Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

We had such a great weekend!
We started off our Memorial Weekend by going to the
Air Force Museum.
The boys LOVED it!!
Being able to be up close and personal with all the airplanes
was so fun for them.
Cody has decided that he wants to be a pilot!

Steven, Luke and mom!
(this was supposed to be a picture of the whole family but the man
that took our picture did not zoom out!! haha)
Monday we went to my Grandparents grave
to bring flowers and remember them.
The boys love going where the "dead people are".
Cody among the Flags!

I really tried this year to explain the purpose of Memorial Day.
I am so grateful for the brave men and women who have protected my
freedoms and who have lost their lives for me and this country!
Thank You!
Steven in the sea of flags!
Cute Luke!

That evening Kim and Curtis came over for a BBQ.
Dan and Curtis were the grill masters. YUMMY!
Then we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores.
Thank goodness for a fire pit in the back yard!!
It was a perfect evening!
Yummy food, Great weather and wonderful company~
Here are the boys and their marshmallows!
And of course eating the s'mores!!!
They really were GOOD!
Messy but good!
Kyle and Jack ended the evening on the swings!
It was a fabulous weekend!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


We live in a pretty great neighborhood!
There are so many YOUNG families, which means

They all get along so well and travel from house to house
playing and playing all day long!
Another thing these 4 year olds love to do together is dress up!
We have 3 Power Rangers, 2 Supermans,
a Batman, a Prince, a Princess, and an Obi-Won-Konobi.

It's funny because this happens everyday!
1st thing in the morning Steven and Luke ask
"mom, can we get costumes on and go play with our friends?"

How lucky to be 4 and have so many great friends!
Especially ones that live next door!!

Steven's Ready!!!

Today was Steven's Kindergarten Check-up!!
And he was cleared to go to!!!

He was so excited to go to the Doctor!
He was also SO brave when the shots came!!
Only a few tears!

Stats for Steven--
Height- 45.5 inches 96%
Weight- 37.4 lbs 32%

in other words-- tall and thin!!

I can not believe he's going to be a kindergartner!!!
It truly seems like yesterday I was holding my 5 pound baby boy!!

I love you Steven!

Cody's Last Day of School!!

Kindergarten ended May 25th!!
I really can't believe it's over.
I cried the 1st two weeks of school.
(sending Cody off was really hard for me)
Now that it's over, I'm crying again!!!

For the last day of school, they had fun activities planned for the kids.
The theme was pioneer games!
Here is Cody trying to roll a Hula-Hoop with a stick.
They also had a ring toss in a dutch oven--
Here is his class--
last time all together!
They were also had shaved ice!!!
Here are the boys being SILLY!!!
Cody and Sam
One of the good friends he met this year~
Cody and Lucas!
Another great friend!
Group hug with Mrs. Hobbs!
She was an amazing teacher---
Cody LOVED her!
Cody and Jenny!
They were also great friends all year long!
And of course one FINAL hug for Mrs. Hobbs!

It was a wonderful year!!!

Weekend in Idaho!

We went to Idaho this past weekend for a Missionary Homecoming!
My cousin Brad finished serving his mission in Brazil.
I'm so glad we were able to be there.
He was such a great Missionary!!!
Sunday we all got together at their home for Lunch.
Kyle and Jack loved the backyard!
It was so wonderful to have so much family there!
I really do have the BEST family!!!
After the luncheon we went to Grandma Carolyn's home for dinner.
It was a perfect weekend to be in Idaho--
The missionary homecoming, Mariah's Birthday,
and Andrew was set apart as an Elder!
Here's Mariah blowing out her candles!!
She's now the BIG 12~~~
Andrew!! The new ELDER
and his darling niece Ellie!
Of course after dinner Jack just had to have dessert!!
He's eating a "dirt" cake.
Chocolate pudding with Oreo crumbs and gummy worms!!
We LOVED IT as you can see!!!
Jack has quite the sweet tooth!!!

