Friday, January 28, 2011

simply ask

don't make assumption. everything you didn't know, just asking to clarify.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


example of staccato speech esp cerebellar lesion like cerebellar ataxia pt. pt tk boleh sebut dgn lancar, pt akan sebut suku kata satu persatu. by pronouncing alexandria as a-lex-xan-dria. pejam celik2. da hbs da sebulan kt neuropsychiatriy. yeay! it was not really bad. seronok jgk belajar neuro & psychiatric disease. total day TERtak datang errr. 2hari je. ngeh. patho ke physio err ntah. ble da blaja byk rase mcm diagnose diri sendiri, ade sakit mental jgk ke? cth mcm extreme sensitive is 1 type of atypical depression. atau pun ade panic disorder ke? sbb tibe2 terjaga tgh mlm dgn palpitation. tk kot. insyaAllah normal saje. jumpe pt yg mcm2 sakit neuro & sakit mental terasa mcm, alhmdulillah sihat, tkde ape2 sakit semua.

RED ALERT! dan berakhirnya round neuro maka bermula la STUDY LEAVE 2 minggu sblm OSCE, midterm & FINAL EXAM obgyn, peds & neuropsychiatry. huhhhh. cuak2. hajat tk nk keluar rumah 2 minggu ni. acehh. konon la kn. tkpe niat je. try cuba jaya utk bertapa study semua.

kt alex mcm2 hal skrg. mcm kate sahabat handai, dulu kes ribut. lps tu pengeboman kt church. kes student malaysia meninggal sbb carbon monoxide poisoning and skrg kes demonstrasi/rusuhan besar2an suruh president berundur. semangat tgk org2 mesir sgt bersemangat. tumpang berbangga walaupun tk join same. ape nk masuk penjara? rutin harian ke kelas setiap mcm biasa mcm tkde ape2 pun berlaku. tk amik tahu sgt kot. budak medic la sgt. kononnya la.

lately 2-3 hari ni rase stress semcm. tk tipu. sgt penat. mungkin sbb da rase nk exam. atau sbb kt rumah. sorry but i cant get rid of it & cant stop think about it. urgh, hipokrit! yes, you! and i'm talking to myself. ignoring & pretending like nothing happen though actually there are somthing happens. mcm kate sahabat handai, 'u always run away from the problem'. but ignorance is bliss, right? dlm lecture anger management, dr kate boleh relief by ke exercise/go to gym. then, i'm pushing myself to do exercise almost everyday. now, i'm physically & mentally exhausted. haih. ok i need distraction. try to forgive, forget & focus hani.

sorry for those hurt because of me. it just slipped and i dont know what actually in my mind. mayb memang intention nk ckp ble rase marah atau rase annoyed from ppl. tp da blk rumah muhasabah blk.. br pk, kene buat cmtu? knp ckp cmtu? what is the point of being sarcasm? just hurting ppl. pastu cm menyesal, i shouldn't do that. haih.

selamat study semua org. bye. adios amigos.

Jjwb 10 cinnamon roll.

fuhhh. lap habuk dulu. lame gle tk update. project ni pun da buat lame sgt, br nk post an.

1st attemp, boleh la.. jd, sedap! kredit to kfariez

Monday, January 10, 2011

Jjwb 8 | 9

cepat teka2!
nampak tk clue apa dia?
lagi tak jelas? cuba tgk betul2.

tada.! Jjwb 8 meatball. jd bakso la lebih kurg. oh excited 1st time buat meatball. ngeee.
250g daging cincang + 2 sudu tepung jagung + garam + pepper. gaul bersama. bentukkn bulat2. rebus.

Jjwb 9 tiramisu. sebut mcm dr stark dlm grey's anatomy S3E09.
1. 1st layer sponge cake. boleh vanilla atau chocolate. actually i'm prefer vanilla.
2. 2nd layer lady's finger or biskut butter celup dgn nescafe pekat tanpa gula.
3. 3rd layer adunan pekat 250g whipped cream pukul sampai kembang + 250g cream cheese
4. ulang layer
5. on top, taburkn serbuk chocolate.
6. simpan dlm fridge beberapa jam.
sgt mudah, kn?. ade jgk recipe yg lebih complicated gunakn sour cream, yougart, gelatin, telur, gula. kene double boiled, etc. hasil lebih kurg je org rase. org rasela..
and actually i dont hv fixed recipe. selalu buat ikut suka atau sesedap rase.cmpk saje ape yg ade. tu yg jd tu. cheh poyo.

pi em es

urghh hari ni sgt tk betol. blame the hormones. sepanjang hari rase gloomy serba tk kene. senget. dan mkn sgt banyak. berapa calories chocolate tk terkira. tk kira mkn lunch dgn dinner lagi sgt bykk.

tp mlm da dpt semangat blk. kembali lurus. lol.

gmbr blur dan identity dirahsiakn for medicolegal  issue.

most chaos and most nicest drs in ER so far. all of them are soo nice. :) we learn a lot! rase mcm nk stay the whole night, tp tak larat. within 3 hours i think there was more than 30cases and most cases are MVA RTA. did also some practical skill. *lenguh tangan*. 

ke kelas dgn semangat esok. yosh!

