Monday, February 23, 2015

Bowling in the Blogville Ambulance

OK Guy'z listen up.   (Girls can't read this part.)

Have you heard from Frankie and Ernie... us boys are having a Blogville "Guy'z Night Out" on March 23, 2015.   That's right, no girls allowed!  Just us boys getting together and having a pawsome time! 

We are hosting "Bowling in the Blogville Ambulance." 

Since I am the Blogville Dogtor, I had a Bowling Lane installed in the Blogville Ambulance to help with giving out vision tests, you know to test how many bowling pins you see standing up, type of vision tests....

So guy'z, bring your balls if you got them!  Wait! What!  I mean, bring your BOWLING balls if you got them, and meet us in the Blogville Ambulance fur a fun night of bowling.

Send your photo (of your face for a Team Photo)  by FRIDAY, MARCH 13th  to us at   teresius1 (at) aol (dot) com.   (note, that's a number one in our email address.)   Also, e-mail me your name so I can write it on the Bowling Score Sheet, something like this...Guy'z Name:____________.

Click on the photo of the Score Sheet to make it bigger!

Oh and if you don't want to bowl and you just want to sit on the bench and cheer the bowlers along -- let us know too.  (We are going to assign random scores to the Score Sheet for the ten frames, so if you aren't comfortable with having your name and score, you can still participate in the event by cheering from the bench.)


Lassie and Benji
(Dogtor Lassiter Chase & EMT Benjamin the Shelties)


P.S.   OK Girl'z listen up.  (Guys can't read this part.)

This is Lassie and Benji's Mom taking over their blog.    The guys are planning to go "Bowling in the Blogville Ambulance" on March 23, 2015.  You girls can't let the guys get away with this "Guy'z Night Out" thing.   Girl'z are going to crash the Bowling Party.   Just don't let the boys find out about the Party Crashing! Send your photo (of your face for a Team Photo)  by FRIDAY, MARCH 13th  to me at   teresius1 (at) aol (dot) com.   (note, that's a number one in my email address.)   Also, e-mail me your name so I can write it on the Bowling Score Sheet, something like this...Girl'z Name:____________.  Oh and if you don't want to bowl and you just want to sit on the bench and cheer the bowlers along -- let me know too.  Remember, this is a secret!    Don't tell the guys you are going to Crash the Bowling Party! 

Summary:   Send pictures (of your face) to   teresius1 (at) aol (dot) com.   Note: that is a (number one)  #1 in the e-mail address (not a lowercase "L").   Send photos by Friday the 13th!   Tell us your name.  And if you don't want to bowl -- let us know if you are just sitting on the bench.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Climb every mountain

The snow was ruffly four paws deep yesterday.  Our poop deck steps looked like a mountain to us all covered in snow.  

And do u totally see that I (Lassie) have both ears up in this photo.  That is a rare occassion fur me to put up both ears.   It happens only once in like 87 days or something.  

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Got snow?

I was looking to make sure a snowfreak wasn't hiding under a pile of snow.  Happy to report we are clear of snowfreaks in my yard today.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valenti-Yikes Day!

Benji and I insisted that Mommy wake up at 6 am on a Saturday to let us outside.  We jumped on the bed, licked her face, straightened her bed hair by stepping and pulling it, and serenaded her with a pawsome Sheltie barking song.

So she let us out in the yard and when we came back in from our potty break, she gave us a treat and wanted to say "Happy Valentines Day" butt all that came out was "Happy Valenti-Yikes!" Because Benji jumped up and grabbed the treat out of Mommy's hand (and kinda nipped Mommys finger while grabbing the treat.). So, she screamed "yikes" in the middle of  trying to say "Happy Valentines Day".    Dont worry Mommy is ok.

And most importantly, Mommy remembered and gave me (Lassie) my treat too- but I grabbed it gently from Mommy's hand.

