Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lia's Room

Upon finding out that I was having a girl--
I thought for sure her room would be PINK!
Well, that was not what I did at all!
Her walls are a light green
(color: Mint Frost)
All I can say is thank goodness for Pottery Barn Kids.
I am NOT creative by any sense of the word, but I CAN copy.
And that is exactly what I did!
The above picture are wooden word plaques--
I loved them
Cute little butterfly hooks
Her bedding. (also from Pottery Barn)
It is themed with owls, birds, butterflies, and trees.
I love to just sit in her room and relax.
Her room is so peaceful and serene.
I went with a theme or color scheme that she could grow up with,
and not something so BABY like.
Here's another picture a bit farther away!!!
We just can't wait till she's here!!!!


I cut the boys hair.
I don't like to do it.
I even cut Dan's hair.
I don't like to cut his either.
I ALWAYS cut the back of someones ear.
Today it was Cody's.
A great thing about cutting 6 boys hair is that is saves us quite a
bit of money every 4-6 weeks.
For that I'm grateful I have a semi-talent.
Here's today's hair pile.
I think it's funny how some are the same.
Luke, Cody, Jack, Kyle and Steven.
Luke's and Jack's hair is pretty light--
just look how DARK Cody's is!!!
I am grateful for theses 5 boys!!
For their different personalities and for their cute heads of hair!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

¡¡7 Peaks!!

For the weekend of the 24th (Pioneer Day)
Mitch and Jill came into town and we decided to have
a fun family day on Saturday the 23rd.
Our first stop was 7 peaks!!
We all had a blast and the weather was PERFECT!
Here's Kim and Curtis on the Boom-a-Rang

Dan and David (they also came for the weekend)
Dan, David and Mitch trying to see just how high they could get.
Kyle wanted to put sunscreen on himself!
CUTE Brooke!!!
Nathan and Cody!
Cute baby Esther
Kyle with flip-flops on the wrong feet and not between the right toes!
He's such a funny kid!!!
Steven and Luke going down a small water slide!

Jack and daddy playing in the water!

Later that night we had fireworks!!
The kids loved it!!!

Jack loving his sparkler!
Olivia and Cody
Steven and Drew!

Kyle was also thrilled and wishes we could do fireworks every night!!!
Happy 24th of July!


Uncle David, Aunt Melissa, Nathan and Sam came for the weekend.
We decided to meet them in Ogden to go fishing before they got to American Fork.

We sure had fun and the boys all caught fish!
The Group!
We decided to have the kids go youngest to oldest.
So that meant Jack was 1st. Not the best idea...
He did great until the flopping fish came out of the water!
Scared him half to death!!
Kyle was up next and after seeing Jacks fish flop around
All he did was cry and say "I don't want to fish!"
Kyle, a bit scared!
(the loaded ponds, hence--all the boys caught fish)
Sam was next!!!
Then Luke!
Here he is with his catch of the day!
and Steven, he was just thrilled!!!

Cody was next and got to cast out his own line!!
He was in 7th heaven!
Here he is reeling in the line!
and his CATCH!!!!
All the boys!
Kyle, Nathan, Jack, Cody, Luke, Sam and Steven
Nathan and his catch!
Then the fish were cleaned and deboned!
Steven could not stop talking about them hitting the fish with a club!

A couple hours later DINNER was served!
Dan and David grilled the fish in butter, lime juice and Mansmith Seasoning.
I had grilled chicken but the boys could NOT get enough.
All 6 Trout were devoured!!!
Yeah for cousin time!!!


We had a fun night the other day!
Our neighbors the Kindred's came over to roast marshmallows
and make s'mores and boy were the YUMMY!!!
If you can't tell by Kyle's face!!!
Everyone had fun and made delicious treats!
You'll say goodbye to Hershey's!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Just about every day these 2 come to me and ask,
"are we going to preschool today?"
They are so excited and can not wait!
They even walk around with their backpacks on.

Jack wants to take his backpack everywhere we go!
They are so cute!!!
I too am excited for Preschool!!
I found one close to our house. They will be going
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12:00 - 2:30
Steven and Luke will be in afternoon Kindergarten-
and Cody will be in 2nd grade and that means that
3 days a week for 2 1/2 hours it will be just me and Lia!!
It's going to be wonderful for all involved!!! YEAH!!!


Cody has FINALLY lost his 3rd tooth!
He has been waiting patiently and it paid off!
He was so excited!!!
Jack was playing with him after he lost it and said to him
"Cody, you have a broken teeth!"
We all just laughed!

Discovery Museum

I took Kyle and Jack to the Discovery Museum while Dan
was with the big boys camping!
Kyle and Jack were in 7th heaven!!
Here they are playing in the water!
Kyle could have stayed at this station ALL DAY!
He LOVES water!!!!
At another station there were these magnet building blocks!
Here you can see the difference between Kyle and Jack!
Jack is very methodical, he loves structure, and making sure there is order
Kyle on the other hand could care less!
There is no order, no rhyme or reason!

In any case they are brothers who love each other very much!
And like they say, "Opposites Attract"