
Goodbye Freezer

We are moving up in the world folks. We are finally getting rid of the old school freezer. I know, I know, it's about time we upgraded to a frost free freezer. Say goodbye to the yearly defrosting. I actually might shed a tear.... NOT!



What's better than going to NASCAR? How about making your own track out of duct tape on your bedroom floor. Camden has become quite the duct tape track master. He has the pit boxes, the infield and the parking garage. I love when kids use their imagination!


Sunday Family Dinner

I have THE most wonderful family ever. We typically have family dinner at my dad's house twice a month. It's quite the happening place with 17 of my nieces and nephews, parents and brothers and sister-in-laws. This is one of my very favorite dinners.... my dad's enchiladas. Just looking at the photo makes my mouth water.


Dixie State Basketball

So my dad loves sports and he has instilled that love of sports in Camden. They went to the college game the other night and he came home with this awesome "We're #1" hand. Of course being silly me, I told him to pretend like he was picking his nose! Ha, ha, I love that he did it.


This year we had Katie and the kids stay over so that Camden could have Christmas with the boys. They love spending time together and get along so well. Not only that but they are super cute. We made them stay in bed until 8:00 and then sit on the stairs until the video camera was ready. They were all so excited! It was fun for Camden and the boys to watch each other open gifts. Our living room looked like a tornado hit it by the time we were finished but it was well worth the cleanup.


Grandpa's Early Christmas

Camden and I went over to my dads today. He had a box from the Pratt's for Christmas. Camden was so excited for him to open it RIGHT THEN. Of course Grandpa obliged. Camden had also just gotten his haircut so I made them pose for a photo. Aren't they so handsome!


How's it Hanging?

Apparently I am one of those idiots that drives with stuff hanging out their car door. I drove like this from St. George to Nephi. Brilliant I say, just brilliant!


Witchy Woman

The Judge showed up this morning with hats and brooms for all of us to wear. I'm just trying to get into the Halloween spirit. I regularly ride a broom so for me this was just another regular day at the office!


New Couch

We finally bit the bullett and purchased a new couch! I adore it. It has a huge wow factor in our living room. The first weekend it was home, we slept 3 adults on it without touching. The picture does not even do it justice.


Is That a Shark Bite?

Matt has had this nasty varicose vein ever since I met him. The vein runs from the top of his thigh, across his quad, around the back of his knee and down his calf. A few years ago it started giving him trouble. I knew it was a problem when he brought me an ad he had cut out of the paper for varicose vein removal.

Anyway, I made Matt an appointment and after the initial visit they scheduled him for an ultra-sound. At the ultra-sound they found the vein that was feeding the varicose vein. They decided that it was only going to get worse so they scheduled him for surgery.

I never knew that varicose vein surgery was a two part deal. I took him in the first day of surgery and they ran a laser through the varicose vein so that it would kill it and put a stint in the feeding vein. When they were all done they put him in a compression thigh high sock. He looked ULTRA sexy! We were sent home and told to come back the next week for the second portion of the surgery.

Little did Matt know that days 4 and 5 were going to be very painful. Matt called me on day 5 and told me that he was heading to the doctors office because he was worried about blood clots and the level of pain he was experiencing. The doctors did an ultra-sound to check for blood clots and thank goodness, nothing was found!. The doctor explained that the vein was shrinking and breaking off from other veins which it had been attached too and that is what was causing the pain. He told Matt that he should be feeling the popping when the veins break (ewww).

The night before Matt's second surgery we got to shave his legs! He technically only needed to shave one, but he thought he might look funny with only one hairy leg, so we ended up shaving both legs. Matt didn't think shaving his leg would be too bad but by the time we finished the second leg he was over it. That night when he climbed into bed he asked how I felt about sleeping next to a metro-sexual. Ha, like he would ever qualify as that!

The second day of the surgery included the doctors making about 25 small incisions in Matt's leg and pulling the dead vein out. When I picked him up his bandages had already started to soak through with blood. He was in a lot of pain and couldn't wait to get home.

Recovery was a pain. Because the varicose vein was so large and went from the front of his leg, to the side of his leg and then to the back of his leg, he could not get comfortable in bed. Poor guy didn't get much sleep.

One night before the bandages came off, Matt had some friends over to play pool. Tim, one of his friends took the picture below and sent it off to all of Matt's other friends. When people
responded back asking what happened, Tim replied that Matt had been bitten by a shark!

The sad thing about this photo is that it only shows about a third of the incision.