Thursday, May 24, 2012

Preschool Graduation

This morning was Preschool Graduation!
Kyle and Jack looked so cute!
 They LOVED school and were excited to 
go each day!

 Jack and Miss Amber!
She was such a great teacher!
Kyle and Miss Amber!

Yeah boys!!  


Sunday was a perfect day!
The sun was shining 
There was a slight breeze
It was the just afternoon for s'mores!
I LOVE our fire pit the the backyard!
The boys LOVE it too!
There is something about fire and boys that just go hand in hand!
And talk about a yummy treat!
The s'mores were mouth watering!!

Kindergarten Graduation

They did it!
Steven and Luke finished Kindergarten!
They had a nice program at the school celebrating the students!
 here's their teacher Mrs. Anderson.
 Steven and Luke singing songs
 Dancing the "Chicken Dance"
 Steven getting his diploma
 Luke getting his diploma
 Luke and Steven with Mrs. Anderson!
Thank you for a great year!!
Steven and Luke with their Instructor Mrs. Matthews

I can't believe they're going to be 1st graders!!!
Love you boys!!!

Someone's on the MOVE!

Lia's starting to scoot/crawl!
She loves being able to "get there".
The boys are her biggest cheer leaders!
They get so excited for her!
 She's also started to kneel up on and climb on things!
She is such a delight!

Dance Festival

End of the school year is here!!!
And it was time for the Dance Festival!
The kindergarten class performed
"Under the Sea"
Steven and Luke did a great job.
I just wish they were a bit closer together
so taking pictures would have been easier.

They were great!

 Second grade performed
"Singing in the Rain"!
Cody did a great job!
It was such a fun day!!!

All of Them!

It's a crazy sight to see all of my kids together
chillin' on the couch watching TV!
All 6 together!
 Now that Lia is getting a bit older,
I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
I'm realizing that we are all going to have
a lot of fun together as a family!
There is something special between these two
and I love it!
She's one lucky girl to have 5 BIG brothers!

Watch Out!

You can't leaving anything within an arms length
around this little girl!
She'll reach it and she'll make a mess!
The other day the boys were eating veggies and dip.
Lia got a hold of the dip!
She was in 7th heaven.
She has the cutest messy face ever!

She's Got Him WRAPPED!!

She has him wrapped around her tiny fingers!!
And I know he doesn't care at all!
He loves her so much!
She loves him right back!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Lia's 8 Months

Our Sweet Baby Girl is 8 Months!!!!!
And she's getting cuter every month!

-She can sit up all by herself
-She can get on all 4's
-She LOVES baby food!
especially bananas
-She is the HAPPIEST baby ever!
-She's not nursing anymore
-She loves the bottle
something I thought wouldn't happen
-She has 3 teeth
2 on the bottom, 1 on top
-She loves her brothers
-She wants to go go go
-She loves riding in the car
-She still sucks her 2 fingers
-She is patient
-She loves her big girl carseat
-She is loving
-She LOVES to clap her hands
-She is such a JOY!

 My Sweet Baby!

**She weighs 18.14 pounds**

I also took a picture of all the kids together!
Are they not the cutest kids EVER!!!!!!!!!
If I do say so myself!
How Blessed Am I??!!

Mother's Day!!!

Today was a wonderful day!
It was filled with
I Love You's,
Kisses, and hugs from these cute ones!
 I was given 7 hand made cards,
and Dan made the cutest video of the boys
saying why they loved me and why
they thought I was awesome!
Steven and Luke made a bracelet for me
in Kindergarten.  They were so excited that
I wore them to church!

 At Church the Primary children sang!
It was so cute!
here are a few pictures!

All in all it was a lovely day!
As I was putting Jack to be he asked,
"Mom, when is son's day?"
It was so cute!

I sure do love my family!
I am so blessed to be a mother, THEIR mother!
I am so grateful for my mother! my mother-in-law! and my Grandmother!
What I do without their examples!

Neighborhood Party in Our Yard!

The boys had a baseball game Saturday afternoon.
They won! They were THRILLED!

After the game one by one kids started to flock to our house!
At the last count there was a total of 16 kids! (5 were mine)
I guess that's what happens when you have 
a house full of boys!  They attract MORE boys!
There was a game of soccer, a game tetherball,
and a game of tag going on all at the same time!
And when they would see a car coming the kids 
would line up at the curb and try to get the driver
to HONK their horn!  I think it worked EVERY TIME!
Needless to say, the neighborhood had a blast!
That night, my boys asked, "mom, can we do that every Saturday?"

Swinging Brings Smiles

Saturday I had Lia's 8 month pictures taken.(pictures to come)
I also had all the kids picture together (pictures to come)
(this is why they are all dressed up)
The pictures were taken at a park!
I think they are going to be so cute!

Once the pictures were taken the boys RAN to the swings!
There is just something about swinging that brings a smile to your face!
 Cody and Kyle swinging together!!
 Luke pushing Steven
 Steven pushing Luke
 Luke!! Happy as can be!
 Jack!  Loving every minute!
 Kyle was just thrilled and wanted to go higher and higher!
 Sis even got her turn!  She LOVED it!!!
 Daddy pushing his sweet one!
He sure does love her!!!
And she LOVES hime right back!
The BIG brother!

I think we need to spend MORE time swinging!

Friday, May 11, 2012

A New Me!...Soon!

Now that I've stopped nursing it's time to get 
down to business and get my body back!

Not sure what happened, but this last pregnancy 
KICKED my butt!
Summer is coming, my 20 year High School Reunion,
Priest Lake (where you live in a bathing suit).
These are just a few of the things coming up!
Now, it's time for ME!
 Today I started the 9 day program with Isagenix!
I'm excited to see some results!!!
I'm actually going to do back to back 9 days!!!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a BIG # and BIG results!
Another thing, 
Meet my new best friend!
We have been spending the mornings together!
Between Isagenix and Jillian
I'm hoping to find myself again!
And get back into my skinny jeans!
I'll report back on May 27th, when the results have been tallied!

Cody's 1st Piano Recital and His 1st CRASH!

Cody started taking piano 3 1/2 months ago.
Last night was his 1st piano recital.
He has been VERY diligent in practicing
and perfecting his piece!
 He played "Sneaky Creepy Things".
 He did such a great job!
I was pretty impressed!
His nerves were calm and he just played!

 All of his hard work paid off he was fantastic!

About 2 hours later Cody had another 1st!
He got stitches!!!
The boys were playing in the backyard and
Cody sat down on the grate that covers the window well.
The grate collapsed and he fell down the window well.
It could have been so much worse.
Him falling through the window itself, or a slice in the front of his face!

 Thank goodness it was the back of his head.
He was cut pretty badly, and needed 7 stitches!
Here he is recovering!
Now if we can just get rid of the headaches!!
Cody, you're a trooper!!
What a day!