Kyle and Jack have a LOVE HATE relationship!
One minute they are playing and laughing,
the next they are fighting and crying!!!
The other day they were playing a game and I
guess Kyle had something and would not give it to Jack.
Jack got MAD! Lunged forward and
bit Kyle right on the nose!!!
It was bleeding, Kyle was screaming,
and Jack was freaking out!!!!
The sight of the blood made Jack feel so bad.
After spending a good amount of time in time-out.

Jack gave Kyle and love and told him he was sorry.
Jack kept saying, "my sorry, my love you Kyle".
Hopefully, this can end the biting!!!!
The next day Kyle had a run in with the corner of the couch!
And yes!! There was another ouch!!!

Now Kyle looks like he's been in quite the fight!!
Poor baby!!!
He looks quite beat up!
I was going to take them in for their 3 year old pictures---
well I guess that's not going to happen for another week or so!