The day before the test I took some pictures to capture this season I hope would be ending.
Here is a picture of what I spent more time with than any person the last two months.
My fingers touched every page of every book. I wrote notes in the notebook, made note cards, watched a DVD training, and took a online test prep course. This is the desk I have sat at with these books.
These are the posters I made and looked at every day
The week before the test I enjoyed what I was studying and learning most of the time. The day before I stopped all studying and just enjoyed a relaxing day, ate lunch with a friend, talked on the phone to friends, stayed at a Friends Guest House closer to testing site, took a nice bubble bath and tried to get to bed early.
Test day I felt surprisingly calm...After almost 4 long hours with breaks, I walked to the test proctor and was given my things along with a piece of paper. She had turned the paper over when handing it to me. I took a deep breath turned it over... there it read "Fail". You have to score at least a 91 to pass. I scored a 81. TEN points off ...Ten points. The test proctor said "that's a hard one, you'll do better next time" I nodded my head and walked to my car, tears streamed down and then starting overflowing. I wish I had thought to have someone there when I walked out. I couldn't bring in my cell phone so I left it at the house. Here I was alone in my car, screaming, crying, feeling numb, confused, sad, devastated.
Then it hit me I have to wait 3 months before I can take it again. I hate that counselors do this to counselors. I hate that a test determines if I get to do what I feel so passionate about. I HATE Tests, Test scores prove nothing about a person's soul. I wish someone could just watch me counsel then decide if I should be allowed to do this, But NO!! some other person that is better at memorizing, taking tests gets to do this. I don't have the brains.... but I have the heart. I wish that was worth something. I wish what other people think I can do well would give me a job. IT's NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!
I went to the guest house sat on the back porch swing and wept.
Then slowly started telling people. I have felt defeated, humiliated. I don't understand fully how one is to deal with sadness and allow us to be a part of it but here are a few thoughts I have had lately.
When someone thinks something is funny they laugh. Others Laugh.
When someone thinks something is fun they get excited Others get excited, want to join in
When someone smiles Others smile
Why do we when we see someone cry do we not just reflect back similar responses like we do with other emotions.
Why when someone is sad do we say, it will be ok, this just means somethings better, look at the bright side.....
When someone is happy or laughing we don't say, hey simmer down don't forget they is a down side.
How do we learn that some emotions are good and others are bad? Why can't all emotions just be that which we they, what we feel. I understand it's not healthy for one to live in an extreme.
If someone is sad all they time for a long time it could mean something more
If someone is angry all the time for a long time it could mean something more
If someone is happy all the time..... I don't trust you. This is a Fallen World, it is a broken world.
Everyone who has wrote me or called, thank you.
I am not sure what is next.
Taking it one day at a time