A couple of weeks ago we had family pictures taken.
I wanted to do it one last time before Lia arrived.
Here are some of my favorites!

I truly love this picture!
Each one of these boys are so wonderful to me!!!
I am blessed to be their mother and his wife!

I also wanted to get pictures of the boys together--
They are so luck to have each other and Lia is going to be so blessed
to have 5 older brothers to love her and spoil her!

They are all so funny.
And they love each other so much!!

This picture just melts my heart!
I love seeing them LOVE each other!

Another favorite is me with my 5 sons!!
How lucky can a mother be!!!

And of course he blesses me and our family so much!
We are lucky to have each other!
Another thing I have never done and have always wanted to do,
is to have maternity pictures taken.
Since this is our LAST baby, I thought, well better late than never!
Here are a few of my favorites!

Me and Dan!
I love the black and white!

I think this one is my all time favorite!
I just LOVE the light flare!!
It is just beautiful!!!

And here are some of me and the belly!

We are excited for this little one to bless our lives and our family!