Friday, February 11, 2011

So long, 2010!

2010 was good to our family.  We are so thankful to be surrounded by family who loves and supports us and so grateful to enjoy basic blessings like health, strength, shelter, income and just being with each other.  Hopefully 2011 will be just as kind.  Happy new year!

Christmas at home (12-27-2010)

On our way back home from Odessa, I called Mom and Dad to see if they could come over that night to have Christmas with us.  We didn't open anything before we left, so we got to do it all when we got home!  They came over and spent a couple hours with us and shared Christmas with us.  It was great (except the kids were so excited they wouldn't eat dinner before presents!).

Thanks, Dad, for taking all the pictures!  That's why they aren't in any of them!  Oh well...

Day after Christmas (12-26-2010)

The day after Christmas, we just relaxed.  Brett decided to impersonate Bronco with a box on his head. Presliegh got to come home from the vet which made the kids happy.  Grammy humored Brett and played his made up games.  Linz got a nap.  And we all enjoyed our new electronics!

Monday, we loaded up and headed back to San Antonio.  We were ready to go home!

Christmas Day (12-25-2010)

Merry Christmas!  We enjoyed our Christmas morning in Odessa.  It was cold outside, but we had a fire going and the kids were a lot of fun this year.  Jace opened his first present that he was sure was a meat stick, but it was rope for him to use in the tree house (which he asked for).  Hopefully it won't be used to tie up his brother or anything!  We all had fun sharing and opening!

 Grammy and her coffee!
 Jace is the best present-getter.  Always a smile, no matter what.

 And Brett did pretty well, too, until he got one wrapped in a file folder box.  He was like, "What?!  I got a box of file folders?"  It was pretty he is showing off his new Harry Potter Heroes and Villians book (Which I took away after discovering how many spoilers it has!  He's cool with it...he wants to finish the books first!).
 Pop in his chair...
 Grammy and Pop were too generous, getting the boys iPod Touches.  They love them.
 Pop and his gun racks.
 Brett and his robe that he lived in for 2 days!
 Pop got targets!
 Linz had fun, too.
 And Grammy got tall PJ pants!
 Linz got some dry erase markers for her classroom.
 And Linz and Matt (and me) got iPads!  Fun stuff...see?  Too generous!
 A together present...
 Grammy was a good sport to pose with her presents!
 After we ate a yummy Christmas dinner, we decided to try out Matt's new game, Cuponk!  Kat gave it to him from Christmas.  We had a blast with this crazy minute-to-win-it type game where you get a ping pong ball into a cup in different ways.

What a fun Christmas!

Christmas Eve (12-24-2010)

Christmas Eve was spent sleeping for the first part.  Our drive was so long, so we were super tired.  When we all visit Matt's family, Matt and I sleep in the living room.  That night, Linz's poor puppy got really sick and she had to go outside with her off and on all night long.  That meant Matt and I didn't sleep very soundly.  The next morning, Pop and Linz took Presleigh (the puppy) to the vet where she had to stay most of the weekend.  They were all nice enough to let Matt and I crash in Grammy and Pop's room for a couple extra hours in the morning.

Then we headed to the kitchen to get pies and yummy yams ready for Christmas dinner.  We spent most of the day in there cooking and cleaning!  And making way too many sugar cookies for Santa.  And then it was time to read the Christmas story and go to bed so Santa could come!

Kat's House LAST DAY (12-22-2010)

We had a relaxing day our last day at Kat's.  We washed clothes and ski stuff and let the kids play and got packed up for our super long drive the next day.

The kids loved sword fighting each other.
When Ryan got home, thewrestling commenced. 

 And then it was time for hugs goodbye.  We had to leave super early the next morning so we weren't sure everyone would be up to say bye.

The next morning, we drove 11 hours to Odessa to spend Christams Eve and Christmas Day with them.  It was a long drive, but everyone traveled well.  I was probably the whiniest because of the speed limits in New Mexico and a crazy cop who decided to follow me just to see if I would break the law.  For an hour.  An hour!!!  Anyway, we made it!

Kat's House DAY 3 (12-21-2010)

On Tuesday, we headed to Loveland for a day of skiing.  The roads were fine until we were up in the mountains.  Then there was an accident and some issue with then Eisenhower Tunnel, so it took us forever to get there.  Of course, it took everyone else forever to get there,too, so there was a rush for ski rentals and registration to ski school.  Bayli and Brett were going to ski school while Ryan skiied with Bronco in a harness and Matt skiied with Jace.

As you can see from this picture, Brett was done before he even got started.  He did not want to go to ski school after it took so long to get our gear.  We sent him anyway and watched him fall and just lay there in the snow until some ski teacher would come over to help him.  Their recommendation for him was private lessons since he took so much one-on-one having a bad attitude.  They called me early afternoon to come get him.  When they found out we were from San Antonio, they blamed it on that!  But once Brett was out of ski school, he was totally stoked about heading up for a couple runs with Matt and then playing in the snow.  He just didn't want to do ski school.  Bayli, on the other hand, did GREAT!  She was a trooper.  And Jace learned a lot practicing with Matt, and Bronco had a great time being Ryan's ski puppet in the harness.
 Here's Bayli and Brett before ski school started.
 And Bayli, ready to go with her group of girls!
 Matt and Jace.
 Bronco came in to warm up!
 Jace and Matt again...
 Ryan and Bronco.
 And me.
 Brett skiing before he gave up.
 Brett again...

And Jace built a snow man!
 Brett and Bronco throwing snowballs!
 And then they were done and came in to play with the iPad for a while...
 After ski school, Bayli took a few runs with her daddy.
 And when it was all done, we headed down the mountain to Beau Jo's for some mountain pie (aka pizza...really good pizza).  YUM!
 While we waited for food, Bronco serenaded us all with his rendition of the Imperial March, "Da da da da d-da da d-da!"
 Man, we look tired!  And we didn't even ski!!!
We had a great day.  Bed never felt so good!