Thursday, October 28, 2010

roundy face rabbit eat potato.


alhamdulillah ;)

"most successful men have not achieved their distinction by having some new talent or opportunity presented to them. they have developed the opportunity that was at hand"
Bruce Barton

Sunday, October 17, 2010

the unjustifiable say hello, just smile.


sekarang sudah dalam fitrah final exam. oh! cepat sungguh! lalu bangun pagi-pagi buka tingkap dan biar angin pagi hembus-hembus ke muka. merasa senang dengan sang angin itu maksudnya senang juga dengan Allah. buka buku dan baca. baca lagi dan faham. faham dan ingat. insyaAllah. tapi, entah kenapa, sekarang ini susah sedikit-sedikit untuk menghafal dengan baik. heh. memanglah, keropok encik potato lah kamu makan, sekejap rasa mahu makan maggi mee selepas itu teringin nak minum air yang ada gas-gas itu. walaupun boleh bilang dengan dua jari saja saya makan itu-itu semua, kesannya seakan besar pula menimpa cik brain. kasihan sama cik brain. makan kismis tujuh biji hari-hari pun entah ada efek entah tidak. ahah.

ah, biarkan akrimi dengan makan dan minumnya. sekarang fitrah exam. oh, takut juga kalau difikir-fikir sampai seratus kali. hari sabtu dan ahad memang bahagia. dapat belajar dan siapkan kerja-kerja yang bertimbun dan bersusun. entah kenapa, tiba-tiba rasa rindu. eh,eh,. ini rindu lah .. rindu pada mahallah. kenapa-mesti-rindu-mahallah-yang-memang-sedang-tercongok-depan-mata-ni. haishh. rasa rindu bila teringat cuti semester 3 minggu nanti mahu buat apa. oh! final exam pun belum kamu buat mahu fikir cuti pula. ahah.

insyaAllah, final exam yang tidak lama lagi itu, kita hadapi dengan tenang ye kawan-kawan. mohonlah agar dipermudahkan segala urusan, dikurniakan semangat yang tinggi, tidak mudah dihinggap encik putus asa apatah lagi mudah merasa senang bila kita kata-kita ini sudah terer lah konon-kononnya. heh. musim-musim exam ini, perlu diingat, emosi mudah terganggu. haishh. kalau ditimpa musibah, ya, jangan lupa kendalikan dengan iman dan bukan dibalas dengan emosi yang entah apa-apa itu. ah, saya katakan ini pun kerana ramai yang datang dan mengeluh betapa lelah dan letihnya kendalikan belajar dan masalah-masalah lain yang muncul tiba-tiba. oh! saya juga ada masanya merasa lelah dan letih. saya juga pernah rasa putus asa. tapi, kalau kawan-kawan merasa sukar, maka saya perlu pinjamkan sedikit kekuatan dan kesabaran yang saya ada. ah, andai saja saya boleh gembirakan semua orang. seronok jugakan. ini fantasi. maka, maafkan saya kiranya kawan-kawan mahu datang dan bercerita pada saya tapi u-turn-tak-jadi sebab muka-saya-waktu-itu-seperti-perdana menteri-memikirkan-masalah-negara. hoh.

musim exam ialah musim menambah cinta pada Allah. musim-musim lain juga. Allah beri kita merasa betapa sukarnya menuntut ilmu kerana Allah sayang kita. kata seorang ahli hikmah, Ibn Ataillah Askandari, "sesiapa menyangka sifat kasih sayang Allah terpisah dalam takdir-Nya, maka itu adalah kerana pendeknya penglihatan akal dan mata hatinya".

jom, jom!! tambah amalan dan tambah buku-buku untuk kita baca-baca setiap hari. ha, exam dah dekat ni. takut tak? takut, mari-mari buka buku jangan malas-malas. bittaufik wannajah!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

it's october.


dear love ya Rabb,
thanks for everlasting love.

"semoga dengan bertambahnya umurku, maka bertambahlah amalanku"

nota-kaki: terima kasih adik awin for your post.
sayang kamu!

Friday, October 1, 2010

sweet greenpeas.


  • for today and tomorrow, i will give glory to Allah as Allah always walks with me and watching me with countless blessings. He gave the chance for me to breath and feel the wind. the beautiful scenes and people. to read law as i need to strives for the best in making a better future. a future for my family. and a future for my future family insyaAllah. meet friends and learnt from them.
  • for today and tomorrow, i want to thanks umi and ayah for loving me as they do. growing up isn't easy. and i'm sure that there were times when they wondered what spaceship dropped me off. thank you for seeing me through all the tough times and the unconditional love as well. i love you both!
  • for today and tomorrow, i will be happy. Abraham Lincoln once said, "most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be". happiness is a matter from within. it is not a matter of externals. if it is so, then its never last longer.
  • for today and tomorrow, i will strengthen my mind and learn something useful everyday and everytime i walks through time. i will make use the brain Allah grants me to think with effort and concentration. may i be a person which praise and thanks Him all the time.
  • and i'll be unafraid. unafraid to face this hard life, to enjoy what is beautiful and to love and has mercy. to believe those i love.

with love,

Friday, September 24, 2010

a cup of hot black tea.


Allah grant me the serenity to accept all things in life i can't change, to have the courage to change the things i can and grab the wisdom to realise how different it would be.

i am a big girl with big dreams. it comprised all together like a complete cup of hot black tea with the lovely aroma. i believe that each of us is unique. yes, in our own way. when we came into this world, we were given the talents, intelligence and conscience to guide us in the right direction and an opportunity to use all these just how we want to use them. there is no one who can take this right away from us. (in an exception, obligation to follow the fitrah and syara'. based on revelation of Quran and sunnah of course)

i can become whatever i choose to become and so do you. when i do things that i don't like, i don't like myself for having done them. sometimes, the thought came. in a nice way saying i can't be good at all time or i can't be perfect at all time. it's true right? but, yes. it's our responsibility to correct things which are wrong as soon as possible and get back on the straight and narrow path of being a better part of me. or a better part of your owns. as Allah has mention in His book of guidance, al-Quran that he create us as the most perfect creation. you are the traveller of your life. choose the journey which brings you to the right destination. insyaAllah, Allah is always on our side.

being successful and happy are all kin to each another. oh. and being rich too. rich is not all about money. you can even be the richer man on the earth but still as poor as a mouse for if you are not happy what good does with all the money you owned. life is like water i might say. we seek our own level. being successful both in this life and hereafter is within the reach of us all. we are today because of the sum total of the choices we made up to this point in our lives. if we really want to do something, than yeah, follow the formula and all the ingredients. it might takes some time. just remind yourself to keep the istiqamah and doa together with tawakal. there is a way. it will always has a way. believe and keep the faith. insyaAllah.
