Tuesday, July 19, 2011

~~30 Weeks~~

Here I am at 30 weeks!!!!
It's hard to believe in just a matter of time I'll be the mother of 6 children!!
and one of them is going to be a GIRL!!!!! YEAH!!!!

Baby Shower~

My sweet sister and my dear friend Meaja threw me a baby shower!
It was lovely!!!
And the food was divine!!
Cake bites and cupcakes from
"The Sweet Tooth Fairy"
We also had a Cheesecake and a delicious Strawberry Trifle!!

My wonderful friend and family that came to share the love!
Lia's 1st pair of patent leather shoes!!!

And the girls!!
Mom, Kim, Me, and Meaja!!
Thank you for a wonderful evening!!!!

4th of July!

4th of July was interesting this year!!
The weather was so bizarre--it was warm but totally rained on us!
After the BBQ we decided to take the kids to a park to play
while it was still light out, and before we did the fireworks.

Dan decided to do some races with them!
the loved it!

The girls beat the boys!!!

Favorite picture of the day!!
Cute little Alex with his hand in his diaper!!!
Then we went back to the house for FIREWORK fun!
We did get rained on but it didn't stop the kids from having fun
and enjoying the fireworks!
Happy 4th of July!
I'm so grateful for this country and the freedoms I enjoy!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Stadium of Fire!!

I think attending the Stadium of Fire is becoming a tradition and I like it!!
We had a lot of fun this year!!
It started with dinner at Outback Steakhouse.
Curtis, Dad, Mom, Kim, Me and Dan

Then we were off to the BYU stadium for a concert and
truly the BEST fireworks anywhere!!!
Stadium of Fire dancers
David Archuleta was the opening act and he did such a great job!
Even though I really didn't know many of his songs it was still great!
Then Brad Paisley came out and wowed us with his guitar skills!!
Who knew he could ROCK like that!!!
It was amazing!!
Then the fireworks started!!!
The show was phenomenal!!!!
Me and Dan!
The GIRLS!!!
And the GUYS!!!
Until next year!!!

Grandma & Cousin Time!

Grandma Julie has been in town to help Auntie Jamie after
having Esther. It's been fun for us too!!
Today we took the boys to the Dinosaur Museum.
They loved every minute!!!
Especially playing in the sand!!

Later that afternoon we took the boys to a Rodeo Horse Parade.
Here they are with their hands over their hearts as the Flag went by.
So cute!!
It sure was fun, to play with cousins and Grandma!!
(Cody, Steven and Luke were camping with their dad)


Cody was so excited when he found out that he had made
the 7 year old Allstar baseball team!!!
(here's Cody playing right field)
There were 2 teams and they played 3 games to see who would
take 1st place.
The first game they killed us winning 29-10.
The second game was just the opposite--we killed them
winning 23-9
The 3rd game was a nail biter.
We won 12-10!!!
It was just awesome!!!
That night Cody slept with his trophy!!!
I'm so glad he loves baseball!!!
He has improved so much over the 3 months---
He's quite the baseball player!!!

Esther Nicol Dabo

June 16th 2011
I became and AUNT again!!!
Esther Nicole Dabo
entered the world.
She is just beautiful!!
She weighed in at 7 pounds 11 ounces
and 20 inches long!!!

Holding Esther made me SOOO excited for Lia to come to our family.
It will be so wonderful to have cousins so close together!