Cody started taking piano 3 1/2 months ago.
Last night was his 1st piano recital.
He has been VERY diligent in practicing
and perfecting his piece!
He played "Sneaky Creepy Things".
He did such a great job!
I was pretty impressed!
His nerves were calm and he just played!
All of his hard work paid off he was fantastic!
About 2 hours later Cody had another 1st!
He got stitches!!!
The boys were playing in the backyard and
Cody sat down on the grate that covers the window well.
The grate collapsed and he fell down the window well.
It could have been so much worse.
Him falling through the window itself, or a slice in the front of his face!
Thank goodness it was the back of his head.
He was cut pretty badly, and needed 7 stitches!
Here he is recovering!
Now if we can just get rid of the headaches!!
Cody, you're a trooper!!
What a day!