Tuesday, February 28, 2012


My mom surprised me on Friday night---
We just love having her here!
There is nothing better than being with your mom!
Seeing her play with your children!
Especially your daughter!
It's just precious!
She'll be here for a week and we are SO HAPPY!
It has been so fun for Kim and me to have our mom here!
We have sure missed her!

Yummy Apples!

Little Miss is teething!
She'll bite on anything!
I'm sure it feels so good on her gums.
She was given a yummy sweet apple to gnaw on.
 The drool was out of control 
but she was so happy!
with all the slobber the apple got a bit slippery!
She was in 7th heaven!

BYU Basketball!

All the LaPray's came down from Idaho this last weekend
to go to the last home BYU game.
The boys were THRILLED to spend some time with their cousins.
 Luke, Steven, Sam, Nathan, Cody!
I just LOVE that these boys are such good friends!
The boys were so excited when Jimmer came out at Half Time!

It was such a fun day!
There's nothing better than family!

She Did It!!

She did it!
She finally did it!
She rolled from her back to her tummy!
She had been so close for a couple of weeks.
Just the other day she was sooo close and the boys
started chanting--"Lia, Lia, Lia"
It was so cute, they were so excited for her!
She ended up rolling over completely about 2 days later.
It is so fun and at the same time so sad that she's getting bigger!
I really do wish I could shrink wrap her!

Bonding Session

I was able to capture this cute moment between Kyle and Lia.
I hope this will continue their whole lives.
There is nothing better for a mother than seeing her children be 


Several months I TiVOed the movie Rio.
The boys loved it.
Thank Goodness I didn't delete it.
In January the boys were watching it and I noticed that Lia was enthralled.
The next evening while trying to get 5 boys to bed I put the movie on
and sat her in the bouncy seat.  She LOVED it.

Well now she is addicted.  It is so funny to watch her.
She truly LOVES this movie.
I will put on another movie and she'll start to fuss within 10 minutes.
I then put on Rio and she'll sit there Happy as Lark for 2 hours!
It is so crazy!!!
Here she is watching her FAVORITE movie!
It is funny cause you can have her facing the other direction and once
she hears the beginning of the movie and the birds chirping and singing
she'll try with all her might to turn her neck so that she can watch.
It's funny to me that a 5 month old would even understand that!

I she'll be a movie lover like her daddy!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

BiRtHdAy PaRtY!!!

Kyle and Jack turn 4!!
This year they had their 1st real Birthday Party!
They were so excited and have been for MONTHS!
Several months ago they decided that they wanted to have a
And so we did!
It was so much fun!
And Spiderman really came!
The boys were mesmerized by him.
 Here is Spiderman telling the boys the story of how he became Spiderman!

 Then Spiderman held Superhero Training!
 Push-ups, Sit-ups

 And yes!  Their muscles did get bigger!!
 Then they played "Goblin, Goblin, Spider"
Even Uncle Curtis joined the fun!
We sang to my cute Kyle!
I can not believe he's 4!!!

 Next we sang to my cute Jack!!!
Holy Moly he's 4!!!!

 Then it was time for Face Painting!

And the WHOLE group together!
(Carter, Statton, Andrew, Kyle, Spiderman, Jack, Luke
Garrett, Cody, Steven and Drew)
What a fun day!

Happy Birthday Boys!!
Love you sooo much!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Lia's 5 Months Old!

Our Baby Girl is 5 Months Old!
And she is a BEAUTY!!!
5 Month Stats:
15.14 pounds
27 inches long

She is the happiest baby
She still sleeps 12-14 hours at night
She takes two 2-3 hour naps
She loves to play with her feet
She loves to suck her fingers
She just tried baby cereal and loved it
Besides the cereal she had once, she is only breast fed
She loves the movie Rio
When she smiles, she melts our hearts!

Valentine's Day

This year Valentine's Day came…and went…
Everyone had a cold and we were all coughing.
It was lovely!

I called Dan and told him.
"How about you pick up dinner at Thai Village and 
and we have a nice romantic dinner with 6 children".
He laughed and said that's exactly what I was thinking… NOT! haha
 I did get an ice cream cake from Cold Stone in the shape of a HEART!

Even though there was no "Romantic Dinner".
I was surrounded by what matters most to me!

Kyle & Jack 4!

Monday was Kyle and Jack's 4th Birthday!

It truly seems like yesterday I was holding 2 tiny new baby boys.
 Twins are so special.
I'm extremely grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing us with twins. (TWICE)
 Here is the sweetest picture of Kyle and Jack 2 days after they were born.
I knew from this picture that they were going to have a special bond!
And they do!
Not only are they brothers, but they are also BEST FRIENDS!
 Kyle David (4)
 Jack Michael (4)
 Sweet Brothers!!!!
They are so lucky to have each other!

Monday night we had a little something for them.
They wanted cupcakes.

We are so lucky to have them in our family.
I am one Blessed Mother!

Happy Birthday Kyle & Jack!
(lucky them they're having a friend party on Saturday)

Dinner with Steven

Steven wanted to help make dinner tonight.
We made Mexican Meatloaf!
It was so yummy!
Steven loved mixing the meat mixture with his hands!
Who knows I just might have a future Chef on my hands!

Their 1st Trip to the Dentist

Dan got a FULL TIME JOB!  
We got Health Insurance--
And I took the boys to the Dentist for the 1st time!
I must admit I was a bit nervous--
1.  How they would be sitting in the chair
2.  How many cavities they would have

Well they all did great!!
 Kyle went 1st, he hopped right up and was
so excited to get his teeth cleaned
(he had 5 cavities)

 Jack didn't do so well,
I had to hold him while they cleaned his teeth
(he had 4 cavities)

 Steven was a star!
He love it!
(he had 4 cavities)

 Cody was also excited and was 
busy asking a lot of questions.
(he had 4 cavities)

 Luke did great too.
He was most excited about having his spit sucked out
with the spit sucker device!
(he had 5 cavities)

I would personally like to challenge anyone to take
6 children to the dentist!
That was one LONG day!!!
Grand total :  22 cavities!  YIKES!

Happy Baby Lia

This sweet baby is happy from sun up to sun down!
Here she is 1st thing in the morning!
She greets me with the Biggest smile!
Seriously!!  Can she be any cuter!??!!

 She's also found her feet!
and she can not stop playing with them!
Her brothers think it's pretty funny!

She also got her 1st taste of baby cereal.
It was Saturday the 11th of February.

We love you sweet thing!

Piano Playing

One great thing to have in your home is MUSIC!
And we are blessed with just that!

Here are Dan and Cody playing a duet.
Sweet is the sound that they make together!
 His piano teacher just loves him and his is enthusiasm for playing and practicing.
She is always telling him that he has "Piano Fingers"
and he does!!!
They are long and slender and he can already reach an octave!
Can't wait to see what kind of a pianist he'll be!

Photo Shoot

A friend of mine is starting a company selling baby blankets.
She needed some baby models and she asked if Lia
could be one of the models!
Here are a couple of the pictures--

It was fun and we got a free blanket out of it too!!