October is such a fun month...
The temperature changes, fall traditions begin...
and with 6 kids we are BUSY!
I attended Parent Teacher Conferences
and Steven left me this little gem!!!
He is such a sweet tender boy!
I love him so much!
This cute thing loves her Tu-Tu's....
She said to me, "Look mom, I'm wearing my tute!"
She is so funny and we truly adore her!
Thank Goodness for a little girl!
We have a "Fall" Tradition with our next door neighbors
the Kindred's.... We get together and have caramel apples
each year... This year, we did it a bit different...
Chili, Corn Bread, and Caramel Apples for dessert!
The Apples and Caramel we so yummy!!!
Talk about the perfect BITE!
Each October for Fall Break we head to CALIFORNIA!
It's a highlight for me!!!
I just love going home!
This year instead of going to Hollister 1st...
we went to Clovis to see Kim and the triplets!
My kids can not get enough of them!!!
Actually...either can I...
Talk about YUMMY!!!!
the boys just HAD to hold the baby boys
in the Baby Bjorns....
They are so cute with these babies!!!
This little girl is such a great traveler...
She doesn't sleep AT ALL....
But she doesn't cry either.... Thank Goodness...
It's a blessing since I go alone and the 12 hour drive one way
would be terrible if the kids weren't so fabulous!
the 9 cousins all together.....
Lia LOVES Grandma's trampoline!!!!
I love California.....
October is also...
Family Picture time!!!
I love the pictures and think they turned out so cute!
I also LOVE my family so much!
We also had Raichl living with us last year so we
included her in our family picture too....
October also means cute decorations for the front
of our house.
October also means...
Flag Football!
Cody, Steven and Luke are playing
although this is a picture of Steven and Luke's team.
And of course Pack Meeting!!!
The newest members of the Wolf Den!
Steven and Luke!!
My goodness I love these two!!!
Cody also advanced to the Webelos...
He is such a good example to his younger siblings...
I'm so proud of my boys!!!
October also means a trip to the PUMPKIN PATCH!
You can tell by the sky it was a beautiful day!
Lia loved it!!
and her daddy totally loves her!!!
October also means the annual "adult" Halloween Party..
This year we dressed up as Publishers Clearing House Giver/Winner
It is always such a fun party and fun to have it just
be the adults!
October also means....
Pumpkin Carving...
This is always so fun and the boys LOVE it!
They all turned out so good!!!
Cody has become quite the reader...
He reads ALL time!
Here is a picture of him reading in the car after school.
I LOVE that he LOVES to read!!!
October means... HALLOWEEN!
The boys have to dress up as a classical figure..
This year they are honoring
Jackie Robinson
Babe Ruth
Hank Aaron
Willie Mays
and Mickie Mantle
And of course Lia wanted to be in the picture with
Kyle and Jack!!!
That evening.... We went to the Galaxy Far Far Away....
Star Wars...
We have
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Darth Maul
Darth Vader
Han Solo
and Princess Leia....
Lia wasn't too sure about this whole Halloween thing..
But the BOYS love it!!!
Kyle and Kylie....
Lia was cold so I took her home and Kyle stayed
to trick or treat with Kylie...
Once we got home.. Lia was happy!
Little Stink!
At least she looked cute! HA!