doctor
Jake: A bear
Mom: What does a ghost doctor do?
Kyla: Jumps out and scares people
(Jake at this point decides he wants to be a fire engine)
Kyla: Can girls be police? I want to be a police
Mom: What do police do?
Kyla: Shoot bad guys and then put people into jail so that bad guys can't get them.

Interesting career choices and enlightenment into the lives of police officers. It gave me a good chuckle for the night!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

On the Move

Most of this is just pictures for my family so they can see how much he has grown. This last month has been a busy one for Austin. He now has 6 teeth (2 bottom and 4 top). He has been army crawling most of the month and just this past week picked up crawling...the action sequence is the last 3 pictures. Other than that, we are just enjoying his new sounds and his fun and happy attitude!! He also will now wave when it is bedtime and naptime. Sleeping is still a bit of a struggle and I'm hoping someday we can get it figured out.

Jake's birthday

Crazy to think that he's to see how much he's grown. We had a little cupcake celebration with just us on his birthday and a few days later invited over some family and friends to help us celebrate. He was a bit embarrassed with all the attention when we sang Happy Birthday to him but loved the cake and presents. We had to keep urging him to keep opening presents because he wanted to stop and read every book that he got. Thank you so much to everyone that helped make his birthday special! We are now currently potty training and have some good days and some bad days...maybe by summer.