Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm a Mother--

I'm a MOTHER and I'm Busy!!!!
I saw this, and it totally FITS a mom's life!

My Blog is so far behind!!
We did so many fun things in November--
Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be all caught up!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cody's 8!!!

8 years ago today, my childhood dream came true,
I became a mother to you!

Cody Dan is 8 today!
I can not believe we have a child that is 8 years old.
Where has the time gone.
 This was taken minutes after he was born.
Cody is such blessing to our family.
And a wonderful 1st born child.
He was the best baby and is a terrific boy now.

Here are some things about Cody--
 He has a great sense of humor and loves to make funny faces.
He loves to laugh!
 He enjoys helping in the yard.
 He LOVES to swim.
 He still sleeps with his blanket.
 He never complains about doing chores.
 He LOVES Priest Lake!
 He is a GREAT Big Brother!
 He is a wonderful student and always tries to do his best!
 He LOVES his baby sister Lia.
He also loves his Heavenly Father and always tries to do what is right.
He can not wait to be baptized in 2 weeks.
He is thrilled about becoming a Cub Scout.

Cody, we love you so much and are so proud of you.
Happy Birthday!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Lia's 2 Months!

The time is passing all too quickly!
Our sweet little girl is already 2 months old!!!
We are having so much fun with her.
(when she's awake that is!)
 Life for Lia at 2 months:

Weight: 11.7 pounds 67%
Height:  24.5 inches 97%
I think she's going to be tall!!

The boys have nicknamed her "Little Miss"
It is one of the sweetest things when I hear them say it.
She's sleeping 10-14 hours at night
She smiles all the time.
She has started to coo
She is trying to laugh
(I actually got her to semi laugh on October 29th)
She is happy in anyone's arms
Even in her brothers---all 5!
She LOVES the bath
 And the biggest thing that has happened----
 Friday November 4th---
We took her to the mall to get her ears pierced.
The boys couldn't handle seeing her cry to they left me alone.
Thank goodness there were these wonderful ladies who were my support team.
They even took pictures for me.
(Women--we sure do stick together don't we!)

 She did great!
And only cried for a couple of minutes.
I cried too!!!
I decided on small 3mm CZ earrings for Lia.
 This is not the cutest picture 
(it was taken with my phone)
But she looks so cute!
I just LOVE it!!!!
Here she is about 20 minutes later--
wasted from the hurt and the crying.
and of course the earrings!!!

Having a girl is just wonderful!
We are loving every minute!

A Sweet Moment

I just had to capture this sweet moment with Kyle and Lia.
It is such a tender thing to see how much these 5 boys love their sister!
I know there is going to be many more sweet moments to come!

All She Does---

All she does is SLEEP!!!!!
This sweet thing is the best sleeper ever!!!!!!
In fact we really don't even get to enjoy her cute smily face!
She is only awake about 5-6 hours in a day.
She'll easily sleep about 10-14 hours at night,
and then she takes three 2 hour naps---
 I must say I am very grateful for the 10-14 hours at night.
That is such a blessing and a wonderful tender mercy!
We sure love you sleepy Lia!!!

Nightmare Express

A couple of days before Halloween I took the boys to a Haunted Train ride.
They were a bit nervous, but had a great time.
There is this family that lives in Lindon and I think they
They have installed a permanent train track that goes all around their property.
Go HERE for more information.
They were expecting to have about 11,000 visitors this Halloween,
and the best part--the train ride is FREE!!!

 This was taken just before the train ride.
 And then just after.
Two of our neighbor girls who just love my kids came with us.
I think they were just as nervous as the boys were.
Here are the kids with the GRIMM REAPER!!!
Steven, Cody, Mallory, Annie and Luke!

Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween!!!
This year we had a Vampire, 2 Karate Kids, Spiderman, Batman
and a Ballerina!!!
 The boys were so excited this year to go "Trick or Treating"
 There is this home in our neighborhood--They LOVE Halloween!
They go ALL OUT with their decorations.
We've taken the kids there every year to Trick or Treat.
This is the 1st year they all made it to the front door.

 Usually they all get too scared!!!
I guess my boys are growing up!!  haha
Cody's SCARY face!!!

I'm already planning next years costumes!!
It's going to be great!!! I can't wait!

Basketball!! His NEW Love

Cody is just LOVING basketball!
It is so much fun to watch him.
Sometimes we just laugh at all the 2nd graders trying their best.
                                              This is going to be a fun few weeks!