Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mind Games

Just need one more outlet to vent. :) thanks to everyone who has listened so far. ;)

Still waiting for baby Wyatt. And it is starting to get to my head.

The 1st of may my dr checked to see what my body was up to, I was curious. Dialiated to a 2, 50% effaced and baby was at a -1. Wow I thought that means something. maybe we won't have to wait until May 26th to meet this little guy. I was at a 2 for 2 weeks with Elle so I knew it was not happening that day but I started really listening to my body. ( that gets exhausting really quick. What does that pain mean? Was that a pain?) Not to mention everyone around me gets pumped too.

Following week we check again. Again just curious how my body works. Dialiated to a 3, 75% effaced. Wow ok here it is may 8th and my body is pretty open it might just take some contractions and we could have this baby any day.

12 days later, a handful of contractions and no baby.

The part that gets exhausting is the every  little battle about every little decision. Do I start this project  if I can't finish it before labor starts? Does Britton go to father and Sons campout if cell phone service is spotty? Should I eat this in case labor does start do I want this in my system?

one of the perks is I have been super on top of my chores all month. Load dishes after each use, start the dishwasher as soon as possible in case I don't get a chance to start it later. You know labor might  start at any moment. Laundry always get folded and put away quickly just in case...

Britton has been very patient and does not hold my crazy hormone worries against me. ;) but I am sure he is just exhausted of it all as I am. I am thinking if we do this again I am never getting checked and just planning my life around the due date. Doing everything I want to up until that point. ;) no need to get antsy.

Just wish Wyatt would tell me what day he was coming, what ever day he wants,
I would put it on the calendar, put an alarm reminder in my phone and we could all move on. I could go to Conway's last two soccer games, bookclub, my friends wedding, etc.etc and there would be no need to worry about the what ifs.

Conway and Elle are Champs and have been lots of fun lately. Seriously I really love 2 year olds. They play really well when they want to, mostly when it just the 3 of us and Mom is just not as much fun. They are both really excited for the pool to open. And check every time we drive by of the gate is unlocked.

Elle has taken to calling everyone Hunny since I call her hunny on occasion. It is pretty adorable to hear. " ok mom, hunny" " Conway  hunny". She loves to take care of her baby dolls and is always giving everyone in the house check ups. My midwife lets Elle be very hands on at my appointments. She LOVES it. She is actually pretty good at finding  the babies heart beat all by herself.

Conway has taken off with letters in preschool can almost write his name with a little bit of direction he has got it. Finishing  up his soccer season, which has been more fun and successful then last year. Just need to learn how to tie his shoes this summer and we are set.

Thanks for listening. Dr appointment  this afternoon. See how it goes.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Baby Refreshing

I am get all prepped for baby by reviewing all may favorite labor examples.

  • Watched the Office, where Jim and Pam have a baby. Cried, it was great.
  • Reread Twlight where Bella and Edward have a baby. Just as good as the last 4 times I read it. :
  • Reviewed the chapter in What to expect when expecting. Took some notes

Baby Name is decided! I am committing to Wyatt!!! Yay! we have been using it in our house the last couple weeks and the kids are hooked. It is really the perfect name and fits in great with our family.

Also got all the baby things washed and put away in his dresser. Baby nook is organized and ready to go. Carseat is out of the attic and clean. Check list is pretty much complete. Now to just keep it all looking good until Wyatt decides to come.

Wyatt's nook in mine and Britton's bedroom.  All of the red is from my nursery as a baby. My Grandma Christensen made the Lamb quilt which I LOVE! (I had searched for it when i was pregnant with Conway but did not find it until last fall in my parents attic!, so now my third baby Lambson gets to use it as his own. Destiny.) My mom crocheted the little red afghan in the cradle. And I am very excited to get some more use out of my awesome changing table and cradle Britton made me. The little lamb on top of the changing table Aunt Katelyn created for baby boy. He is so snugglie and cute!

Wyatt;s dresser holding down a spot for him in Conway's room until we are ready to set up the big crib later this summer.

I am hoping the 3rd time is the charm and I will actually know what is happening when it is happening. :) no pitocin and no scary stories of barely making it to the hospital. Those are my 2 goals. Prechecked into the hospital so when ever it happens it happens, between now and the end of the month.

Needless to say we are all just riding the baby train, waiting for the Wyatt train stop.

Elle's playtime while I mopped this weekend. She made a train to take all of her baby dolls on a trip. She even has a new baby doll named Wyatt. 

So happy I am the Mother of these two and excited to try and keep it together with a 3rd Lambson love. :)