Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fun day (04-21-2010)

So the pine wood derby lasted so long that my friend Diana took Brett and me home so we could get to bed and she has a little one, Jimmy, who is Brett's age and needed bed too.  They dropped us off a little before 8:00 PM on the 20th.  Then at about 7:00 AM or so on the 21st, Diana calls and says she's in labor and that they would be there in a little bit to drop off Jimmy.  She and her hubby left my house at about 7:45 AM, and I'm pretty sure that before 9:00 AM I had a text with a picture of baby Christiana on my phone.  They barely made it to the hospital!  Here's a picture of Jimmy...we had a blast playing Star Wars guys all day long!

Pinewood Derby (04-20-2010)

Jace got to participate in his very first pinewood derby for cubs this year.  He worked really hard on his car (blue with a fluorescent yellow stripe down the center).
He and Matt weighed and measured before the night of the race and then made last minute, well calculated adjustments for weight (Matt even took it to the post office to weigh it a couple days before!)
Excited for the first race (see him beaming in the middle of the sea of cubs?)
Second heat...Jace's car is in the middle.
He won 4th overall, so he was out of the running for a close!  Better luck next year!
And do I have a good shot of Jace's car?  Noooo...but I do have one of Matt's (this is his car from his cub days).  It was a little shy on weight so he glued an animal cracker to the top.  He and Jace raced their cars after it was all over.  Jace's one by a hair!
They can't wait for next year...they already have a vision, of course...

Catapillars to Butterflies (04-20-2010 to 05-02-2010)

We decided to to try some science fun this spring when my sister found these butterfly kits for cheap.  We ordered our little catapillars...
Watched them grow...
Saw them make their chryslis
Moved them to the butterfly habitat...
And watched them hatch into butterflies!
The boys loved it!
Jace missed the hatching because he and Matt were at a cub and one (cubscout campout) that weekend, but Brett and I got to see them!

Happy Birthday, Matt!!! (04-19-2010)

Happy birthday, honey!  You're finally as old as me...this year was no different than any other.  Matt tried to guess all his presents and then we of course had home made ice cream.

Trying to guess Grandma & Grandpa's present
Guessing Brett's present
See Dad?  We want you to be handy!
Waiting for brownies and ice cream!
We had a great time, and I'm so glad I got to spend another year with you, babe!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rain (04-17-2010)

We watched this front come in from our balcony.  It was really cool to see the cloud front get closer and closer and we could see the rain, too.  Soon, we were getting wet!

Family Antics (04-14-2010)

Jace was having fun with the camera this day....
Brett & Daddy made a Mommy sandwich!

Brett's field trip to the Alamo (04-04-2010)

Brett's little kindergarten class took a field trip downtown to the Alamo.  We saw a movie about the Alamo where a secret shopper gave us all his snacks (he had to buy them but didn't want them), so the boys got popcorn.  Then we went on a boat ride to see some San Antonio sites (in the rain).  And then we went to visit the real Alamo where they boys were so excited to find Davy Crockett's name.  We had a great time...

Brett & Anders waiting for the movie to start...nice popcorn in the teeth.
My friend Alisa (Ander's mom) on the river boat ride before the rain got too bad.
The boys on the river...
Snacks at River Center mall...
Oh, we are going to miss Mrs. Elliott!!!

Easter at Grammy & Pop's House (04-01-2010 to 04-04-2010)

We went to Odessa this year for Easter.  This post is incredibly long and I probably should have broken it up, but it is what it's a recap of what we did while we were there!

Bahama Bucks!

One of our favorite things to do when we go there is to head to Bahama Bucks for snow cones.  Matt and I used to go to the first Bahama Bucks in Lubbock while we were in college, so it's a fun thing that they have one in Odessa now that we can share with the boys!  Unfortunately, about 5 seconds after these pictures were taken, Brett's fell off the bench and we had to get him another one...oh well...better on Bahama Bucks' concrete floor than in my car!  :-)

Jared & Laura!

Another fun thing about going to Odessa is that our friends Jared and Laura live in Midland, so sometimes it works out that we actually get to see them while we're in town (a lot of times they are out of town because it's a holiday and they are visiting their families).  This time we actually got to have a double date with them...just like old times!  We used to go out together before any of us was married, so it's fun times when we get together.  I think they think we are a little silly because we always share kid stories and they have 5 and we have 2...and our oldest kids are the same age, if that tells you anything about how old theirs are!  So, yeah, we can't quite share in the craziness but we have a good time anyway!


I'm the meanest mom ever.  I even make my kids have quiet time and reading time before bed when we are traveling.  My kids think it's the worst (even though they don't want to stop reading once they get started!), but they'll thank me's Jace with his latest 39 Clues installment...

Go Karts!

It's hard to find a place to ride go karts that will actually let an 8-year-old drive, but Odessa has a place so we try to go when we visit.  Jace and Brett love it!  This time, we even got Grammy & Pop to come hang out, too.  Jace and  Brett fought over who got to ride with Grammy in her super cool sports car.  Brett won on the way there, so Jace had to settle for the drive home.

Heather, Phil, Kade & Carter!

Another cool thing about west Texas is my sister lives in Midland, so we always get to see her family when we go.  We went over for a few hours on Saturday to hunt eggs and eat lunch before spending more time with Grammy & Pop.

I managed to get some really cute pictures of Kade hunting eggs.  My kids, not so much, although Jace wasn't really that into it this year (so sad).
Carter hung out inside and grinned at us through the window in Kade's room.  Then we all went back inside to play with him.
This was the least offensive picture of all 4 boys together...and we took quite a few!

Easter Morning!

The boys woke up to surprises and empty baskets so they could go hunt eggs.  The weather was great so we hid eggs outside, too.  Jace loved this hunt because the eggs had MONEY in them!

 Pop & Jace
Posing for a picture since I got no action shots that were any good.
Dad & Brett checking out the loot.
Jace counting money & candy...
Grammy didn't want her picture taken...
Brett being a cheese head...he gets in these moods where he wants you to take his picture...this was one of those times.

On the way home...

We all needed to get out and stretch our legs so we stopped at a rest area on the way home that afternoon.  there was a small patch of blue bonnets, so we decided to snap some pictures.  I love their black Easter outfits (Grammy bought them Texas Tech shirts so they wanted to wear them, of courese)...