Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Family Photo Shoot/Maternity Pictures

A couple of weeks ago we had family pictures taken.
I wanted to do it one last time before Lia arrived.
Here are some of my favorites!
I truly love this picture!
Each one of these boys are so wonderful to me!!!
I am blessed to be their mother and his wife!
I also wanted to get pictures of the boys together--
They are so luck to have each other and Lia is going to be so blessed
to have 5 older brothers to love her and spoil her!
They are all so funny.
And they love each other so much!!
This picture just melts my heart!
I love seeing them LOVE each other!
Another favorite is me with my 5 sons!!
How lucky can a mother be!!!
And of course he blesses me and our family so much!
We are lucky to have each other!

Another thing I have never done and have always wanted to do,
is to have maternity pictures taken.
Since this is our LAST baby, I thought, well better late than never!
Here are a few of my favorites!
Me and Dan!
I love the black and white!

I think this one is my all time favorite!
I just LOVE the light flare!!
It is just beautiful!!!
And here are some of me and the belly!

We are excited for this little one to bless our lives and our family!

Fishing in Idaho!

While we were in Idaho Dan took the boys fishing!
It was great cause each one caught a fish!!

I think they have found a new hobby!!!
They LOVE fishing!!!!
Thanks dad for a great day!!!

Samantha Returns From Argentina!!

This last weekend we headed up the Idaho Falls to be there for
Samantha's Missionary Homecoming from Argentina.
Here she is just getting off the plane!
Cody and Steven could not wait to get the 1st hug!!!

Then it was Nicki and Brads turn to embrace their daughter!
I must admit, the hug between mother and daughter left everyone in tears!

Hugging her sister Aubrey!
Samantha and the kids and with her parents!!

Sunday after church we all got together for lunch to celebrate Samantha!
Her cake
and Samantha with the boys!!!

A display table that was put together with some fun things from Argentina!
We are so proud of you!
We are so grateful for your example and your willingness
to serve your Heavenly Father!

Steven and Luke Turn 6!!

When did these tiny babies grow up!
It still seems like yesterday, these 2 tiny babies were in the NICU--
and it took 21 days for them to come home!
They have blessed our lives so much!!!
And here they are today!!!
6 and healthy, and happy!!!
Steven and Luke are so lucky to have each other.
And we are so lucky to have them in our family!

We celebrated their birthday PIRATE style!!!

The kids playing Duck Duck Goose before the main attraction arrived!
It was so much fun!
Here he is telling them stories about being a pirate.
Not one of the boys could take their eyes off him!

Steven and Luke loving the stories!!!
Then he took the kids outside for a couple of games.
and Walk the Plank!
Just look at those faces!!!!
So cute!!!
Check out Kyle!! He was the anchor--determined to NOT cross the line!
And here they are walking the plank!

Jack Sparrow also painted everyone's faces!
Luke with a sword.
And Steven with a Pirate Ship.

Jack Sparrow also brought arts and craft projects.
Making a treasure map, and creating a pirate hat!
The boys LOVED every moment!!!
Kyle and Jack with their pirate hats.

Cody with his pirate hat!
Steven's turn to sing and blow out the candles!!!

Luke's turn for the Happy Birthday song and blow out his candles!

Then on to the presents!!!!

Jack Sparrow saying goodbye and giving each boy a HIGH-5!

The whole gang!!!
It was a great Birthday!!!!
Steven and Luke we love you so much!!!
Happy Birthday to the both of you!!!!