The time is passing all too quickly!
Our sweet little girl is already 2 months old!!!
We are having so much fun with her.
(when she's awake that is!)
Life for Lia at 2 months:
Weight: 11.7 pounds 67%
Height: 24.5 inches 97%
I think she's going to be tall!!
The boys have nicknamed her "Little Miss"
It is one of the sweetest things when I hear them say it.
She's sleeping 10-14 hours at night
She smiles all the time.
She has started to coo
She is trying to laugh
(I actually got her to semi laugh on October 29th)
She is happy in anyone's arms
Even in her brothers---all 5!
She LOVES the bath
And the biggest thing that has happened----
Friday November 4th---
We took her to the mall to get her ears pierced.
The boys couldn't handle seeing her cry to they left me alone.
Thank goodness there were these wonderful ladies who were my support team.
They even took pictures for me.
(Women--we sure do stick together don't we!)
She did great!
And only cried for a couple of minutes.
I cried too!!!
I decided on small 3mm CZ earrings for Lia.
This is not the cutest picture
(it was taken with my phone)
But she looks so cute!
I just LOVE it!!!!
Here she is about 20 minutes later--
wasted from the hurt and the crying.
and of course the earrings!!!
Having a girl is just wonderful!
We are loving every minute!