Wednesday, February 20, 2013

January at a Glance

January flew by! 
Here is January in Pictures!

 While the boys are at school-
It's just Lia and I.
One of her FAVORITE things to do
is empty the dishwasher!
Sweet little thing!
I just love her!
And what about those pig tails!!!  DARLING!

 I also made homemade pozole!
It's a yummy mexican soup!
It was so good!!
Even the boys loved it!
 All my sweet ones together!

 I got to help out at Cody school.
The boys love it when I come to help!

 We had a yummy Sunday evening!
Scones and Honey butter!!!
This is definitely a family favorite!
 I watched my friend Aimee's kids today so she could 
go to the temple!
Lia and Claire had so much fun together!

 Messy bath hair!
I just couldn't resist! She's such a doll!
 We also had SICK KIDS!!!
January was filled with at least one sick kid if not 2 
everyday throughout the entire month!
 Kyle and Jack taking a bath in the sink together!
Look how SKINNY my boys are!!!

Our family theme for 2013 is:
I found a cute pattern and decided to stitch out
the words and put it in a frame!
I think it turned out pretty cute!

Cody won his class Spelling Bee!
He was so excited when he came home!
"MOM! I'm the BEST speller in my class!!"

 Dan and I went on a fun date to see 
GEORGE STRAIT in concert!
It was wonderful!
He's so great!
I reconnected with my country roots!
It was a great night!

 January was also filled with SNOW!!
Maybe someday we can live where there is none!
Probably not, but one can dream, right! 
 I ended the month with a trip to the temple!
It was wonderful and so nice to reconnect spiritually.
I'm so glad that Aimee and I have set this goal and that
we're helping each other achieve the goal!

Now on to February!
I have a feeling, I'll be just a busy!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

January 2013

It's January 1, 2013
I love a NEW year, 
-new goals
-fresh starts
-making lists
2013 is going to be great!
I have several GOALS for this NEW year.
One of my most important goals is...
  Attend the temple (by myself) once a month
this is a HUGE priority for me.
I feel like I need no MUST get on track spiritually.
Life with a young family is craziness sometimes.
(the majority of the time)
And I know that if I can hone in on what it truly important
my home will be happier.
I set the tone and so it's up to me to make a difference!
My friend Aimee and I are actually going to help each other
with this goal.  We've set up a babysitting swap--
She has a son Carter that is the same age as Kyle and Jack.
She also has a daughter the same age as Lia.
So once a month I watch her children so she can go to the temple,
and in return she'll watch mine so I can go too.

I KNOW that this is going to help my family in so many ways!
I can't wait!
Like I said--2013 is going to be great!

New Year's Eve!!~~!!

New Year's Eve 2012!!
I can't believe another year has come to a close!
I think of all of the things we were able to accomplish this last year!
We have been blessed this year, for that I am very grateful!

Here's to 2013!!!
I can feel it-- it's going to be GREAT!
 Here's me and Lia, getting ready for our party!
Don't you just love her pig tails!

We had a couple of our friends and neighbors 
over for dinner, dessert, games and a fun PaRtY!
 The dinner table!
 The yummy desserts!

 YAY! For 2013
The kids were so excited!
There was 24 of us--It was quite the party!

 Watching the ball drop and seeing the 2013 for the 1st time!
Me and Dan!

 My dear friends! Aimee and Kristina.
I'm lucky, they are fabulous!!!
 Steven learned a new trick!
 Lieren and her husband Chandler were in town and
they joined us for the 2013 party!
We stayed up till 2:30 am playing games!
It was a perfect party!!