There is just something so wonderful about the 1st weekend in October.
Being able to hear the Prophet speak and be spiritually fed, is so nice.
I learned so much and felt the spirit so strongly.
One of my favorite talks from this weekend was by Elder Eyring.
He spoke about the importance of the Book of Mormon and
how important it is to read it daily.
This really resinated with me.
I am SO diligent in reading the Book of Mormon with my boys.
We NEVER miss a night.
I don't think they would let me. They love to read it and know
how important it is to read it daily.
And when it comes to my OWN personal study, I really struggle.
There is SO much for me to do on a daily basis...
Keeping a home and having 6 children some things go by the wayside.
and that has been my own personal scripture study.
Our Relief Society has come out with a Book of Mormon challenge.
To read from the book daily.
I'm going to START TODAY and take the challenge.
I know if I read from it DAILY, the spirit will be with me and
it will also be in our home. Being the Mother--I set the tone in the home
and what a better way to set the tone, then by reading the word of God.
I'm excited and anxious to have the spirit more strongly in our home!!!
Here's to reading!!!!!
Usually on conference weekend I hardly get to listen to any
of the talks due to the boys needing this or that.
But this year, having the boys be older, and having a newborn
that just sleeps, I was able to watch and LISTEN to all
4 sessions!!! It was great!

This was Lia right before conference started.

Here are the boys working on their conference packets.
So at least they can try to listen and color.

And this was Lia, pretty much throughout the 4 sessions.
I just love her!!!
Isn't she just the cutest!
Now on to the 1st weekend in April,
when the next sessions of conference will be held!