Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Baby

I just had to share this cute picture!
She's just a doll!!!

Christmas Quilts

We went to Idaho last weekend for Samantha's Wedding
(I'll post about that next)
Grandma thought it would be a perfect time to give the boys their Christmas present.
She hand made these darling quilts for each of them.
 Each one was different and was made just for them.

 They even had their names on them.

 They will be cherished blankets for a very long time!
 Thank you Grandma!!  
We love you so much!
Lia also got a gift.  The softest pink bunny and blanket!
Aren't Grandma's the BEST!!!!

Steven's Funny!

Steven and Luke both suck their thumbs.
They started when they were about 3 months old.
I thought it was so cute then.
Now, not so much!
Steven LOVES to touch "soft" things while sucking his thumb.
He'll go for my soft shirt, his blanket, or Luke's hair.
They were watching a movie the other day,
both sucking their thumbs and Steven was touching Luke's hair.
I just had to take a picture!
They are just too cute!
TWINS are so special!
They are lucky to have each other and I'm lucky to have them too!

Getting Ready for Bed With Lia~

Lia is such a happy baby!
Getting ready for bed goes like this...
 A nice warm bath---
she just loves to kick and splash in the water.
It's so cute, she gets so excited,  She loves bath time.
 Next, it on to getting all lotioned up and in clean pi's
(I just LOVE her eyes!)
Then it's time to eat and fall asleep!
She is such a joy and I relish this time.
It is so wonderful to have 1 baby this time around.
I am SOAKING in every moment.
Knowing that this is our LAST baby makes it that much more special!

Today I'm 29, AGAIN!!!

This morning I was sent on a scavenger hunt---
It was so cute--
I was given my 1st "clue" in bed,
 Then another clue---
 …and another
 …and another
 …and another
 …and another
 and finally I got to my gift!!!
 Dan and I were going to dinner!!!
Ruth's Chris---My FAVORITE!!!
Nothing better than a mouth watering steak, shrimp, broccoli, and mashed potatoes,
Followed by a delicious dessert!
 It was PERFECT!
I must say for turing 29 the 9th time,
I look pretty darn good!!!  haha

Thank you Dan for a PERFECT evening!

Kindergarten Christmas Devotional

Every year the Kindergarten classes put on a Christmas program.
This year is was just perfect!
 Steven's class
 Luke's class
 Each child has a speaking parts, songs and poems.
Here is Luke saying his part.
 And Steven…
(they were both shepherds)
 And here they are singing!!

They both did such a great job and reminded all of us
Our Savior Jesus Christ.

Lia's 3 Months!

Sweet Little Miss is 3 months old!!!
She is TRULY the BEST baby EVER!!!!
 We all can not get enough of her.
I think she is held all day,
kissed on all day,
talked to all day,
squeezed all day,
and LOVED on all day long!
 She is smiling and cooing too!
The boys LOVE that she gives them a smile or a cooing noise.
She melts their hearts!!! (and mine, and of course her dad's)
She is just delicious!!!

3 month stats:
13.4 pounds
26 inches
sleeping 14 hours at night
loves nursing
and loves a bottle
(thank goodness, we can go on dates)
only gets a bottle when she has a babysitter
smiles all the time
is starting laugh
is TOTALLY easy going
is starting to coo
(I just love when she talks to me)
gets passed around all day from brother to brother without crying
is just the SWEETEST!!!!

We love you Little Miss!

Missing a Tooth!!!

Steven has been working on his loose tooth for a couple of weeks.
And Today was the day!!!
(November 26th 2011)
He FINALLY lost it!
 He wasn't happy or anything!
He was TOTALLY thrilled!!!
Way to go Steven!!
Here's to many more!!!

Family Pictures…2011--and I Mean FAMILY!

I love my family!!!
It was so wonderful to all be together!
And here we ALL are!
All 24 of us--and one on the way--
(Mitch and Jill are expecting #4 in March)

 This picture we all thought would be the hardest to take.
13 grandchildren 8 years old and younger!!!!
Aren't they all just to DIE FOR CUTE!!!
We all make pretty cute kids!
Then we had our family picture taken too!
I love MY family!
I have been so blessed in these 11 years of marriage!
6 kids WOW!!!
I am one blessed mommy!

8 years old and Getting Baptized

Having Thanksgiving in Hollister meant that all of my siblings would be there.
So we thought it would be a perfect time to have
Cody and Olivia Baptized!

 Here are the 2 eight year olds.
I love that they were able to share this special day!
They really do love each other---
 The night before Grandma Carolyn gave Cody the cutest Baptism Journal.
Thank you Grandma!
 It was so nice to have them be baptized surrounded by family.
 Cody is such a great example for his 5 siblings.
 Dad and Cody.
 me and my sweet son!
 Opening their baptism gifts…
Journals, CTR rings, Hymn Books, and 
Cody was so excited about getting his OWN set of scriptures.
Cody, I am so proud of you.  I love you so much.
I'm so glad that you know that YOU are a CHILD OF GOD.
And that getting baptized was an important choice you made.
We love you!

Thanksgiving in California 2011

Of course Thanksgiving started out with a
The team consisted of Tyler, Dan, Curtis and some of Tyler's High School Friends.

 They had a lot of fun and Dan realized that he's totally OUT of shape!
But he did score about 4 or 5 touchdowns. 
And they WON!

While the boys were playing my mom was busy in the kitchen.
And the food was delicious!
Here are Dan and my dad carving the turkey and ham.

 The menu:
Roasted Turkey
Smothered Sweet Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Fresh Green Beans
and Home Made Rolls!
Can you say DELICIOUS!!!!
 Joel and Carolyn came out too.
(we are baptizing Cody in 2 days)
 The KIDS table!
And (some) of the adults.
Thanks mom!
Everything was just PERFECT!