Sunday, February 27, 2011

You Say Goodbye -- I say HELLO!!!!

Ok so I never had 6 in diapers at one time--
But, I did have 4!!!
Tomorrow, Kyle and Jack say "Good-Bye" to the
diaper world and...
Say "Hello" to the toilet world.
I'm thrilled!!
I will actually have a BREAK from
poopie diapers and wetones.
It's going to be a small break but a much needed one!!!

Wish us all LUCK tomorrow, We're going to need it!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

12 Weeks---

Well here's the 1st of the "baby bump".
It really is true NOW!!! : )
I took this 1st picture and Cody said, "mom, I'll take a picture of you".
So here's Cody picture!!!!

12 weeks and all is going just fine!
I heard the baby's heart beat again on Thursday--
it was like music to my ears!!!

One things for sure I may have a smile on my face, but I sure am
a lot sicker with this pregnancy. I am sick of being sick!!
Here's to the 2nd trimester!!!! And to no more barfing!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's TRUE!!!

We are going to have another baby!!!!
I couldn't believe my eyes when the plus sign appeared!

We weren't even trying---to say the least we had decided that 5 boys
was perfect for us!!! I guess there were other plans.
We are still in a bit of shock, but very thrilled!!!
My last 3 pregnancies took a LOT of work.
A LOT of doctor visits, a lot of pills and a lot of shots!!!
This baby is a complete miracle!!!

I'm due on September 9th.
(every other pregnancy has been at least a month early
so we are thinking mid August for this one. But who knows??)
Here's out sweet little miracle at 9 weeks!!!

Be it a boy or a girl we are just blessed to have another child!

A Love Hate Relationship!

Kyle and Jack have a LOVE HATE relationship!
One minute they are playing and laughing,
the next they are fighting and crying!!!

The other day they were playing a game and I
guess Kyle had something and would not give it to Jack.
Jack got MAD! Lunged forward and
bit Kyle right on the nose!!!
It was bleeding, Kyle was screaming,
and Jack was freaking out!!!!
The sight of the blood made Jack feel so bad.
After spending a good amount of time in time-out.
Jack gave Kyle and love and told him he was sorry.
Jack kept saying, "my sorry, my love you Kyle".
Hopefully, this can end the biting!!!!

The next day Kyle had a run in with the corner of the couch!
And yes!! There was another ouch!!!
Now Kyle looks like he's been in quite the fight!!
Poor baby!!!
He looks quite beat up!
I was going to take them in for their 3 year old pictures---
well I guess that's not going to happen for another week or so!

Presidents Weekend!!

It was a fun weekend with NO SCHOOL!!!
It also rained!!!
So we decided to take the boys to the indoor swimming pool!!!
The boys LOVE to swim, so it was a great day!!!
Here's Jack just coming up for air!!! haha
Kyle loved every minute!!!
He also LOVES splashing!!!
There is this indoor play area as well.
the boys are waiting for the BIG BUCKET to dump
water on them!!!
SPLASH!!! Down came the water!

Luke Jumping in!!!
Steven going down the water slide!
And Happy Cody!!!
Kyle got ahold of Cody's snorkel and wanted
to be just like his big brother!!!

I just love spending time with my boys!!!

February 13, 2011

Today I made this DINOSAUR cake for
Kyle and Jack's 3rd Birthday!!!
I can not believe that they are 3 years old!
Where has the time gone????
We sure have been BuSy!!!!

Here is birthday boy Jack!
Here is Birthday boy Kyle!!
Kyle being born first got to be sung to first and blow out
the candles first.
Then Jack got his turn!!!
They both just LOVED to hear the Birthday song!!!
Both of them decided they wanted seconds!!! : )
Batman toys!

and Dinosaurs!!!!

Playing Dinosaurs with their brothers!!!
It was a fun day and it was fun to celebrate their
birthday with family in Idaho!!!

Happy Birthday my sweet boys!!!
I love you Kyle and Jack!!!

Dance Festival!

Cody had a dance festival at his school.
All of the 1st graders performed the MEXICAN HAT DANCE.

I sat far away so the picture is quite blurry!!
But Cody is there with his hands behind his back!!
He was so proud of himself!!
He also loved dancing with his partner Gracie!!!


These 2 are too much!
They always have to be within arms length of each other!
They crack me up!!

Brigham Justin Greer

On January 7th I became a Great-Aunt again!
(I now have 5 great nieces and nephews--CrAzY!!)
Brigham Justin Greer came into this world.
He was diagnosed early in pregnancy with having a diaphragmatic hernia.
They knew that after he was born he would be pretty sick!
Here's Brigham with his mommy and daddy!!!
I just love this picture.

Little did Rebecca and Justin know that they were about to
face a big trial in their lives.

On January 27th their sweet baby boy returned home.
To his heavenly home!
The strength of my sweet niece and her husband is AMAZING!

I am so grateful for my knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And that I know of the Plan of Salvation.
Also that I know that FAMILIES ARE FOREVER!!!
This knowledge also gives them peace thru the pain of their loss.

Here is a picture of Brigham that was taken after his death--
This has truly broken my heart for Rebecca and Justin.
Thank goodness for faith and prayers.

I love you both dearly!!


Three years ago, while I was pregnant with Kyle and Jack,
I was put on bed rest at 24 weeks. We're talking right around Thanksgiving.
My mom would be out at Christmas, so I decided to hire a nanny for a month.
She was PERFECT! Just what the Doctor ordered!!!
The boys LOVED her.
She has remained a wonderful friend over the past few years!
She was in town in January on business and we were able to see
her and go to dinner. She let the boys choose where--
they chose IHOP!!!
It was so great to see her and the boys just loved spending time with her too!
We love you Amanda!!!!

I'm Back!!!

I have returned to the blogging world!!!
There will be many posts today!!
I have A LOT to catch up on.
And since I use this blog for a family journal I better
play catch up before I get too far behind!!!