Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Kim!!!

I remember it like it was yesterday---
my mom was rushed off to the hospital, ready to have baby #5.
In those days you didn't get to find out what you were having.
Being the oldest, and having 3 brothers in a row I was
hoping and praying for a sister!!!
I remember when the phone rang---
I answered---
me: "So Dad tell me..." (as I held my breath)
dad: "She...had...a...GIRL!!!!'
I screamed so loud and jumped so high I almost hit the ceiling!
At last my prayers for a sister had been answered!

And to be honest---I have the BEST SISTER!!!
And here are some of the reasons why...
I was so lucky. I was 11 when she was born and
I was able to have my very own LIVE doll!!!
She was and is silly!
She was my one and only Bridesmaid.
I didn't need anyone else.
She graduated from BYU
and will graduate AGAIN in a month
from the nursing program!
She is an AMAZING student!
She was a BEAUTIFUL bride!
She's my volleyball hero!
She is one of the best volleyball players I know!
People she doesn't even know call her and ask her
to be on their teams.
I play like her in my dreams!
She LOVES my BOYS!!!

What more could I ask for---
Happy Birthday Kim!
I love you!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Something is Working!

I started this new "JOB" program for my boys last week.
I'm not sure why it's different,
but my boys are thrilled to do their chores everyday!

It's pretty great for me too.
I'm able to customize each child's daily chores.
There is also a point system for rewards.

I'm pretty impressed.
If my boys are "Whistling While They're Working"
you know this is a great thing!!!

Click here to get started!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Kyle and Jack are 2 BUSY babies.
TOGETHER they are MORE than double trouble!

Kyle is like the energizer bunny--
he truly RUNS everywhere he goes
even if point "B" is 3 steps away, he'll run there.

Jack on the other hand is a bit more laid back-
although he may be a bit slower

This morning they had breakfast
they had a bath,
I needed a few minutes to put away the folded clothes
so I put them in the chairs with an oatmeal cookie
this is what I came back to:
I know you can't see the floor,
but there are a million cookie pieces on the floor.

I love them dearly,
I also need SaNiTy from the mess!

So I decided to buckle them in their car seat
and have them watch a movie!
Here they are, they are buckled in and CANNOT make a mess.
I think this is something I'm going to do on a daily basis.

I'm not sure about you, but I cannot function with chaos!
Thank goodness I've found a solution!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Kangaroo Zoo!

It was a long week-
So we decided to take the kids out to play
aka: The jumpy house!

I thought for sure it was going to be a hit!
Cody, Steven and Luke were off and running and bouncing here and there!!
Kyle and Jack on the other hand
couldn't stop crying!!!
They just wanted to be held--
they were quite freaked out!

Cody sliding down!!!
One going down==
the other going up!
Then I decided to have Kyle and Jack
go down a small slide-
That was all it took!
They were finally in 7th heaven
Thank goodness!

Daddy and all the boys going up the BIG slide!
(yes, it is quite the workout carrying 2 babies up)
Daddy sliding DOWN with 2!
Steven and Kyle--
From the look on Kyle's face he wasn't too sure about it!
Jack flying solo!
Cody was THE BEST helper!
He was so concerned about Kyle and Jack
and really wanted to make sure they were not only safe
but also having fun!
Thanks Cody for being a GREAT big brother!!!

Jack finally getting the hang of it!!!
Kyle as happy as can be!
3 silly boys!!!
Steven and Luke!
I know this looks like wrestling--
but it is actually them just
They are like this constantly.

All in all it was a fabulous afternoon!!!
A fabulous time together!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

No School!

Just about every other Friday
Cody had NO SCHOOL!

Well I decided to take the boys swimming!
We always have so much fun!
All 5 boys love the water.
Especially Cody, Steven and Luke.
They are like FISH!!!
Steven holding his breath!
Luke just playing!
Jack being silly!
Kyle splashing around!!!
Steven making a BIG splash going down the water slide.
We sure did have a BLAST!!!

Thanks to Spencer for coming along!
There really is NO way I could have gone to the pool alone.

Clean Up Your Mess!

I'm trying to teach something important!~
I am NOT the maid...
Yes, we have too much stuff---
therefore we have BIG messes.
The boys, need to learn to pick up after themselves.
They are even learning how to use the vacuum.

I'm pretty impressed!
They did clean up downstairs all by themselves!
Now I just need to keep it up,
and get them to have their own cleaning chart--
Having the boys get older is becoming a good thing!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What are BOYS Good For??

Taking out the trash!

Cody and I were talking the other day about chores/jobs.
When he asked the magical question?
"What other jobs can I have?"
It was like music to my ears--
My mind instantly was flooded with thoughts
-kitchen floor
-dusting (already a given)
I HATE doing it,
in fact, let's be honest
I DON'T do it. Dan does!
Cody was THRILLED with the idea
Here he is taking out his 1st trash bag!

Job well done!
It's now yours FOREVER!!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I think the House is Haunted??!!

It's Tuesday--
Steven's "Special Day".
His request for breakfast was cold cereal-- easy!
Cereal in bowls, 3 happy eating boys--
I quickly go to the office to check my e-mail--
When I hear......
Crash, clank, splash!!!
I run into the kitchen and find 3 guilty boys
Cody: Luke made me do it!
Luke: No I didn't, I was just sitting here!
Cody: Then I'm not sure how it happened,
my bowl was not even close to the edge?
Steven: Mom, Can I be done?
Mom: Shaking my head in disbelief--
thinking to myself--really? in 5 minutes?
We still have NO idea how the bowl of cereal
ended up on the floor--
I think our house must be haunted!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Keep it in the kitchen!

So we have a rule in our house that we
do not drink in the family room.
We keep it in the kitchen.

Well the other day Jack was drinking orange juice and he walked into the family room.
Dan looked at him and said, "Jack, in the kitchen!"
Jack turned around and put the drink in the kitchen
while he remained in the family room.
He's just too smart for his own good.
It's funny, at 2 years old he's
already learned to walk that "Fine Line"!
At least he listened.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We did it TOGETHER!

Can I just say that my MOM and my SISTER are the BEST!!
We are training for a 1/2 marathon TOGETHER!
Saturday we ran 6 miles--
It was actually FUN, running!
I NEVER thought I would ever say the words
running and fun in the same sentence.
The best part was that we did it together!

Here is us before the 6 miles--
And after the 6 miles!
I'm really proud of us!
6 miles in an hour!!!

13.1 here we come!!!