All in all it was a fabulous weekend!!!
We are a part of wonderful families!!

Shakespeare Week at School!

It's Shakespeare week!!
Cody was a Prince this week at school!
He was excited to not have to wear his uniform.
The Kindergarten performed
Sing-a-song of Six Pence with the school Orchestra.
Cody did a great job.
When I was little, this was one of my favorite nursery rhymes!
Here he is singing!!!
After the program, they had a class party!
Here is Cody and his friend Logan being silly!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

My Afternoon!

Today was a peaceful afternoon!
Luke fell asleep on the couch watching Star Wars--
Kyle and Jack were sleeping--
(Not about to go in their room and take a picture of them sleeping)
Cody and Steven decided to go outside and play!
I LOVE that my boys get along so well!
Of course we have the fighting, name calling, screaming--
Who doesn't???
But when it comes right down to it,
They really do LOVE each other!
They WANT to play with each other!
They MAKE each other laugh!
They ARE best friends!!
What more could 5 brothers want????

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Today I took Luke to the doctor.
He had his KINDERGARTEN, I repeat--

I truly can not believe that he is ready for kindergarten.
I'm excited for him, but I also got sad.
I even cried in the appointment,
when the dr. was doing his coordination test!!

He was so excited to go and show the Dr. that he can hop on one foot,
hop on the other foot, jump, do a summersalt (none of which the Dr. asked to see)
Then came the shots--SCREAM!!!! A minute later asking to see his prizes!!
Stats for Luke--
Height - 43.25 inches - 75%
Weight - 35.94 - 20%

Luke, I am so proud of you and so excited for you and this next year!!

I love you!!

(they wouldn't let me do Steven's appointment at the same time his is in 2 weeks)

Monster Party--

Steven and Luke were invited to a Birthday Party last week.
They were SO excited!!
The party had a theme---
Come as a MONSTER!!!

I had fun painting their faces.
Steven wanted to be Frankenstein---
He LOVED getting into character!!
He also LOVED the bolts in his neck!!!
He's so funny!!!
Luke was a little more hesitant,
but LOVED the finished product!!

He's also learned how to cross his eyes!!
And now for every photo this is exactly how he looks.
(minus the skeleton face).
Such a NERD!!! haha
Boys will be boys!!!


I know I wrote about Jack and his drawing already--
But he's just too much!
He would spend the whole day drawing if he could.
He walks around the house with a pen in one hand and a pad of paper in the other.
Today he found a paint brush and walked around
pretending to paint the walls of our house.
It's also NO laughing matter with him.
He takes this drawing thing VERY serious!
He is also VERY particular about his drawing medium.
For example: If he is using a pen and we try and take it away and give him a pencil
He wants the pen back and will through a FIT until he's got the pen back.

I think I'm going to get him water colors--
I can only imagine what he'll think.

I wonder if this is something he will LOVE to do forever??

Some kids begin singing at 2--
Well, Jack began drawing at 2!!!!
We'll see what happens!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I get asked a lot---
How do you do it?
Wow!! 5 boys!
How do they each get time?
I can only imagine how LOUD your home is!

This afternoon was a quite one.
I am actually touching ALL 5 at the SAME time!
We all watched a movie in Dad's office while he worked.
It was wonderful!
The best part we were all together--
and they KNOW that I love them!!!
Afternoons like this don't always happen,
but when they do they are truly priceless!!!

I love you boys!!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nothing BUNDT Cake--

My sister graduated from the Nursing Program (She's amazing)!
The next day we went to my brother's house for a celebration dinner.
They bought a cake from "Nothing Bundt Cake".
Red Velvet with Cream Cheese frosting---

Kyle and Jack also thought the cake was worth every bite!
This is one MAIN difference between these two--
Kyle diving in head first,
Jack neat and clean and using a spoon!! haha

Here they both are eating up the very last crumb!!!