We had such a great weekend!
We started off our Memorial Weekend by going to the
Air Force Museum.
The boys LOVED it!!
Being able to be up close and personal with all the airplanes
was so fun for them.
Cody has decided that he wants to be a pilot!

Steven, Luke and mom!
(this was supposed to be a picture of the whole family but the man
that took our picture did not zoom out!! haha)

Monday we went to my Grandparents grave
to bring flowers and remember them.
The boys love going where the "dead people are".

Cody among the Flags!
I really tried this year to explain the purpose of Memorial Day.
I am so grateful for the brave men and women who have protected my
freedoms and who have lost their lives for me and this country!
Thank You!

Steven in the sea of flags!

Cute Luke!
That evening Kim and Curtis came over for a BBQ.
Dan and Curtis were the grill masters. YUMMY!

Then we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores.
Thank goodness for a fire pit in the back yard!!
It was a perfect evening!
Yummy food, Great weather and wonderful company~

Here are the boys and their marshmallows!

And of course eating the s'mores!!!

They really were GOOD!

Messy but good!

Kyle and Jack ended the evening on the swings!
It was a fabulous weekend!!