Tuesday, September 18, 2012

12 Years!!!~

~~September 9, 2000~~
We were married!!!
It was such a wonderful day!
Here's a look back at the beginning~~~
We went on a weekend trip to Yellowstone.
 Picking out the RING!!!
 Engagement Pictures!!!
In the cold ocean in Santa Cruz, CA

 Wedding Day
September 9, 2000
Best. Day. Ever.
 Dancing and Laughing at the wedding reception!
 Dinner in Puerto Vallarta Mexico
12 years later!!!
Are we LUCKY or what!!??!!??!!

It's been a GRAND 12 years!~
Here's to many many many more!!!
I love you!!!

Pink Party!!!

Talk about all things PINK!
Here's the birthday GIRL!
 She wasn't too keen about the grass, 
but she sure looked cute in her PINK Tu-Tu!
 We had a table with PINK treats!
 Pictures of Lia's 1st year!
 Table decorations!
 The guests!

 The presents!!!

 Even a PINK Piñata!

 Of course Kisses from mommy!
 Even her own PINK cake!
 My Pink Rose cake that I made the night before!!
It turned out just perfect!!!
Even Pink Lemon Bars!!!
And the sweet Pink Princess!!!!
It was a perfect day!

Making the BIRTHDAY Cake!

I'm throwing Lia a PINK Party tomorrow!
I'm so excited!!
After 5 Blue parties, this pink party is going to be a lot of fun!

I decided to make her cake--
thanks to a lot of research on Pinterest
I found exactly what I wanted to do!
 It's a 3 layer Pink Rose Cake!

The finished product!
Isn't it just Beautiful!!!!
Just wait till you see inside---

My Sweet Baby's 1!!

September 3rd 2011,
changed our family....
 we had a baby GIRL!
 There is something so special about holding your brand new 
baby in your arms for the 1st time!
She was so perfect in every way!
 To watch her grow over this past year was so much fun!
Knowing she was our last baby I wanted time to just stand still!
 Obviously that couldn't happen!
Even still, each day has been such a delight!
Lia has been a wonderful blessing to our family!
 Her sweet smile!
Her mischief---

 We just love her so much--
I can not imagine our lives without her in it!
 Sweet Lia!

1 year stats
21.9 lbs
31 1/4 inches

We are having a party on Saturday to celebrate Lia
But the boys wanted to do something with just us 
"on her REAL birthday"

Happy Birthday Lia!
I love you!!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hand in Hand

There is just something about the way my boys LOVE me!
I love that they want to snuggle with me
I love that they let me kiss them--whenever I want
I love that they talk to me
I love that they hold my hand!
I am one LUCKY mommy!!!

Pre-School for Kyle and Jack

These 2 monkeys started Pre-school!!!
It's wonderful--
for them and for me!
They LOVE school!

Love you boys!!!!

Thanks to pre-school I have 2 1/2 hours MWF with just me and Lia!

Riding Horses in Idaho

One of the main reasons my kids LOVE Idaho is--
They live on 8 acres of BOY heaven
-4 Wheelers
-BB Guns
It's great!!!
A couple of weekends ago we went to visit family in Idaho.
The boys got to ride the horses!!!
 Luke LOVING every minute!!!
It was great!
I even got to ride-- No pictures though--maybe next time! 
Daddy and sis just got to watch!!!!
He sure loves that baby girl!!!

Her 2 FAVORITE Things

Lia loves 2 things!!!
Her 2 fingers
and her blanket.
Not just any blanket--
this one!
She loves the satin edges and the super soft material.
When she's tired, she'll reach for her blanket
and insert her 2 fingers in her mouth!
She's so funny!!!
This happens without fail!!