I remember it like it was yesterday---
my mom was rushed off to the hospital, ready to have baby #5.
In those days you didn't get to find out what you were having.
Being the oldest, and having 3 brothers in a row I was
hoping and praying for a sister!!!
I remember when the phone rang---
I answered---
me: "So Dad tell me..." (as I held my breath)
dad: "She...had...a...GIRL!!!!'
I screamed so loud and jumped so high I almost hit the ceiling!
At last my prayers for a sister had been answered!
And to be honest---I have the BEST SISTER!!!
And here are some of the reasons why...

I was so lucky. I was 11 when she was born and
I was able to have my very own LIVE doll!!!

She was and is silly!

She was my one and only Bridesmaid.
I didn't need anyone else.

She graduated from BYU
and will graduate AGAIN in a month
from the nursing program!
She is an AMAZING student!

She was a BEAUTIFUL bride!

She's my volleyball hero!
She is one of the best volleyball players I know!
People she doesn't even know call her and ask her
to be on their teams.
I play like her in my dreams!

She LOVES my BOYS!!!
What more could I ask for---
Happy Birthday Kim!
I love you!!!