Friday, January 7, 2011


salam jumaat everyone. allahummasolli wasalim 'ala muhammad. 

sgt lega hari ni jumaat.cuti. bgn pagi td, leganya tk perlu ke sekolah hari ni. duduk kt rumah bermalasan sepanjang hari menikmati cuti. oh i love friday. lagi2 tgh round neuropsychiatry. setiap hari menghitung hari ble la nk hari jumaat. atau pun terlintas setiap pagi, kalau tk nk ke kelas hari ni boleh? at last! habis da seminggu. *lega lagi* belajar blk neuro, pathway, fx dlm brain & psyiatric, sakit2 mental, etc.

round br kt hosp nariman. semangat menggoogle earth. oh btw, rumah 4th year tu tag tahun lps wktu br pindah. tgk jauhnya dgn rumah. clinical round pagi kt hosp nariman, kemudian lecture ptg kt kuliah. menyusahkn kn? rutin setiap hari, rumah-nariman-kuliah-rumah. byk kali naik taxi. ade je yg jalan kaki, mereka sgt tabah. ok i'm complaining. nape tk buat kelas sepanjang hari kt nariman terus? hurm tkde effect pun complain kt sini. cuma meluahkn perasaan. another 3 more weeks to go. hati masih tertinggal kt shaby. ah sudahla hani. move on!

ke ER mlm td. sambutan christhmas mlm ni. mereka kate jgn keluar, bahaya sbb kes pengeboman church minggu lps. tp fikir, bahaya atau selamat ade kt mane2. kalau bende nk jd, tgh2 kt kelas atau dlm rumah pun mungkin ade kebarangkalian boleh berlaku. budak degil tp baik hati tkpe.. blk almost midnight sampai rumah dgn selamat, tp rase mcm missing something. mungkin sbb kecewa. semua prognosis tk begitu baik.

  • ICU pt die
  • OT most cases orthopedic & cosmetic surgery; muscle & nerve exploration operation lama sgt & yg lain tgh prep pt. stay dlm setengah jam je cm mls nk tunggu. jd tak tgk ape2 operation dlm OT td.
  • normal labour case IUFD (intra uterine fetal death). 
  • CS preterm labor twin 30w, ICSI 10y 1ry infertility. sorg normal tp lg sorg ade TEV(talipes equino varus). tk pasti la mungkin diagnose lain sbb kaki baby tu twist kt tibia. 
  • ade baby mcm hydrop featalis. tp dr kate maybe mucopolysaccharidosis. die ade certain characteristic features tk tahu nk describe. the whole body is eodema including face and eyes. tergamam.
  • jln st mark tutup sbb sambutan christhmas dgn ramai polis buat kawalan. kalau naik taxi kena jln kaki dr port said nk ke mcD. err effect jgk ke? haha. tk pun sbnrnya sbb memang jln kaki dr hosp shatby.

mcm mane doctor control emotion derg kalau sepanjang hari prognosis pt tak begitu baik? walaupun mlm ni cuma sbg pemerhati bukan lah org yg betul2 menghadapi situasi tu, yg kene deal & control the situation but yes, i'm little bit affected.

oh why did i take it soo seriously?

Monday, January 3, 2011

gallery obgyn

G3 P2. prev 2 cs. in labor, cx dilatation 6cm. emergency cs to prevent rupture of uterus.

see the weather. huhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

focus pd shoulder dystocia. definition: arrest delivery of shoulder & trunk after head already delivered outside the vulva.
Q: pelvic causes of obstructed labor? soalan TBL tk dpt jwb. T_T 

diagnostic laparoscopic of infertility. see the screen, yes the globular structure is uterus.

empty operation theater

close up in operation theater, near the window. cool view is't? 

bye bye obgyn. 
officially da hbs da sebulan course obgyn. da tkde 3rd part da. it was awesome! clinical round in 2nd part lg byk attached dgn assistant prof and resident. compare to 1st part, lg byk blajar dgn professor. same saje, boleh belajar dgn sesiapa. semangat nk belajar tu yg penting. kn? :)

21 NVD, 12 CS, 1 hysterectomy, 2ectopic, 1 D&C, 1 PV. wahh satisfied! :))

i'm gonna miss all nice professors, assistant prof, residents, anesthesiologist, neonatologist and nurses in hosp shatby. yes, for sure i will come back again 1day.

hello neuropsychiatry. iA another new interesting subject to learn. :) *try to be positive though not mentally prepared for new round tomorrow.*

Sunday, January 2, 2011

hello 2011

tahun lps punye new year. tipu la kan kalau tk rase missing something. esp tak buat ape2 yg productive lansung pun pd hari tahun br. laju saje masa berlalu. and within a year, byk yg berubah. tentula tk sama mcm dulu lg. yes, i missed all those day.

resolution(s) tahun lps pun tak tertunai. tkpela. tk nk la buat resolution br. just hoping for another year better iA.

quote dr sahabat handai: "smtimes being heartless seems to be the best option..."