Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!
2010 here we come!!!
It's going to be a great year!!!!

Christmas Time...

I just love Christmas time.
I love the music.
I love the Christmas Tree.
I love the smell of baking.
and most of all I love being able to
spend so much time with Family!
We made our way to Tyler and Jamie's house
one of the nights to celebrate.
And indeed Santa did come!!!!
Olivia and Santa
Cody and Santa
Steven and Santa
Luke and Santa
Kyle and Santa
(he was a bit freaked out)
Jack and Santa
(as long as he had a candy cane he was fine)

Then on Christmas morning.
Santa left new BYU hats IN the tree.
The boys were thrilled!
I love the magic of Christmas.
I love Christmas morning.
I love bed head!
Cody's face---I love the excitement.

Cody opening a present,
and of course he and his brothers
just had to wear their new hats!

Luke opening a present
Steven got LEGOS!!
Kyle's turn...
And finally Jack.
We sure did have a wonderful Christmas.
I can not believe that 2009 is almost over...
Now come great things in 2010.

Steven and his BOM

This is a picture I took in September.
But I just had to blog about it.
I took the boys to Temple Square.
We had a tour of the grounds there.
They loved it.
When Steven got home from the Temple
he said,"mom I need to read my Book of Mormon".
It was so cute to see him sitting outside on the swing
reading his Book of Mormon.
(even though he can't read)

Kindergarten Christmas Party

Cody's school has a tradition every Christmas.
Each child is to bring a new "Teddy Bear" to school.
The school then sponsors a shelter for the homeless,
and these Teddy Bears are then given to the
children at these shelters for Christmas.
Look at all the bears!!!
This was the one Cody brought.
Isn't he cute...
Then the children form a few lines,
and begin hugging each bear and passing it down the line
so that each child can give the bear a hug.
It is so neat to watch all the children hugging each bear.
It makes them happy to know that these bears will also
be loved by a sweet child that has no home for Christmas.
Steven and Luke also wanted to come to the party.
It is so great that these 3 get along so well!!

Spending Time With 3

Mr. LaPray works from home.
While he is working, and the babies are sleeping
I can go out and spend time with these 3.
We LOVE going to the movies.
Mom and Steven
Mom and Luke.
I sure love being a mom.
I sure love that Mr. LaPray works from home
so that I can do these kinds of things!


Lately Jack has gotten a love for Balloons.
Is he not the cutest!!!!

Playing in the Snow!

Here are just some cute pictures of the boys
playing outside in the snow!
Steven and Luke
Cody and Steven.
While they have a blast throwing snowballs,
making snowmen, or making snow angels...
Mom is inside the house dreaming of summer...

Mickey Mouse

Right now Kyle and Jack are mesmerized by
the Mickey Mouse Club House show
on the Disney Chanel.
They call him "ickey".
The good thing is the show is 30 minutes and they
will both sit though the entire program
and I can get a few things done.
Bless you Disney Chanel!

They Might Not...

Jack and Kyle might not look like each other,
but they do the SAME things!!!
I was making lunch and I guess they were hungry and bored.
This is how I found them...
Doing the same thing.

I'm 36!

On December 14th I turned 36...
On December 15th I tweezed my 1st grey eyebrow...
I guess I should say 36 is going to be great!
Welcome to old age!
No really it was great!
Birthday with family and friends...
what more could I have asked for.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Blind Side

Tonight we got a babysitter.
Tonight we went on a date.
Tonight we saw "The Blind Side".
It was FABULOUS!!!!
If you have not seen it,
You MUST!!!
Leigh Anne Tuohy is my new hero!
What an amazing story,
and an amazing film!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

So Proud...UNTIL...

Last night I made grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner.
(It was one of those nights)
I also cut up 1/2 a banana for Kyle and Jack.
Jack is NOT the best eater. It's not that he won't eat it,
it's that he won't try it.
Well I came back to check on everyone-
oh, 10 minutes later.
I noticed that Kyle had eaten all of his dinner.
(he eats great)
I also noticed that Jack did too!!!
I was sooooo proud of him-----
This morning I found this under his chair!!!
Little stinker!!! He totally fooled me!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Baby "A's"

I'm pretty lucky, I have 2 baby "A's".
Really, I think they are the lucky ones!!!
They love each other so much!
It's cute. Steven protects Kyle,
and Kyle wants to be just like Steven!
Aren't twins wonderful!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Kindergarten Devotional

Cody had a Christmas Program at school on Friday!
It was so sweet!
(This is a picture of both afternoon classes)
It was so special to have a Christmas Program
that focused on the Savior and not on Santa!

Cody saying his part,
"We know that Jesus Christ loves all his children
and that he visited many
different countries after he was resurrected".
I love this season and remembering the TRUE meaning of Christmas!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"Ok, Mom"

Cody LOVES school!
He even LOVES to do his homework!
He will be in the middle of playing a game or
watching TV or even playing with a friend--
and if I tell him
"Cody, it's time to do your homework."
He'll answer, "ok, mom" and come running!
There is never any complaining.
He is such a good boy,
and what a great example he is
for his 4 younger brothers.
I love you son!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I saw the Macy's commerical with
Queen Latifah and the Mailbox for Santa--
So I decided to take the boys to Macy's so they could send
their letters to Santa!!! They LOVED the BIG RED Mailbox
(I think they loved going up and down the escalator a little more)

After we just wanted to take a stroll down the mall.
Well they had begun the "Take your picture with Santa"
and the best part NO LINE!!!!
Here's the end result
What more can you ask for NO TEARS
and they ALL look pleasant!! : )
*christmas is coming
and i'm so excited*