Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day!!!

It's Father's Day---
and what can I say about one of the BEST FATHER'S I know!
1. He LOVES his children
2. He LOVES me
3. He works hard to provide for our (growing) family
4. He lets me be be
5. He has a work ethic and focus that is undeniable
6. His boys want to be just like him
7. He loves the Lord
8. He loves to play basketball
9. He's a handy man too, he can fix just about anything
10. He is very patient
We love you Daddy!!!!!
I love you Dan!!!

This morning started off by the boys drawing pictures for their dad!
Then dad got breakfast in bed.
French Toast, Orange Juice, Grapes and Watermelon
Then the boys presented their drawings!
And then on to the presents--
New SHOES!!!
Dad was in NEED of new tennis shoes!
New Shirt!!!
New pants!!!

Then it was a special Father's Day dinner!
Steak, Shrimp, Pesto Pasta, and Artichokes
It was Delicious!!!

There's one more person I'd like to talk about for a moment--
I have the BEST Dad in the WORLD!!!
I love you so much. You have set such a great example for me.
One of my favorite memories of me and my Dad goes back to
when I was in the 4th grade.
I remember my dad picking me up at school, it was during lunch time-
and he took me out to lunch.
It was probably insignificant to him--
but this small gesture has stayed with me forever--
Him taking an hour out of his busy day
truly meant the world to me.
The funny thing is -- I have no idea where we ate.
I just remember being with MY DAD!!!

U2 Concert--

About 18 months ago we purchased tickets to the U2 concert.
A while before the concert that was to be held in June of 2010,
got canceled due to Bono needing back surgery.

On May 24th 2011
we finally got to go!!!
Long awaited and TOTALLY worth it!!!
Bono is a TRUE ROCK STAR!!!!
It was the 2nd time we have seen U2 in concert--
and just like last time it was amazing!!!
A year late and well worth it!
Thanks Dan for a great date night!!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

27 weeks

I've hit 27 weeks
I have 13 weeks left!
This is getting exciting!!
I'm feeling good.
I have some of my energy back.
I need to get back to the NESTING list.
13 weeks is NOT a lot of time to get everything done.
Lia's room is only about 1/2 way complete! YIKES!
It'll be the cutest place in the house.
I love to just sit in her room.
The Big Brothers are just as excited as I am.

She's going to be very LOVED!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Time Out for Women

Last weekend I got to get away!
It was a much needed break!

My Mother in Law planned a weekend in Pocatello for all of the girls!
We attended "TIME OUT FOR WOMEN."
It was just what I needed!
It was so great to get away and be FED.
Fed spiritually
Fed with laughter
Fed with family
Fed with good food.
It was wonderful to return home with a new outlook-
My head clearer, a different perspective.
Here we all are at dinner!!
Me, Leslie, Melissa
Lori, Nicki, and Carolyn
Thank you for a great weekend!
Until next year!!!

26 weeks!

I've hit the 26 week mark! YEAH!!!!
We are getting closer to meeting Lia!
My To-Do list is still long--
I'm not quite done with her room.
(when I am, I will post pictures)
I've gained 12 pounds.
She's quite active!
The boys ask every day, "when will Lia be here?"
We are all so excited to meet our PRINCESS!!!

Can You Say BASEBALL????

We are in the THICK of it!
The boys LOVE it!
Cody has sure found a love for the game.
He has never struck out!
He get's at least a base hit every up at bat!
He actually made the 7 year old All-Star Team!!!
I cried, I was so excited and proud of him!

Steven and Luke are in T-Ball along with every 5 year old
in the neighborhood!!! They too are having a blast!!!
Luke and Steven up at bat!!!

Steven and Luke in the out field!!!
I love baseball, and I love that they love it too!!!

Look What We Got....

Well it happened!
We GREW out of our minivan.

In January when I found out I was expecting a baby,
one of the 1st things I thought of--
was our Minivan and how it only seats 7
and we were going to need an 8 seater!

Through the last few months of research--
We ended up getting this--
It's so nice and I love being able to CHECK that off my TO-DO list
It's funny, when I look in the rear view mirror I still can not
believe I will fill the entire Suburban with MY FAMILY!!!!

Mother's Day weekend in Idaho

Me and my darling boys on Mother's Day!
I was spoiled with breakfast in bed, and showered with
cards, gifts and kisses!!!

While in Idaho Shawn graduated with his Masters!!!
Mr. Smarty pants!!!
and the boys LOVE going to Uncle Brad's--
Today they got to shoot the BB Gun
at a line of old cans!
I was pretty impressed with Cody's aim!
He's got quite a shot!
We always have so much fun visiting with family
and the boys LOVE spending time with their cousins!!!

Bachelor's of Nursing!

Ok so not only is she beautiful!!
She's SUPER smart!!!

Kim graduated today with her Bachelor's of Nursing!

My mom, Kim, and me

Yeah Kim-No more school!!!
She's such an amazing Nurse!

Easter Sunday

My HANDSOME boys on Easter!!!
My sister Kim works at a Rehab Center and we thought it would
be a good idea to go and visit some of the patients
wish them a Happy Easter and sing a few songs for them.
The boys loved it and the patients were very grateful!
It was good for the boys too.
They were glad they could make them happy!

It's Easter Time!!!

Today we dyed our Easter Eggs!!!
Cute Cody
Kyle, couldn't get enough
Jack, Mr. particular
Steven having fun!

After the eggs were dyed, the boys wanted to try the vinegar--YUCK!
Here's Kyle!!!

Here's Jack!! Just look at that face!!! haha

Luke, thought maybe if he plugged his nose it would taste good!
Not so much!

Cody!! EEWWW Gross!!!

Last but not least Steven...he sort of like it!!
Notice Luke's hand tipping his cup up!
It was a fun afternoon!

Getting the Wiggles Out!

Dan has started working out with the boys!
He get a whistle and gets the boys to run in place.
When the whistle blows they have to go down and get back up
as fast as they can and start running in place again.
this goes on for about 10 minutes.
They LOVE it!
Then they do push-up and sit-ups!

The best part is that they are so exhausted and ready for bed!