So Happy Valenti-Yikes Day everyone!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

We went to the ballet

Well we kinda went to the ballet.  

Mommy held up our picture at the ballet during intermission.

This is the first ballet we ever went to.

We are dog-tired from watching all those people in tight pants dancing around on their tip toes.   

If Blogville ever has a ballet, Benji and I aren't wearing any tu-tu or tight outfits.   Nuff said.

Oh, and Mommy bought a box of chocolates during intermission.  She was surprised they sold candy in the lobby at the ballet. 

I wonder what foods Blogville's Chef Sasha would serve during intermission if we had a Ballet.  

And lastly, when Mommy found out she was gonna see a ballet with an orchestra and everything, she didnt know what to wear.   No worries.  We made sure we shed enough of our furs all over her coat so she could tell everyone she was wearing her finest fur coat to the ballet.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Happy Barkday

Happy Feb 3rd Barkday to Bree (Reilly & Denny's mom.) Happy Feb 3rd Barkday to our Mayorz Murphy and Stanley. Happy Feb 3rd Barkday to our Mommy.  

And a "furry merry un-barkday" to everyone in Blogville whose Barkday is not on Feb 3rd too. (That's like the song from Alice and Wonderland.)

Everyone should celebrate today regardless if it is your barkday or not!  Might as well eat cake and enjoy life.

Bree (Reilly and Denny's mom),  sent Mommy a PAWSOME barkday present in the mail.  Bree painted two absolutely gorgeous portraits of us.  You can tell which one is me (Lassie) because I have one ear up.  

Bree also made a fangtastic bracelet fur our Mommy with a little Sheltie charm and other charms on it (thats in the box in the center of the photo.)

A barkday card is in the top left of photo.

And Bree made some super delicious cookies fur us.   We already tasted the cookies, so some are missing from the box.

Thank u so much Bree fur all the presents.  You made mommy so happy.  We cant thank u enough.

Now us dogs wanted to give Mommy a special treat fur her 38th (I mean 87th again) birthday so we offered her some miniature cinnamon donuts with candle decorations on it, butt Benji kinda helped himself  and ate the number eight donut.  I ate the vertical-half-eight (number 3) donut.  At least Mommy got to keep the candle decorations as a souvenir from our barkday present to her. 

Thank u everyone fur Mommy's Barkday wishes.  You all are such great friends.   Love ya Blogville!
And yes our Mommy is really 38.

Have a fun-filled day Blogville!

Lassie and Benji

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The fence must go!

We are totally not liking the "fence" our Mommy put up around our favorite pee bush!    Mommy is a wimp and said the ground is frozen and she couldnt really put it up right-- so she had to improvise to get it to stand up with chairs, pool noodles and lawn ornaments.

Our neighbor was outside trying to fill her bird feeders and was watching what mommy was doing.   I think she ended up spilling some bird seeds because she must have thought our Mommy was insane.   

Anyway mommy explained to the neighbor about the vet wanting her to put a fence around the bush because Benji might be allergic to that bush.

The neighbor breathed a sigh of relief and said I wondered what u were doing.

Anyway, both us dogs gave Mommy dirty stares because we dont like her fence installation job one bit!

I am surprised she didnt just duct tape the fence together.

Oh no, I hope my mommy doesnt read that and get any ideas!

By the way, we dont know what kind of shrub this is.  Maybe its a yew of some sort?  It kinda looks like Christmas tree branches.  We have never seen any berries on it, so i dont think it gets berries.   If anyone knows what kind of bush this is, let us know please so we can look it up for possible allergies.

A magic year?

Mommy's birthday is on tuesday. She said she is getting too old to be counting her actual age, so she said she is just gonna tell people her current age from now on.   
This is her age currently, no wait its not 37-- my bad--I am holding the number down with my paw.

Thats better, Benji is displaying the correct age of 87.  

It was like magic we almost made Mommy half her age -- get it--half of a number 8 is a 3.