Monday, September 10, 2012

As of late....

So - its been kinda crazy here but at the same time - not so crazy!

We are still getting used to being married and of course loving every second of it! I got a calling in my new ward! I am stoked - I am able to teach the 7 and 8 yr olds and they are so amazing have such tender hearts and I love every single one of them! Levi is still doing family history and he loves it of course because he is learning how to do it and helping others do it also. 
I started my new job and I am loving it so far.  Its a lot more busy but it does make the day go by faster which is always nice! I am learning and thats all that matters.  It was def. a good move for me and for us as a married couple.  Levi is going to be starting his new job - its with the same company just the sales dept.  The only bad part about this is in December he is going to have a late schedule.  He will probably be working from 1 to 11pm............ which means I wont be seeing him very much! :( I will see him when he gets home (if im still awake) and I will most likely wake him up in the morning to say goodbye to him.  He will have one night during the week off which will be nice so that we have a date night - but he will be working sat.'s so we will see how it all works out.  Its good for the long run and I hope I can keep busy.  But also this is the reason why - I bought a membership to a gym which I am so very excited about! I started today and I feel so much better already.  It will give me something to do after work when my hubby is off to work. 

Married life has been good, and I seriously have been loving every second of it! I love being married - I never thought I could be this happy.  I found the best person to be married to and I am so very happy and so very much in love with him! He is my best friend and we could spend 24-7 together and I will never ever get sick of him! haha its probably a good thing right?? lol

We started re-arranging the house a little bit, because we have a front living room that had couches in it and then we have the kitchen and another little space with a fireplace in it and I really wanted a more "homey" feeling to the house - so we put those couches in front of the fireplace and we are going to put a tv on top of the fireplace to be able to have friends and family over to hang out with us and have some fun.  I am so excited that Levi did that with me and he loves it just as much as I do! :)

Life is great, the church is true, I love it and I love my Heavenly Father for blessing me with a great man, and a great life! I cant wait to see what life brings us and Im excited for the future!!! :D

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Ok, so I always knew that the world was going to get worse  and worse but, man the world is getting awful! I am so sad to hear of all the failed marriages, and all the people who have lost faith and who are leaving the church for one reason or another.
I cant believe that the scriptures are coming true right before our eyes and people keep doing the same things over and over again.  I have gone through my hard times with the church - questioning my own testimony and faith and I know everyone really does need to go through that to be able to come out stronger. 
I have come to realize that we can not rely on others faith or testimony.  We cant go to sources other than our leaders, God, or the scriptures for answers.  If you start looking for answers in the wrong places you are bound to find the wrong answers. 
Satan is real unfortunately.... its quite sad how miserable he is and how miserable he wants all of us to be.  Satan will NEVER win - not ever. 
I was talking about this with my mom yesterday and I came to the conclusion that if I die and find out that the LDS church was wrong and I that I missed it by a long shot - I wont be sad about it.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has given me hope in times of hardship and also in the life hereafter that this isnt the end, it has given me comfort in times of need, and has given me a direction in my life that I will always be thankful for.
On my mission I studied the atonement of my Savior Jesus Christ for about 6 months straight.  Before I never thought I could do that.  But, something that I realized is that I came to know my Savior and I came to see the love that he has for me to be able to put his life down for me to save me from my sins.  What an amazing concept - that I will one day stand before God and I will chat with him about everything that I have done in this life good and bad, I will feel awful for the things I have done wrong and then the Savior will step in and take me by the hand, lift me up and ask Heavenly Father to take the sin off my head and put it on his because its already been paid for.  What an amazing experience that will be.  I will hug my brother and cry with him and thank him for everything he has done for me. 
We can't have this happen of course if we arent living right, if we turn our back on the Savior and say we dont accept his death in our lives and that "we can do it on our own." at that point he can no longer help us and bring us up.  We have to work for it.  He suffered beyond anyone's comprehension and we cant think for one second that it should be easy for us - its not and it wont be - but everything we work for in life is always so much sweeter and much more worth it in the end. 
I know that my Savior lives - that he was born in a manger - that he grew up just like we do but he did it perfectly.  He is the only one that could have saved us from ourselves - from these bodies that are so imperfect.  I know that he suffered in the garden for my sins - for all of our sins.  He did it out of love for each one of us.  He was lifted up on that cross for me and you  - he died and rose on the 3rd day so that we will one day rise again as individuals and families.  I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that the Book of Mormon was translated by this man.  There is no way that he could have done that without the power of God.  He saw God and Jesus Christ and through him our Savior restored the gospel to us in its fullness because of his love for us - to give us direction in this awful world that we live in.  I know that we have a prophet today who speaks for Jesus to let us know what we should be doing and guide us through this life.  I know that there is no other way or means that we can enter into the kingdom of God than through the waters of baptism that accepts the Savior in our lives. 
Its an amazing thing that we have! Cling to your faith - Cling to your testimony - and ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS look to the prophet because he will NEVER and CANT lead us astray - it was a promise from God. 
I love this gosple with all my heart, I love my Savior for what he did for me, and I love my husband that I can be sealed with him for time and all eternity - what an amazing blessing.
Learn more at - its a great site to learn more about our Savior
I also love this quote about marriages -
"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, and always with the same person." - Mignon McLaughlin
I plan on doing that - and I plan on learning more about our Saviour through the Bible and the Book of Mormon - I plan on studying to find my answers through those books and not books by the world.  I plan looking for answers through prayer and honestly if I cant find the answer then I will go by faith... that is what this life is for - to build our faith in things that we cant see and things that we cant know of a surety of but can feel and believe that they are real and do exist!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Our story.....
We got engaged on March 31, 2012

