8 month ago I gave my boys a challenge.
If you can finish the Book of Mormon-
I'll take you to Disneyland.
Well they finished.
And we went!
It was a wonderful vacation!

My dear friend Amy (Jones)McAbery and I began
planning this vacation about a year ago.

Here we all are.
They we so fun! I'm glad we were able
to share our 1st Disneyland Vacation with them.
The kids all got along so well and so did the hubby's!

Amy and me.
We have been friend since I was about 5!

We made it to Disneyland!!!

It truly is a magical place.

Here wer are riding the "Tea Cups"

The McAbery Family!

There really is nothing like a Happy Child!!

Mom and Steven

Cody defeating Zurg!

Happy Luke and Steven

One of our favorite rides--
Thunder Mountain RailRoad!

We had a character breakfast with Mickey and Minnie!
It was great and the kids LOVED
having the characters up close and personal.

Isn't Minnie so cute!!!

At the breakfast they had activities for the kids.
Cody is one AMAZING Hula-Hooper!!!

The family and all the kids with Mickey!

Steven was amazed!!! He loved being close to Mickey!

It rained on us one of the days.
But I'll tell you what!
Disneyland in the rain is GREAT!
No one is there and that means

Us at the Tiki Room!

Cute boys and funny faces!!!

Racing while waiting for the parade!

Playing the drums at the parade!

Even though we were on vacation--
Cody still had homework to do.
Megan also wanted to do homework with Cody.
We were so lucky--
I mean the FORCE was with us!!
All 4 boys were chosen for the Jedi Training
to defeat Darth Vader!!

I really think this was their FAVORITE part of Disneyland.

Here's Cody getting ready to Fight Darth Vader!

Darth Vader and Darth Mal

The boys receiving their certificates!
Cody was still in character!

We really did have such a fun time together!

Making fun memories is what it's all about!

Cody did get a little freaked out on the "moving" Ferris Wheel.
There were stationary carts and moving carts
His face was so funny--he had NO idea we were going
to be moving inside!!! hahaha

Me and Dan!!!

The boys fell asleep each night once their heads
hit the pillows!!!

Saying goodbye to their friends
with a group hug!!!!
Ok McAbery Family:
Where are we going next?!!