I have the best husband ever
My family all together finally

So I guess I will start from the beginning!
I got home from my mission the end of Sept 2011.  I got started really quickly with my job and just started right back in with normal life.  The mission was great by the way - loved every second of it and miss it every day still.  Well, a few weeks later I went to a halloween party for YSA.  I saw Levi and we both were like "Hey, I know you..."  We had become acquaintences before my mission through some mutual friends.  Anyway, we started talking and he was there taking pictures so he would leave for a little bit but he would ALWAYS come back and talk to me! I was flattered but REALLY had no idea what I was doing - Flirting?? Whats that?? Its been a while you know?  He was touching my arm and hanging around and I was excited but didnt know how to do it back. ( I was out of practice)
Well - me and my friend Tiff were walking around and I was like "hey where did Levi go?" and so she texted him but he had gone home already.   He said he thought that we had left - so he decided to go home.  Well, we went home and then I guess Levi texted Tiff and said that he wanted to ask for my number and everything.  Well, I was FB friends with him so I was on Chat the following monday and he started chatting with me.  We decided we were going to hang out that night after FHE.  I was so excited to meet up with him.  Well, I went to FHE with my friend steph and I met a boy and he wanted to keep hanging out after............... ahhhh so I kinda blew Levi off and hung out with this new boy.  :(  So I was kinda lame.  About a week later I wanted to hang out with Levi again becuase that new boy was not all that great - so I texted him and we decided to hang out.  I went over to his house and we watched a movie and we cuddled.  I few nights later we hung out again and watched a movie again and he said that he thought it was going too fast and wanted to slow it down -
WHAT?!?!?! I was so confused and just blew it off and was like whatever, I dont know what he is talking about.  So I went to my wards activity that Friday and he came and he was talking to me and stuff and then invited me to go hang out with him and some friends who were going to play games - I said no thanks, and left.  I went and got a movie to watch by myself at home but I made it sound like I had plans ya know? haha So he texted me and asked if I was mad at him and stuff and I told him no and that its not a big deal.  So I just figured that it we werent going to hang out any more. 
Well, he kept texting me and we kept hanging out - but that was it "Hanging out" only! I would go to his house and he would come to my house and we would watch movies or play games - thats it! I kept wanting to go out but he would never ask me out really.  I was sad about it, but kept thinking that sometime he would actually ask me.  Well, towards the end of the month - the week before Thanksgiving I was excited to invite him to Pie Night and actually go out with him.  Well, he told me that he didnt know if it was going anywhere and that I was more into him than he was into me.
I was not super into him because he wouldnt take me out.  We cuddled and that was it.  So it I was more into him than he was into me - then he wasnt into me AT ALL because I was barely into him and I was getting tired of the hanging out thing anyway... So I blew it off and was just like whatever Ill find someone else who actually wants to go on dates.  So the next month with Thanksgiving and Christmas I didnt do too much I met a couple of guys but nothing that interesting happened and I was super busy with family and everything.
Then, in January my car battery decided not to work and I was texting everyone I could think of and call everyone to see if they had jumper cables and no one did.  I didnt try my dad because he was sleeping and then I thought - well Levi Mecham probably has some, but I didnt want to ask him of course cuz he made me mad and it would probably be awkward. 
BUT I was desperate so I texted him and he did come and jump my car.  He followed me home to make sure I got home ok and then he left.  We had a normal conversation but nothing too crazy.  I didnt think I would really see him after that though.
The next week I went into surgery to have my appendix taken out and then that weekend he shot me a text asking if I was going to some YSA activity and I told him no that I just got out of surgery and then we talked for a second and then nothing.  He texted me the next weekend asking if I was going to something else and I told him no because I was hanging out with my brothers.  I didnt think he would try anymore but then he said
Levi: well, what are we going to do tonight?"
Lana: "I dont know because Im hanging out with my brothers." 
Levi: "Well what are you doing after?"
Lana: "nothing - there is no after... lol "
Levi: "Oh"
I was telling the conversation to my brothers and sister in laws of course and Dale and Cajsa told me to invite him over to watch the movie with us and I thought well ok I know he wont want to probably so why not?
Lana: "Well, we are going to watch a movie, if youi want to come?"
Levi: "Sure!"
I was like WHAT??? ok well whatever
Lana: "Ok cool, here is the address"
I was surprised but he came over and we had a good time, he was fun and fit right in with my brothers and good conversation.  We watched a movie and ate some brownies.  After we were on our way home and my brothers and sister in laws all liked him - WHAT?? I was super confused and didnt really want to like him even though I knew something inside me did. 
The next day my best friend Whitney came into town and I was excited to hang out with her.  I got a text from Levi the next day and he invited me to go with him to a game night with him.  I blew him off and told him that my friend was in town so I couldn't - even though I just wanted to invite Whit and go see him, but I decided to make him chase me a little because of what happened before.
The next monday he texted me just to see how I was doing and the whole time I was SUPER CONFUSED! lol I didnt know what he was thinking and why he was trying so hard all the sudden.  He texted me throughout the week and then Thurs he texted me and asked if I wanted to go longboarding with him that night - I decided I was done guessing and didnt like that he could come back any time he wanted and then I would just fall into it every time.  So I texted him back and said
Lana: I think you are an awesome guy Levi and I love spending time with you but you
want to just hang out then I am not interested anymore but if you want go out
then we can talk about that.
Levi: Well, let me digest that and Ill get back to you
I was SO PROUD of myself! haha I was a a little nervous but at this point I didnt have much to lose.
He didnt text me back and then that night I text him and asked him what was going on and then he said he wanted to meet up and talk about it.  So I met up with him Friday night and we talked and talked and talked and then he brought up this whole thing and said that last time he just wasnt sure about us because I was quiet and didnt talk much and just didnt see it going anywhere but was still ineterested.  I told him the reason I didnt talk much was because we only watched movies. lol so anyway long story longer we decided we wanted to date and rest is history! We started dating the end of Jan and got engaged March 31, 2012 - the best day ever!

We were married on June 9, 2012 in the Mesa, AZ temple and it was the best decision I have ever made! I married my best friend and the moste amazing guy ever! I couldn't be happier!

My new family

Best Friend and Sister in Law

My brothers
One day when we have children...........